Author Topic: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)  (Read 27897 times)

Offline oben

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2013, 05:13:06 PM »
as someone who has no knowledge of anything spritual i now wonder, so when you ask for these signs and they happen, does the actual thing that u asked for manifest as well, like if I am going to see this person by end of this month show me a red bird, and when you saw the bird, did you really see that person in that time frame?

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2013, 05:33:01 PM »
I am very new to this also.  If you go to the Joeana recent posts  - you will see information some of us has posted about confirmations in there.  My story about this is in that thread.
I wish I knew how to move it over to this one. 


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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2013, 05:43:07 PM »
Birds bring messages especially if you ask for one.
when noah in the bible needed to see if there was dry land he sent out a bird twice. When jesus was being baptized God sent out a bird to declare that jesus was his beloved son. There are many other examples.

Offline sarahkw

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2013, 04:53:01 PM »
I was thinking about signs this morning... So what if you ask for a sign and don't get it? It most likely means a 'no' BUT it could also mean 'not now.' An example: You ask if so and so is your soul mate, please send a pink elephant within 3 days. 3 days go by and you don't see a pink elephant and you think so and so isn't your soul mate.

But what if God/the universe doesn't want you to know? Meaning if you knew this person was your soul mate, you'd be likely to base decisions around that piece of information when maybe you really need to make those decisions on your own without that influence.

Make any sense?

Just a thought I had this morning!

Offline hope4love

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2013, 05:09:38 PM »
I agree with sarahkw that sometimes we're not supposed to know about a particular person or situation and how that will play out.
Seriously, if we knew everything that would happen in the future, we'd go nuts.

We need to be able to make decisions that feel right for us at any given time and that will determine the outcome of any situation.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2013, 05:18:50 PM »
I was thinking about signs this morning... So what if you ask for a sign and don't get it? It most likely means a 'no' BUT it could also mean 'not now.' An example: You ask if so and so is your soul mate, please send a pink elephant within 3 days. 3 days go by and you don't see a pink elephant and you think so and so isn't your soul mate.

But what if God/the universe doesn't want you to know? Meaning if you knew this person was your soul mate, you'd be likely to base decisions around that piece of information when maybe you really need to make those decisions on your own without that influence.

Make any sense?

Just a thought I had this morning!
According to the book,you sometimes not recieve signs because you have not been spesific enough.You will need to split the question and narrow it a little.This could be the case in your situation about the soulmate question.It could be the questions cant be answered now also.
Another reason for not recieving signs is that you dont trust.You need to do this:
-Ask for a sign
-Let go

Trust is very important.And of cource you need to be attentive to the answer.The book i read stated very clearly that if you dont trust,you wont recieve.

I am not sure if the book went into depth with this about "not supposed to know at this time"..I wish the author had done so,and i have been looking for good books about the topic,without really finding anyone.
I guess not recieving a sign,absolutely could mean "not at this time".But again;try to reformulate the request.AND;very important;you need to give the universe time to work on your question.3 days may be too little.


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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2013, 06:25:55 PM »
Zenia is right. You have to be specific. I've asked for specific signs and I either received them or didn't. I would ask for a sign and give it a time limit. I would forget about it, until the sign appeared. And then I had my answer. If you just ask for a sign, you might receive it and not even be aware of it because you don't know what to look for. So, be specific. And trust. If you ask for a sign, receive it, but keep asking for another and another, you are not trusting. So, don't OD on asking for signs. If you receive the sign, there is your confirmation. Now, keep living your life.

Offline sarahkw

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2013, 01:49:31 AM »
'Don't OD' - YES! Important advice. Thanks for sharing that!

Offline tammyp

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2013, 04:37:06 AM »
I have a crazy "sign" story.  My guy in question lives in Ireland. I live in the states. I met him while I was there on vacation.  One day he called and I asked where he was, he said I'm in Connamara.  I said oh, I didn't get to go there while I was there. He said well, I will have to take you one day.  Every Irishman has a local bar, his is called Castle Bar.  About 3 months ago my daughter moved (I had not heard from him for about 4 months at this point). She had called and asked if I wanted to go out for a bit.  I said sure. I was determined to go and have a great time and not think about him.  Well, I asked her for her address and she said 1111 Connamara.  I thought oh great, you have to be kidding!  As I was driving down Connamara, the first cross street was named Castle Bar! I kid you not.  So.... What is your take on that? Wheat was universe trying to tell me about a guy I hadn't heard from and still haven't heard from, with these signs?

Offline Zenia

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2013, 12:18:24 PM »
I have a crazy "sign" story.  My guy in question lives in Ireland. I live in the states. I met him while I was there on vacation.  One day he called and I asked where he was, he said I'm in Connamara.  I said oh, I didn't get to go there while I was there. He said well, I will have to take you one day.  Every Irishman has a local bar, his is called Castle Bar.  About 3 months ago my daughter moved (I had not heard from him for about 4 months at this point). She had called and asked if I wanted to go out for a bit.  I said sure. I was determined to go and have a great time and not think about him.  Well, I asked her for her address and she said 1111 Connamara.  I thought oh great, you have to be kidding!  As I was driving down Connamara, the first cross street was named Castle Bar! I kid you not.  So.... What is your take on that? Wheat was universe trying to tell me about a guy I hadn't heard from and still haven't heard from, with these signs?
This is a very strong example of synchronity,and i would absolut say this is a sign to you.Maybe you should contact him?Or he wants to talk to you again.Very strong symbol indeed.Thank the universe,this is one of those great symbols :)

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2013, 12:59:03 PM »
That is an amazing story!  Yes, I believe the universe is talking to you.  Ha ha
I totally agree with Zenia - very strong symbol.

Offline wishfulthinker

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2013, 01:25:32 PM »
I also have been receiving some strong signs lately.  As I had posted before, I am very new to the aspect of asking our angels/guides (universe) for a sign that I am on the right path.
My friend has been coming in close and then backing away.  A maddening pattern for sure. 
Last week after many days of no contact - I came across a blog that was discussing signs and how this particular person used animals to receive her messages. 
I asked the universe for a sign if I was on the right path.  That day I was out running errands and there was a goose along the road flapping his wings rapidly as he sat in a water hole.  I don't know if he was hurt or what.
Later, on my way home going along the back roads, I had a goose walking across the road.  I had to stop for him as he slowly took is time to cross the street.
A half mile down the road a little bird was sitting in the road.  Well, you know how they will take off flying as they see a car approaching.  He didn't fly away and I was sure I hit him!
I turned my car around and went back - and he was gone.  Thank God.
My thoughts were - OMG - what happens if you run over your sign?  Lol
Two days ago - I know - the universe is going to get so sick of me asking for signs.  But some on here (Zenia) and others have stated that you need to be very specific in your question and ask for a time span to see your sign.
Okay, so I wrote down my request and stated a somewhat unusual sign.  I didn't want any question about my receiving this.
I asked for a blue bird (live one) to show me.  Now my time frame came and went, but 24 hours later - guess what?
I was driving home yesterday afternoon.  My friend had initiated contact again, and we had been texting back and forth for awhile.
I am once again on a back road by my house, and a beautiful blue bird swooped down in front of my car and flew off into the woods.
He was bright blue and lovely.
That was the 1st blue bird I have seen this season. Spring is taking it's time getting here this year.
Sorry - I didn't mean to ramble on so much, but this is significant to me.
Thanks everyone!!  I appreciate any thoughts or feedback.
Would love for others to continue sharing their experiences with this.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2013, 02:19:38 PM »
I also have been receiving some strong signs lately.  As I had posted before, I am very new to the aspect of asking our angels/guides (universe) for a sign that I am on the right path.
My friend has been coming in close and then backing away.  A maddening pattern for sure. 
Last week after many days of no contact - I came across a blog that was discussing signs and how this particular person used animals to receive her messages. 
I asked the universe for a sign if I was on the right path.  That day I was out running errands and there was a goose along the road flapping his wings rapidly as he sat in a water hole.  I don't know if he was hurt or what.
Later, on my way home going along the back roads, I had a goose walking across the road.  I had to stop for him as he slowly took is time to cross the street.
A half mile down the road a little bird was sitting in the road.  Well, you know how they will take off flying as they see a car approaching.  He didn't fly away and I was sure I hit him!
I turned my car around and went back - and he was gone.  Thank God.
My thoughts were - OMG - what happens if you run over your sign?  Lol
Two days ago - I know - the universe is going to get so sick of me asking for signs.  But some on here (Zenia) and others have stated that you need to be very specific in your question and ask for a time span to see your sign.
Okay, so I wrote down my request and stated a somewhat unusual sign.  I didn't want any question about my receiving this.
I asked for a blue bird (live one) to show me.  Now my time frame came and went, but 24 hours later - guess what?
I was driving home yesterday afternoon.  My friend had initiated contact again, and we had been texting back and forth for awhile.
I am once again on a back road by my house, and a beautiful blue bird swooped down in front of my car and flew off into the woods.
He was bright blue and lovely.
That was the 1st blue bird I have seen this season. Spring is taking it's time getting here this year.
Sorry - I didn't mean to ramble on so much, but this is significant to me.
Thanks everyone!!  I appreciate any thoughts or feedback.
Would love for others to continue sharing their experiences with this.
Very intresting!Thanks for sharing!
Did you remember more from that blog?About how to use animals as a sign?
For me dogs is a symbol of friendship,as it also is in some types of cards.Like Russian fortune telling cards for instance.

I was driving alone in a very a sparsely settled area,where there just is wood as long as the eye can see.I love driving there,walk a little and to be alone.I rarely meet people.On the way home driving,in the middle of nowhere suddenly a little puppy appeared before me.It was just there,and wouldnt move from the middle of the road.I had to stop to not run over it.(What happens if you run over your sign?? :D)
Unfortunately i am very afraid of dogs,even puppies,this was a boxer-type.Not huge,but i figured it could bite me.

I tried to open the car door to hush it away,but then it nearly jumped up on my lap,and i slammed the door behind it.I tried to reverse the car,but then i saw in the mirror that it was nearly under one of my back wheels..My God..I tried to go forward again,but there  it was in the front again and wouldnt move.It was used to people and had lost its owner appearantly.I finally got lose from it,and drove ahead.

Later i regret not looking at its necklace,it might have been the owners name on it,so i could call him/her.All in all i felt so sorry for the poor thing,and it still hurts my heart.I hope someone else picked it up.
What the sign meant i am not sure of,maybe it will be revealed later.This happened 2 weeks ago.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2013, 02:23:51 PM »
Hi Tammy!

As much as others may say that you should take the story as a sign, I believe you should also take as a sign that he hasn't contacted you in 4 months.  ;)

I'm unsure how the situation played out in regards to the ending of it all and if you've been getting readings which would make you, understandably so, hold on to the situation, I do think maybe to take his non-reaching out to you as the biggest sign. Process it as reality and try to move on.

I don't mean to offend, I'm just speaking from experience here.
To be rational dosent hurt,i agree.A lot of us need to see reality instead of leaning on predictions.However,for me personally,my signs have proven to be accurate,where readers have failed.Time and time again.I ask for a sign for a final word if i am unsure of readings.

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Re: Signs (Asking for Confirmations)
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2013, 02:31:25 PM »
Hi Tammy!

As much as others may say that you should take the story as a sign, I believe you should also take as a sign that he hasn't contacted you in 4 months.  ;)

I'm unsure how the situation played out in regards to the ending of it all and if you've been getting readings which would make you, understandably so, hold on to the situation, I do think maybe to take his non-reaching out to you as the biggest sign. Process it as reality and try to move on.

I don't mean to offend, I'm just speaking from experience here.

It's definitely a sign - But how we interpret those signs, well, that's another question. Obviously, we tend to interpret the way we want things to unfold for us (contacts, etc.). On the same track as betty, I'd say the true 'sign' is that he hasn't contacted you for 4 months. So, along those signs that were clearly connected to him, what else might help you to interpret them? Other elements/signs that perhaps indicate you should move forward from that situation? Or what might signal that you should contact him? Or simply, they're signs that this person is still in your mind, a simple statement about the present without any further implication for the future.
She can ask for additional signs to clear it out.And you have to be spesific.It can of cource be a reflections of whats still on your  mind,but as you get used to interpreting signs,you work with the universe,and you will feel/see the difference.
Many famous authors have written books about it,and i read everything i come over,and have done so for years.