Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development

Signs (Asking for Confirmations)

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The only times I've asked for a specific symbol were just for fun, to see if I could manifest things, not to receive a sign. I manifested his name in a really funny (to me/us) way, and I also sorta kinda manifested a Snickers. I'll tell the Snickers story just bc it was so funny. It really reminded me that you have to be specific!!

A young couple at my aunt's church was getting married, and they couldn't afford a photographer. I'm not photographer, but I do own a decent digital camera, and my aunt asked me to just take some photos. No problem! I love helping people! My aunt was also the main person involved in decorating the church and pretty much running the show, so mom and I were there allllllllll day. I asked the universe (did not believe in God at the time, per se) for a Snickers. I specified that I did not want to purchase this Snickers. I would just find it or someone would offer it to me.

Well, as I started taking pictures of the decorations well before the wedding was to start, my camera battery was dying. You've got to be kidding me! So I drove all the way home not having any clue where the charger was because I had moved twice, hadn't even unpacked everything, etc. So I just start digging through every place I thought it might be. Then I remembered the last place I knew I had it was in the smaller pocket part of my backpack. I open that up, and boom. There's an empty Snickers wrapper.

I just sat there and laughed at how elaborate the story was to get me to find this stupid wrapper, and how the universe was like, "You said Snickers! You didn't specify you wanted the actual candy bar!" LOL

I'm so glad someone started this thread! I haven't had much free time since I'm finishing up my job and moving states to start my new one.

I have countless examples of asking for and receiving signs. Some of my more recent ones:

When trying to decide if moving states was the right thing, I asked for a very specific sign - the symbol of the college that is the cornerstone of the town I'm moving to. I live in an area that's very heavy populated by a group of BIG colleges, especially the one I went to, and seeing this college represented is virtually nonexistent. In a a bookstore while browsing shelves, I hear a woman say very loudly 'Oh my God! Is that a 'COLLEGE' shirt?' I turn around and there's a little boy, wearing a t-shirt with that symbol on it. Late that same day, I nearly rear-ended someone who stopped short - and they had a bumper sticker representing that college. Two signs within hours.

Another example: I asked to see someone's name in a specific place if I were on the right path regarding them. Not a half hour later, I saw it.

Still another example: I asked for a sign, just a general sign, nothing specific, regarding someone. A couple days later, I was checking LinkedIn and someone with their exact same name had viewed my profile. It wasn't them and this person DOES have common first and last names, but I knew it was for me.

Awesomeness - That is a very funny story!
Love your handle, by the way.  That is a very positive way to see yourself. 
Yes, I am new to this asking for signs, and I am learning quick to be specific.
I asked for another one yesterday on the way to class.  My friend was going to be there, and our texting the day before was annoying me (to say the least).  He seemed very withdrawn and aloof - at least that what was coming through on text.  We have become much closer through texting, but
Sometimes I HATE texting.  You can't see their face and hear their voice.  Words can take on meanings that wasn't implied at all!!
I asked to please let him make some contact with me in a significant (but private way).  I knew we wouldn't be alone for a second.
Of course, he is sweet, but as he was leaving and telling everyone goodbye, he kept locking his eyes with mine and smiling so sweet.  Not once, but at least three times.
Small thing - but imporant to me to have that connection with him.
I really needed that confirmation last night.

Sarahkw - I meant to put this on my other post.  Sorry.
That was definitely not coincidence.  I believe the universe was telling you something.  Lol
If the universe could - I think it would fly one of those planes with the huge sign being pulled behind.  I know that is probably what is wants to do with  me.  Ha ha
Here's your sign.....

Awesome lady so funny!. Gosh I would like a snickers bar now.

@zenia you are correct you have to know what each signs means to you or what you want those signs to mean to you or else you'll have birds dropping dead all around you because you keep asking for signs but don't know what those signs mean to you. I mean you don't want the health dept coming over to your house asking why you have birds all over your house like in that hitchcock movie 'the birds' ( that was a little joke).

When you get into a higher spiritual plane it will hit you like a ton of bricks. For me I feel it like a tap on the shoulder. A real tap.

I cant 'feel' for myself unfortunately but I feel others if necessary and if that's what am supposed to do at that time. I can pass a million people in a day but stop at one person for a reason and when that reason is over I move on.

Damn you awesome lady now am going out to get some snickers :)


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