Author Topic: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!  (Read 4243 times)

Offline Synergy

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This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« on: April 22, 2013, 04:58:23 PM »
In the past couple of years, I have shared a lot on this forum.  I haven't done so for myself.  I've done so in hopes of helping others find the right reader or help others see that this whole thing is bs.  At the same time the entire experience has been cathartic, and it has led me to meet some wonderful people.

With that said, it has come to my attention that a reader I have recommended has received messages about me.  People use my name, my handle, my information... anything they can share in order to get "unblocked" or to receive a reading.  This is insane and ridiculous.  It's sad to think I can't trust people who I honestly believed I could share stuff with because we have all been in pain, and we all can commiserate.  Note, this has happened on more than one occassion. 

I think some people in here have proven to be mentally disturbed.  I don't know who you are, I don't know why you would use my name without my permission, but it's uncalled for.  I have not shared so much of myself here simply for that information to be used in an effort to be unblocked by a reader.  It's bizarre.  This isn't my life.  This is part of my life that I can't discuss with friends or family, so I come here to discuss it with all of you, but now I feel like I can't even do that because a reader I trust has asked me not to recommend them anymore because they are being harassed.  That's truly unfortunate.  It saddens me that this place has turned into what it has.  I don't even know who to trust anymore. 

Good luck to everyone.  Thanks for ruining my "relationship" with the one reader I trust.  This is BS. 

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 05:12:39 PM »
This is completely unfortunate and I'm so sorry to hear about this Syn. I would come in to read your posts specifically because it seemed like we both connected with most of the same readers. I'm sad to hear that people would run and tell a certain reader about your posts or recommendations of them. It's really a damn shame.. I hope you don't disappear completely from the boards as you've helped me with my process a lot..

Offline Amaranth

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 05:33:52 PM »
Synergy- this is absolutely sickening to hear.  This is why I also haven't updated my own threads- happily, several of my predictions came to pass and some were on spot for timing.  I would love so much to help others by telling my personal experiences, but the vindictive general tone of this forum keeps me from doing it.  I said last year and I'll say again: we need mods.  It won't 100% end the problems, but it will curb a lot of ugly situations.

Synergy, you are a beautiful, strong, highly intelligent woman and because of that, people tend to make a target of you.  'Wounded is the deer that leaps highest'.  Some people would rather cut a fellow down because that's easier than doing the work to rise to their more enlightened level.

You have always been such an objective, strong, and rational, clear-thinking voice on this forum.  You will definitely be missed.

Offline jordie

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2013, 05:50:46 PM »
So sorry synergy, what someone did was pathetic and sick. I always enjoyed your posts as you were refreshingly honest and very generous with your experiences. Sad that this can't be done anymore.


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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2013, 06:20:55 PM »
@synergy we never got off  on the right foot but I pray that someone did not trully do that as it would suck hard. I believe in karma and so if someone did that then may they get karma.

I only read with kisha, queen,sapphire and lakhei.

If someone uses you to get unblocked then their reading will be fake and they will continue to be in a cycle. God/universe doesn't like ugly.

I wish you luck.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2013, 07:24:24 PM »

So sorry to hear this also.  This makes me feel very untrustful of this site. Please don't leave.  We all gain so much from your honestly and willingness to share your personal experiences.
I am very, very suspicious when someone on this site goes to great lengths to protect and defend a particular reader.  This is just supposed to be a forum to share our experiences and recommendations of readers.  Good and bad.  I don't take it personally when someone doesn't connect with a reader that works for me.  C'est la vie.
But to be honest, I am very frustrated when I try out a psychic someone is raving about - and my reading is average (at best).  My red flags go up everywhere around me.  Lol
I am not new to this (unfortunately) - I have become very adept at knowing when I am being lead up the garden path.
We desperately need an unbiased moderator on here. 
People will not come on here and share their experiences if they are being bullied.
Nice to see some of the old gang on here today!! 


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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2013, 09:07:54 PM »
they used your screen name or your real name in order to get a reading? So odd either way. And yes, a lot of people here are unstable.

I just find it a little odd that the reader asked you not to recommend her to anyone anymore. I mean, dosent she usually block callers outright that she dosent want to read for?

« Last Edit: April 22, 2013, 09:09:50 PM by loops77 »

Offline sarahkw

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2013, 01:18:06 AM »
Synergy, I'm so sorry to hear this! I've found your posts to be incredibly insightful and helpful.

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2013, 01:28:20 AM »
Synergy, I'm so sorry to hear this! I've found your posts to be incredibly insightful and helpful.

+1. You're one of the ones I always pay attention to. Not to sound like a

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2013, 12:16:54 AM »
Wow, Syn, this is pathetic. It's amazing that someone or ones would be so unscrupulous that they would involve you in a situation as meaningless as being blocked by a reader. I'm not quite sure what the logic was behind thinking using your situation would help bolster their relationship with this reader in particular. But, it's also unfortunate that this reader isn't privy to the fact that some folks are unstable and that them using your name (screen or whatever) is a last ditch effort on their pathetic part and no fault of your own. I'm terribly sorry this has happened to you and I wish there was some resolve or some awesome series of words I could say to let you know how much I and many others appreciate you sharing your experiences. I can only speak for myself, but I know that I would never and have never taken advantage of that.

We need a mod. Period. I've been saying this for some time. It would be nice to have some organization as well as regulation. I appreciate the recent efforts admin has made to monetize the site so that hopefully an unbiased mod can be compensated for their efforts. That being said I think many of us can see how valuable it is to take heed what has happened here and take all necessary precautions to keep your experiences private while also reviewing. I know that some time ago I went back and edited many of my earlier posts. May not be a bad idea for others who have been considerately open to do the same.

I am no longer getting readings but I do plan to stay active and answer questions when I can. At some point I will do a mass review of everyone but I am halfheartedly waiting until the end of this month to give a few readers the benefit of the doubt. Or I could just save everyone the time (and money) and summarize that everyone thus far has been wrong. I will quibble over the minor details later but suffice it to say that all big picture outcomes for a couple of different situations were wrong or even if they were remotely right they were for blatantly wrong reasons.

Good luck everyone and I wish everyone the best possible outcome.  :-*

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: This place is a mess. Don't trust anyone!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2013, 09:11:52 PM »
Synergy, I'm so sorry to hear this! May karma bite them in the ass.

