Alright, some of this is going to sound crazy, and believe me, I have thought I was crazy, but now I feel as though it is part of my life and I don't question it at all anymore.
Back in January, I had a, I'm going to call it a vision. I wasn't asleep, but I wasn't awake either. Anyway, it was a huge number 22 in my head. Didn't have a clue as to what it was. The next month I started talking to my current psychic. After a few calls to her, I noticed that every time I went to add time in the return call line, I would be number 8. Every single time. We talked about this and then 8's and 22's popped up everywhere. I mean in crazy places, an address that was on a tv show, I would look at the clock and it would be 8:22 or 2:28, I had 22 emails for a week straight every morning when I got up. Seriously. The one that freaked me out the most was when I was watching a tv show and a man looked at his phone and said what is going on, I have 8 missed calls and 22 emails. Say what? I did a rewind on that 3 times. So, the numbers kept coming and one day my psychic suggested I send my guy an email, she felt he was ready to respond. I waited until I felt ready to do that and I felt a push from inside me. I sent the email and the next day he responded. I had not heard from him in 9 months to the day of his response. I didn't realize it at the time I sent it but, the date was the 8. I haven't been number 8 in my psychics line since, but, the 22's sometimes run amok. So I will have to see what that is all about.
So, signs I have asked from universe. Back in April I asked to see the sign of a Ford Focus (thats the car he drives) if I should continue waiting for him to get himself together and contact me. I gave a specific time frame in which to see this. 2 weeks later I was reading an article in the paper about a woman who had run off the side of the road. She was driving a Ford Focus. 3 days after that, I was at a stop light and a car went past me to turn and it was a burgundy Ford Focus exactly like his. So, I saw the signs and they actually manifested in July when he answered my email. We have been talking since. I still see Ford Focus' in the craziest of places.
I ask for pennies heads up when I am going to receive money. I always see two of them and two days later, I will have money in my account. Now sometimes these are actual pennies, maybe sometimes they are pictures or even seeing them in dreams. I don't even ask for these anymore, they are just there, in strange places and I will get money. Crazy!
I have many signs that I have asked for that I have gotten, these a just a few. It never ceases to amaze me to what lengths universe will go to to make sure I get them. I don't ask for easy, every day signs, either. Nor do I watch for them. They come when I am focused on something else and then, hello, there they are.
Here's a story that I didn't ask for signs for, but got them anyway. After guy and I started talking again, I hadn't heard from him in a few days. I didn't question it but was kinda wondering about it. I went to a clients house one day and she said she was leaving the next day for Scotland/Ireland. Went to another client the same day and they were planning a trip to Scotland the next month. And yet another client on the same day and she has a Scottish terrier dog. Hhmmm.. Next day I downloaded an app on my phone, couldn't figure put how to work it and looked up the directions. Well, the example that was used in the directions was a trip to Scotland. I sent guy an email to say hey and he answers back sorry about contact, I have been really busy in Scotland. Oh boy!
Welcome to my signs from the universe world! I just say thank you and go about my day.