Author Topic: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)  (Read 27909 times)

Offline Ginger

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2013, 03:46:59 AM »
On the topic of signs, I've been finding myself surrounded by birds a lot at odd times and usually when I'm thinking a particular thought. I've been puzzled as to what it means as there is no doubt about it they are weirdly surrounding me all the time. Last week I said "if this is about blank situation and if blank is going to happen then make the bird come as close to me as possible." I should mention that all the other times I would either be surrounded by birds when I'm looking out my window or when it flies past me when I'm at a traffic light. So when I said it needs to come close to me I meant like close to my car or close on the window sill. Today, however, I came out if my car stood for a second and wham a magpie bird came straight towards me and maybe missed me by an inch . I'm not going to analyze if this really means blank... I just feel amazing that the universe does hear me and I'm comforted that it is trying to tell me something...rather clearly! I wish it all unfolds...

Offline hope4love

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2013, 03:49:36 AM »
Somnus, I am going to agree with you on this one.  I know my opinion will not be a popular one, but I did the whole asking for signs thing and nothing worked out lol. 

Last year I was asking for signs and was doing this with another member here on the forum, we both would ask for crazy signs, things not common...for example, I was living in the flipping desert and asked to see a seashell, very uncommon in the desert and lo and behold I found a seashell.  I asked to see a picture of Benjamin Franklin and got that including seeing a basketball with the word Franklin on it lol.  I was in Florida over the summer and asked to see a cactus, what do you know there was a cactus, I almost backed right into it and it was in someones house lol.  I got all the signs I asked for but guess what????? Nothing manifested that I was asking for confirmation.

I could not understand why I was seeing things that were not commone to my environment and nothing was happening....oh and I asked to see an Elk, well that day I saw an Elk on TV too lol.

I could be  wrong but I think asking for signs of confirmation is saying we don't trust the Universe/God or whatever a person believes in. 

I am a firm believer now that if something is released...a want, need, desire...and we move forward in faith knowing that whatever we feel we are missing, wanting, desiring will might not be in the way we want it, or what we think we want but things will come that are for our highest good.

I love what Synergy said the other day and that was why worry, what is going to happen will happen.  I feel that believing, trusting, and staying positive,regardless of the situation, will bring forth good things...even though it might not look like it at the moment.

My opinion on this? Asking for a confirmation is like saying "I know good things are coming, and I trust this...but give me some back up because I don't really believe it will happen" and that is not releasing and having faith.

Bottom line is this whatever is going to happen will, with or without confirmations that may or may not be right.  HHHHMMMM, kind of like readings.

I really hate to be a downer here, but this "looking for signs" thing sounds like it's really just playing on your psychology.  If you assign a "sign" to present itself to prove that such-and-such will happen, you're going to start subconsciously looking for that thing everywhere.  You won't even realize you're doing it.  The problem is that unless you're looking for something very specific and unusual, something that you wouldn't see every day, something that should be nearly impossible for you to encounter in your day-to-day life unless it meant something, these "signs" are just you being more aware of your surroundings.

And when I mean specific and unusual, I mean you live in Minnesota and you say you're going to see an anaconda in the middle of the street if something is going to happen.

I'm not saying you shouldn't believe in signs or what have you; the big white bird on Zenia's balcony is pretty intriguing. I'm just saying take these things with a grain of salt, especially if your sign involves currency from your own country or relatively common birds appearing.

I definitely agree that when we release our attachment to something/someone, that's when we receive what we truly desire. The philosophy is that when we're attached to something then we're essentially telling the Universe that our happiness depends on this particular thing or person when it doesn't and shouldn't.

Faith and fear cannot co-exist and once I put my energies into faith vs fear, I feel so much better and things seem to flow much better in life.
When I look back at situation in my life, there was a reason why I didn't end up with a particular person because things wouldn't have worked out and for that, I'm very grateful.  When I was pushed out of a certain work situation, it really sucked at the time but it was also one of the best things that happened to me. I ended up in a much better work environment so things really do work out for the best in the end.
If something is truly meant to be, it will come your way and usually in a manner you never expected.

I've also gotten signs in the form of a person's name and cities, etc. Did the outcome happen? Nope and I don't see that they will.  Perhaps it was an indication that I will eventually have resolution about the person/situation but in the meantime, life is in the here and now and it's too short to waste energy trying to interpret signs.  I take notice and carry on. 

« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 03:51:34 AM by hope4love »

Offline tammyp

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #62 on: October 12, 2013, 02:25:35 PM »
What is the difference in asking for a sign from universe or picking up the phone and asking your psychic?  About $2 to $8 a minute, would be my guess.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #63 on: October 12, 2013, 03:31:15 PM »
What is the difference in asking for a sign from universe or picking up the phone and asking your psychic?  About $2 to $8 a minute, would be my guess.
Good point! ;)

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2013, 06:07:31 PM »
2.5 years ago I was asking for very specific signs, and I got them. Didn't get what I was looking for though. Don't believe much in them either. Ended up with something much better once I stopped caring!

Offline Gemini38

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2018, 11:34:41 PM »
I get signs whether I ask for them or not. LOL I think because, when the signs started, I was very receptive to them. Then they started getting crazier and crazier. I mean, the kind of stuff that makes you stop in your tracks and say, "holy shit, did that just happen?!" There is never a moment of, "hmm..was that a sign?" You just KNOW. It's blatant.
hey awesome lady, its because you are spiritually on a higher plane.

All your life you have probably 'felt' things before they happen, when you are around certain people you may feel anxious, angry, afraid etc.

People that have signs like that happen to them are on a higher spiritual plane. They are not signs per se but psychically they are heightened intuitions.

If developed you could be a psychic of some sort.

Story of my life

