Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
i told my ex in a fight 7 weeks ago that his ideal partner would be a donkey that would plod along with him. I said to him that I would find his ideal partner at the donkey sanctuary that i was due to visit the following week. so i went to the sanctuary with my friend. there were hundreds of donkeys there. the first donkey that approached us had my name labelled on it!!! i thought that was really wierd! what do ye think!?
Well, that is weird! I wouldn't have the faintest idea of what to think about that. Maybe universe was trying to tell you that yes, he is an ass or take a good look at this donkey, dont let it be you! What did you think?
Maybe you and your ex will be together!!! ;D
--- Quote from: patzi on September 12, 2013, 11:23:31 PM ---i told my ex in a fight 7 weeks ago that his ideal partner would be a donkey that would plod along with him. I said to him that I would find his ideal partner at the donkey sanctuary that i was due to visit the following week. so i went to the sanctuary with my friend. there were hundreds of donkeys there. the first donkey that approached us had my name labelled on it!!! i thought that was really wierd! what do ye think!?
--- End quote ---
That donkey story was a trip. It could also be used as a warning: that you will be the donkey plodding along if you remain in that relationship, but its interpretation is up to you.
The signs thing is interesting, but can be kinda tricky at times because over indulgence will lead you to start transposing everything as a sign and reading signs into things that you would have never thought twice about. Once upon a time I was really into reading signs when there wasn't one or even trying to decipher what I was suppose to be getting from the universe. That movie: The Number 23 is based on this.
hi girls, i would never have been into signs before but i thought that was really strange thing to happen! could have been confirmation that i would have ended up like the donkey!! my friend said to me i wonder is there a donkey with your ex's name on it, seperated at the sanctuary for a reason!! have any of ye had any strange signs like that?
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