Author Topic: Katjul  (Read 2421 times)

Offline katjul

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« on: May 12, 2013, 04:24:14 AM »
Hi All

A few of you have PM'ed me asking me to compare notes or share my story or give insights about the different psychics I have read with.

I have read with many psychics since this saga started almost 6 years ago. 6 years.
According to most psychics we were suppose to get back together;  4, no 3,  no 2 no 1 year -  no 3 months ago!

I still have predictions pending from psychics I read with in Feb/ March but the truth is, I'm done.
I'm moving on. It was a hard decision and it is still a struggle everyday.

I made my decision to finally move on in April but just the other day I wanted a psychic reading.
I still think about my ex, still dream about him, I usually have contact with him a few times a year even but for some reason after 6 years of on/off BS I'm finally ready to let go... something finally snapped into place.
I'm worth more. More than some lame dude that can't see or recognize what an amazing person I am or what an amazing partner I would be. This was my revelation.

I can not recommend any psychic as they're big prediction i.e. we reconciling and starting a new relationship did not manifest and probably will not. Maybe I changed the outcome by deciding to move on....I hope those of you waiting for predictions or waiting for your ex/ SM get your happy endings.

I wish you all the best.