Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
Here's the link to this woman's blog: I have read with her and she is good. She is one of the few who's prediction are still pending.
I will take the time soon and update on my experiences on reader's accuracy.
Trust me - there are some I will never spend another dime on!!
--- Quote from: wishfulthinker on April 25, 2013, 04:04:43 PM ---Here's the link to this woman's blog: I have read with her and she is good. She is one of the few who's prediction are still pending.
I will take the time soon and update on my experiences on reader's accuracy.
Trust me - there are some I will never spend another dime on!!
--- End quote ---
Thank you!Very good link!
I also use birds as signs amoung other things.The book i have is called"Sacred signs"by Adrian Calabrese.
Please tell us about your experience with readers accuracy! :)
Hi all! I have taken into consideration that he hasn't contacted me over 6 months now. I was getting other sings in the two week period before the street signs. That was the last one I got. They just stopped after that. I don't hold onto the fact that he is miraculously reappear. I don't really believe that I will ever hear from him again and I am ok with that now. I just thought it strange that after 4 months I would get these crazy signs. I have taken your advice and asked universe for a very specific sign and I will let you know if I get it! Thanks
Hi! Could you guys be so kind as to tell me how I should go about asking universe for signs? Do I just say what I want, what I wan to see and in a certain timeframe? Do I have to do it everyday or is once enough? Thanks for the help
others may have different ideas but here's my advice:
ask for a specific sign. assign like a color, item, animal, to "see" the name (yes, i've actually done this before and have found names on movie credits, name tags, advertisements, etc) or anything that feels right or seems like it could be a sign. sometimes if you just say "show me a sign" you don't know what to look for. UNLESS there is something that reminds you of the thing or person and you can DEFINITELY say it was a sign. for instance, if you ask to see a sign from a relative that has passed on then maybe you will see something or smell something that will remind you of them. i count that as a sign.
the other thing i'll say is (some may disagree with this), but i usually put a reasonable timeframe on the sign. i'll say like - over this day, please show me a butterfly if i am supposed to get this job. that way, you can't confuse the message if you see a butterfly 2 weeks later.
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