Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
as someone who has no knowledge of anything spritual i now wonder, so when you ask for these signs and they happen, does the actual thing that u asked for manifest as well, like if I am going to see this person by end of this month show me a red bird, and when you saw the bird, did you really see that person in that time frame?
I am very new to this also. If you go to the Joeana recent posts - you will see information some of us has posted about confirmations in there. My story about this is in that thread.
I wish I knew how to move it over to this one.
--- Quote from: jen80 on March 28, 2013, 09:22:01 PM ---Birds bring messages especially if you ask for one.
--- End quote ---
when noah in the bible needed to see if there was dry land he sent out a bird twice. When jesus was being baptized God sent out a bird to declare that jesus was his beloved son. There are many other examples.
I was thinking about signs this morning... So what if you ask for a sign and don't get it? It most likely means a 'no' BUT it could also mean 'not now.' An example: You ask if so and so is your soul mate, please send a pink elephant within 3 days. 3 days go by and you don't see a pink elephant and you think so and so isn't your soul mate.
But what if God/the universe doesn't want you to know? Meaning if you knew this person was your soul mate, you'd be likely to base decisions around that piece of information when maybe you really need to make those decisions on your own without that influence.
Make any sense?
Just a thought I had this morning!
I agree with sarahkw that sometimes we're not supposed to know about a particular person or situation and how that will play out.
Seriously, if we knew everything that would happen in the future, we'd go nuts.
We need to be able to make decisions that feel right for us at any given time and that will determine the outcome of any situation.
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