Natalie was the first person that I read with on was actually the 1st time that I ever had a reading over the phone and I didn't know what to do or what to expect.
I was reading with Liveperson and I just didn't like them...I think a majority of them are not real at friend recommended me to CP and she had been using them for years...I was so discouraged at that time and didn't want any more readings...because I didn't know who was real and who wasn't...she insisted and she insisted that I read with Natalie.
She was not chatty (as we all know) and I felt that she was cold and if she didn't want to do the reading...but I just ignored it and I asked her what was due to come my way in regards to my love life...something new? old? nothing at all at this time or ever? lol And she took a moment and said "Hhmm...I see your Ex coming back" I even asked...are you sure? are you sure that you don't see anything new or nothing at all? and she insisted on the Ex...and described him...and was him! She gave me a time frame and I freaked out...because it was so close and I was just shocked. On the last day of her time frame...I crossed paths with him on the bike path and he looked at me like he was so happy to see me...he slowed down on the bike...all ready to say Hi...and I just kept pedaling

I was just so shocked and so thrown off...if you only knew how he ended things and the things he said...there was no way that I was expecting that reaction.
So of course from that point i just delayed things...this was at the very end of June. She explained things each time I called...about why we broke up and described him more...and she explained why I wasn't hearing from him....and it all made sense.
In October (on the 1yr anniversary of our breakup) ...I spoke to her after a reading with Winter "I'm not saying that Winter is wrong...but I feel that I get upset every time I talk to her and she does not let me end the call" and Natalie said that I would hear from him today possibly tomorrow...well...again I crossed paths with him on the bike path and we both stared at each other and rode by each other and looked back at each of course I cried and called her the next day...and she said it made him think more...he was so happy to see me and that he purposely goes out there in hoping to see me...she kept giving me time frames...and they were not coming to pass...and then I finally heard from him via email

We communicated via email from mid November until late January...and she was really good throughout that in working with me and helping me be positive...she was good with time frames of when I was going to see him...but no one expected him to disappear. She said that his energy was low and he seemed stressed and over whelmed a lot had to do with everyday stuff and possibly work (which was true...we were getting storms every week and he was getting burnt out from working so much)
I think she uses the same verbage..."prorastination...long term/exclusive...destiny" I just think it is her style... but I know that she only does if she sees it...she has told my friends that she doesn't know...or the timing is not right and he is not ready...and she has told one friend that even though she feels such a connection with that person..that is not who she sees in her life.
She warmed up to me after a couple of calls....but I also needed to get use to her style.
Natalie is always my "go to girl". If I am having a moment of weakness...I check in with her. Her time frames are off...but she sees that big picture just like my other the outcome is suppose to be the same...its just a matter of "when?" .
Natalie is good for me...but she may not be for everyone...but I would recommend giving her a chance and to try her a few times before saying that she is not for you. She is fast and right to the point