Author Topic: WHAT IS THE TIME LIMIT?  (Read 8865 times)


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« on: March 23, 2013, 03:01:30 AM »
I have always wondered why people say that a reader was correct when something predicted happens months or years down the road. Something is very wrong with that to me unless someone can help me understand it.

if its something like health that may be understandable as it will be hard to guess an outcome. Maybe that's why they are not allowed to do health questions.

If a reader tells you that she sees you buying a car and you buy a car 10 yrs later why would you say the reader was right?.

Is there a reader fact book that tells us how many weeks, months or years?, who makes up these rules?.

On the other hand if a reader tells you that someone will NOT contact you for many months and the person contacts you the next day, why do we say that the reader was right that the prediction came EARLY.

I have had readers ask me when the last time my ex contacted me. THIS is a trick they use to guage/guess when the person has the likelihood of contacting you again. A reader shouldn't ask that they should know.

Something is so wrong. Am so sick of these readers.


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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2013, 03:21:57 AM »
Obviously, if the prediction is very specific and it happens no where in the time frame suggested, I would have to say they were right, just wrong with timing. Honestly, no one is ever right with timing, so I dont know why people keep asking.  But if a psychic says in the month of March that you will be hired onto a job as an assistant to a semi-famous person and the job drops in your lap...and it happens 2 years down the line exactly.....I definitely wouldnt say they were wrong about it.

Offline BellaLife

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« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2013, 12:26:49 PM »
I soooo agree with this! Psychics have predicted things, but where off in timing.  When they mention a month that something will happen, I should start asking...okay I have the month, but in what!


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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2013, 01:05:32 PM »
Obviously, if the prediction is very specific and it happens no where in the time frame suggested, I would have to say they were right, just wrong with timing. Honestly, no one is ever right with timing, so I dont know why people keep asking.  But if a psychic says in the month of March that you will be hired onto a job as an assistant to a semi-famous person and the job drops in your lap...and it happens 2 years down the line exactly.....I definitely wouldnt say they were wrong about it.
so it has to be something impossible in the person's world.

If the person is a holloywood agent and has always worked with famous people that is not a prediction that came true.

If you are told that you will get a job and you get A JOB two years down the road that is NOT a prediction as bank statement will force you to get a job any job.

If you are told that you will marry and you do so in ten years is that a prediction or a guesswork?.most people marry in their lifetime.

If you are told that someone will contact you and the person does so in 6 years and say hello then that is a prediction?

If you are told that you will buy a car and you do so in 10 yrs THAT is NOT a prediction as the probability of 90 percent of people buying a car even if its a used beat up car.

I think when people get readings they should look at these so called predictions.They are  predictions from pure old fashioned circus crystal ball guesswork.

When was the last time your ex called you? This is a typical method to use to guage when he or she may call again.

When you are talking to a reader and they are asking oh sooo innocent probing questions this is another may ask a reader questions but a reader shouldn't ask you questions.

This is a billion dollar business.they have so many innocent methods to take your money.

There are a few readers out there that have gifts but they are a few and far between.we are all still looking for them.

Will power is another BULLS*** they use. It gives them time to guess. Of course you used more money to call back to ask what happened thereby enriching them more.

After reading starlite's post I am very upset. It seems someone never gets what they were promised by these readers. These readers are taking advantage of our addictions KNOWING that we will accept their excuses and even assign more excuses for their failures.

I don't think a majority of us here call them to know where we live, the color of our dress, what happened to us 5 yrs ago, etc. We are not calling for our past and present WE ALREADY KNOW THOSE THINGS.those are circus tricks used to wow you into believing whatever they tell you and most of the things they tell you are guesswork anyway except for a very few.

Also people worry that there may be readers hiding out and taking notes but I don't worry about that.why should I?. If you are a reader go ahead and email me through keen and I will tell you all you want to know from my past and present but I will need you to tell me about my future.

Please if you are reading this if you go to a reader and they tell you something you have told or another reader has guessed and you confirmed,anything you have told friends or said in chat rooms or emails etc don't take it like the reader is so good. You paid for their services for future predictions.ignore any wowing rubbish.

When there is something going on they can't get it, they can't get third parties, they say he loves but is scared but he has started a comitted relationship with someone else and happily with no fear. He will come back and two of you will live happily ever after. Read the whole forum and you will find that 99.9 percent of people here have not had that and are themselves moving on.There are also questionable posts of people claiming that a particular reader is sooo great and the reader predicted happily ever after for them and their guy and it happened. Lol please most of us here are not babies in this game. We can smell bs from a million miles away.

Remember not all readers connect with everyone BUT when out of 10 people only one has had a REAL outcome of the problem they asked about then I tend to follow the masses,not that they person did not get their outcome but because with only one person getting an outcome of WHAT their original problem was there is a higher of me losing my money with such a low success rate reader.

That's why I like forums like this all over the internet and encourage everyone to post so that we can all put our notes together and help ourselves.

Days are gone when I would spend thousands to later find out that I have been led by the nose.


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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2013, 03:24:50 AM »
You have to use context here. I'm not saying that the prediction has to be impossible for the psychic to get credit..I'm just saying it has to be very specific. If the psychic didnt know anything about my career path and he/she picked that up on their own...I would say they were tuning in to  the truth of my life and got the prediction right.

If some psychic says "you will get a car"...thats not a specific prediction. If they say "I see you getting a late model SUV..tan colored"...and it does eventually happen that you get that car, I think they are right.

If they say "You will marry a marine that is independently wealthy"..and it happens years down the road, they were right.

If a psychic tells me "I'm sorry, you won't get back together with your ex. Here's why: he will have a kid with someone else and you will resent him"....and it happens about a year later...they were right.

If I ask a psychic if I get the job next week, and I don't..they were wrong.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 03:27:48 AM by loops77 »

Offline BellaLife

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« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2013, 01:10:09 PM » more I wanted to share.........a bunch of us went to a psychic years ago...there were about 5 of us.
Anyhow we were all in the same room, so our readings were heard by all....cant remember why....maybe then we just did not care.

Well the psychic who read for us (passed on since) gave us future predictions, but she did not give dates.....that might not be a bad I have to say about 80% of them happened....but many of them happened 5 to 10 years and later.

And a few of them stood out because they are so rare...dead on!


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« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2013, 02:01:05 PM » more I wanted to share.........a bunch of us went to a psychic years ago...there were about 5 of us.
Anyhow we were all in the same room, so our readings were heard by all....cant remember why....maybe then we just did not care.

Well the psychic who read for us (passed on since) gave us future predictions, but she did not give dates.....that might not be a bad I have to say about 80% of them happened....but many of them happened 5 to 10 years and later.

And a few of them stood out because they are so rare...dead on!
so does it mean that reader's are almost never wrong?.

If a reader tells you that you and your ex will come back together and even marry we shouldn't say that they are wrong if the said ex marries someone else because who knows that said ex may divorce or be widowed and come back to marry you in 10 yrs.

Then there shouldn't be a feedback system because the system is only good for three months.

Even when you ask for a particular job and don't get it they may still be right because the person that got it now may quit, move or drop dead and the you get the job though you got it 10 yrs later.

When they say that you'll get contact in april this year and you don't, they may still be right. They may have been off on timing. That contact may be for april 2030 or even 50 yrs from now.

If this is true then we have just opened up ourselves to years of being conned and these crooks taking our money.

I for one will not be part of it. Thank goodness I read once a month now and drop these readers like hot coal. Soon when the remaining ones fail with their current predictions then am done.

Fool me once/ fool me twice saying is what I live by now.

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« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2013, 02:19:46 PM »

Then there shouldn't be a feedback system because the system is only good for three months.

I often wondered why so many of these trusted psychics read many people a day and yet they have only  a few testimonials that show success.  I do believe that 90 days to leave a testimonial does limit the number of people that could report success or failure that became evident much later. So when reading the testimonials for psychics I guess we need to consider that.

Offline BellaLife

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« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2013, 02:26:35 PM »
I thought that too. Would love to see feedback for psychics on predictions that did happen! The big ones!!!!

Offline BellaLife

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« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2013, 02:31:54 PM »
Hi Jen....sorry I did not state..... the predictions that happened had nothing to do with reuniting or relationships....they were odd things. Like my ex brotherlaw would fall through the ceiling into a specific room in the friend would soon open up a travel agency.....happened.....and other odd things.

The part where I spoke about relationship not working...meaning is there are serious problems in the relationship....and we are calling psychics...the relationship probably will not last.


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« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2013, 02:53:29 PM »

Then there shouldn't be a feedback system because the system is only good for three months.

I often wondered why so many of these trusted psychics read many people a day and yet they have only  a few testimonials that show success.  I do believe that 90 days to leave a testimonial does limit the number of people that could report success or failure that became evident much later. So when reading the testimonials for psychics I guess we need to consider that.
99 percent of calls to these readers are about relationships so the feedback system of three months or less is needed.

If there is no time limit for relationships or jobs then people's lives will be destroyed.

You will find people waiting for years with the hope that a promised ex will return and they will turn into the character miss havisham in the book 'great expectations' by charles dickens.

I advise people to read the eye opening post about ladders here on the forum and also to read about ms havisham.

Btw what happens if you have two or three readers giving you two or three different outcomes?, whose prediction do you wait for.

The feedback system should be less or readers should just say what will happen in that three months.

These readers are feeding us a bucket full of crap.