Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Natalie


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Thank you Green, I'm glad that you and I see that the above poster is giving us all a bogus story. I feel that she might be bitter because her prediction didn't come out in the time frame given . You can feel her anger in her statement. Plus the same statement was made on the complaints board. People got to realize that psychics are not 100% and can be off, but not to hold it against them. Sometimes they can have an off day, and they are on the phone sometimes for hours talking to people and that can be draining. Without rest can cause a bad connection. They are human like the rest of us. I find the best time to call is when they first log on, and get a very good reading when they're fresh and rested.

hi Military Man - nice to have a guy in here.  :)

Thank you positive, it's nice to meet you. :)

I got the straight scoop from the admin people that she was fired for being a fake and soliciting people off line. The Military Man asked why we would call again. We did not, we just wanted to make sure she was a true fake and she was. It was NOT time frames--she was playing with her cat, TV and just making up stories along the way. I am glad they fired her, and i guess a few others who were frauds too. I just stick with Jacqueline, Vhe and Kinsey..all are great and all agree together. Natalie was a young con....sad to say. Hope they clean house as they promised.

wow, if that is true, how was she hired to be a psychic on california psychic.  Didn't they say they screen everyone?  Also, the customer service told me they enjoy speaking with her.  I wonder if there are anyone else that are fakes.  As anyone try nina, london or michelle lately?  Can you tell me there personal experience


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