Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
Somnus, I am going to agree with you on this one. I know my opinion will not be a popular one, but I did the whole asking for signs thing and nothing worked out lol.
Last year I was asking for signs and was doing this with another member here on the forum, we both would ask for crazy signs, things not common...for example, I was living in the flipping desert and asked to see a seashell, very uncommon in the desert and lo and behold I found a seashell. I asked to see a picture of Benjamin Franklin and got that including seeing a basketball with the word Franklin on it lol. I was in Florida over the summer and asked to see a cactus, what do you know there was a cactus, I almost backed right into it and it was in someones house lol. I got all the signs I asked for but guess what????? Nothing manifested that I was asking for confirmation.
I could not understand why I was seeing things that were not commone to my environment and nothing was happening....oh and I asked to see an Elk, well that day I saw an Elk on TV too lol.
I could be wrong but I think asking for signs of confirmation is saying we don't trust the Universe/God or whatever a person believes in.
I am a firm believer now that if something is released...a want, need, desire...and we move forward in faith knowing that whatever we feel we are missing, wanting, desiring will might not be in the way we want it, or what we think we want but things will come that are for our highest good.
I love what Synergy said the other day and that was why worry, what is going to happen will happen. I feel that believing, trusting, and staying positive,regardless of the situation, will bring forth good things...even though it might not look like it at the moment.
My opinion on this? Asking for a confirmation is like saying "I know good things are coming, and I trust this...but give me some back up because I don't really believe it will happen" and that is not releasing and having faith.
Bottom line is this whatever is going to happen will, with or without confirmations that may or may not be right. HHHHMMMM, kind of like readings.
--- Quote from: Somnus on October 11, 2013, 11:55:34 AM ---I really hate to be a downer here, but this "looking for signs" thing sounds like it's really just playing on your psychology. If you assign a "sign" to present itself to prove that such-and-such will happen, you're going to start subconsciously looking for that thing everywhere. You won't even realize you're doing it. The problem is that unless you're looking for something very specific and unusual, something that you wouldn't see every day, something that should be nearly impossible for you to encounter in your day-to-day life unless it meant something, these "signs" are just you being more aware of your surroundings.
And when I mean specific and unusual, I mean you live in Minnesota and you say you're going to see an anaconda in the middle of the street if something is going to happen.
I'm not saying you shouldn't believe in signs or what have you; the big white bird on Zenia's balcony is pretty intriguing. I'm just saying take these things with a grain of salt, especially if your sign involves currency from your own country or relatively common birds appearing.
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--- Quote from: kickingthehabit on October 11, 2013, 12:14:14 PM ---
Last year I was asking for signs and was doing this with another member here on the forum, we both would ask for crazy signs, things not common...for example, I was living in the flipping desert and asked to see a seashell, very uncommon in the desert and lo and behold I found a seashell. I asked to see a picture of Benjamin Franklin and got that including seeing a basketball with the word Franklin on it lol. I was in Florida over the summer and asked to see a cactus, what do you know there was a cactus, I almost backed right into it and it was in someones house lol. I got all the signs I asked for but guess what????? Nothing manifested that I was asking for confirmation.
My opinion on this? Asking for a confirmation is like saying "I know good things are coming, and I trust this...but give me some back up because I don't really believe it will happen" and that is not releasing and having faith.
Bottom line is this whatever is going to happen will, with or without confirmations that may or may not be right. HHHHMMMM, kind of like readings.
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You said nothing manifested of what you asked for signs for?But could it be it will happen later?There is no timing in this with signs according to the author of the book.And as we now,the universe will deliver when it will deliver.
Theres nothing wrong in losing ones faith and ask for signs i think.Abraham lost his faith and asked God for signs 7 times :) ;)And he was closer to God then most of us :)(If we had more faith we wouldnt call Keen either)
I am not so sure about"whatever is going to happen,will happen"either.That takes away our co-creative powers and free will.
About signs,i do believe one can get lost in them,and seeing things that are not signs.ALL is not signs,the litterature i have read agree there is a chance to read something more into a sign,than whats meant to be.
For me personally i dont know what i believe.Only time will tell if the white bird meant my wish would come true.Other signs i have gotten have proven to be accurate,while others have not lead to anything that has yet manifested.
So for me i am working with the idea,and exploring it.
What i do think for certain,that along with the sign you see,there has to be a strong intuitive signal that sais"Yes,this is a sign".
I do hope to get more signs,and clear confirmations.I will be back to update if that happens:)
I fully agree with Somnus and KTH. I'll also say that I think signs ARE confirmations, but they don't confirm our wishes per se. They simply confirm that we can be certain that there's something beyond us, and our best possible outcome will manifest. Most of the time in hindsight we realize that the best possible outcome is in fact NOT reuniting with a certain someone. The universe knows what's best for us and that's what will happen.
Before I was calling psychics I was with the father of my children who was physically abusive. I wished and wished for us to be happy and be together forever as a family. I would see his name (not a common one) EVERYWHERE. I thought the universe was telling me he was the one. Well, I ended up having the courage to leave him, and these past 5 years without him have been the best. You can't necessarily attach meanings to the signs. Simply seek comfort in them. At least that's my take! :)
--- Quote from: Synergy on October 11, 2013, 03:16:23 PM ---I fully agree with Somnus and KTH. I'll also say that I think signs ARE confirmations, but they don't confirm our wishes per se. They simply confirm that we can be certain that there's something beyond us, and our best possible outcome will manifest. Most of the time in hindsight we realize that the best possible outcome is in fact NOT reuniting with a certain someone. The universe knows what's best for us and that's what will happen.
Before I was calling psychics I was with the father of my children who was physically abusive. I wished and wished for us to be happy and be together forever as a family. I would see his name (not a common one) EVERYWHERE. I thought the universe was telling me he was the one. Well, I ended up having the courage to leave him, and these past 5 years without him have been the best. You can't necessarily attach meanings to the signs. Simply seek comfort in them. At least that's my take! :)
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But if we are very spesific in what we ask for when we ask for a sign,that could eliminate signs that are just confirmations of our wishes maybe?We dont want something mirroring back to us from our subcouncious mind.We want the universes answer,or the higher selves,or our guides.
The same we want when we get readings,or do readings ourselves.I still think its possible,but i am not sure how to ask to be spesific enough when it comes to signs.I am still testing out this.
I have wishes about a man,but i have gotten very few signs when i ask if he is the one.What i would have believed is that i got plenty of signs,because i am highly aware and alert when "looking"for them,and a future with this man is indeed a strong wish of mine.The strongest i have in fact.So i could have "seen" what i hoped to see.But no,very little signs.Not the strong ones i have requested.
I agree with the naysayers. Assigning meaning and value to random meaningless signs sounds like magical thinking to me. Oh, I stepped in a piece of gum, we are meant to be!!!
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