Author Topic: Natalie  (Read 83246 times)

Offline ilovelola32

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« on: January 25, 2011, 06:51:06 PM »
I love Love Love Love Natalie...she is the reason why I believe in psychics...she is such a sweet girl and she has been so accurate for me..minus my ex's free will...she has nailed EVERYTHING and I love her os much...the boy I like is suppose to call me today...wil update

Offline kiki155

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 08:03:35 PM »
ilovelola, I'm so glad Natalie works for you. Her timelines never come to fruition for me. Well, okay, the last one did, but I think I kind of forced that one to happen since I emailed him first. So maybe that does count? I do have to say, though, I think she really is a gifted Empath. I asked her about soulmate dude, and I asked her about another guy, and I asked how I feel about each one and how they feel about me. I've only talked to her a couple times, but she does seem incredibly sweet. When she was explaining how I feel about SM and how he feels about me, she tried to explain it and then goes, "I can feel it like I'm in the relationship with you guys." Then she paused and laughed and goes, "That sounded kind of creepy." It was funny. I do think she is good with the final outcome. I also asked her once about where my guy was (he was traveling), and she was honest and said she wasn't good with locations.

Offline aef2929 P

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 09:51:01 PM »
Hi there!
I have read with Natalie several times and although I do feel her outcomes are real, I feel she sees the big picture, none of her timelines have been accurate for me.  And I have more than the soulmate thing going on.  Now I will say some of it has to do with I think I could have had a new job in June, July, August, Sept, Oct, Nov, or Dec or NOW if I would really seriously start looking...which I will now I am just now putting things in order for that but if I did it when I said all those times I called I feel that would have happened by now.  And I feel it's the same job just sitting there waiting for me.  And I do feel it's the same thing on the soulmate thing I feel some of it is I want it to happen but in some ways I"m not ready...and in some ways he's not done doing what he's doing and then he does something which screws up the it's all in divine timing I guess not our time but I do wish someone would get the dang timelines right!!! :)

Offline kiki155

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 01:24:23 AM »
I think the timeline thing is interesting. I asked her why my SM is taking so dang long, especially since she says he feels the same way about me. She said it has nothing to do with me, and he's just waiting for the right time. Ugh. I'm sick of waiting. I am READY. However, I just recently got to the point where I can safely say that.  :P

Offline jb27

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2011, 03:57:04 AM »
I've read with Natalie a couple times. She's for sure the fastest on the site. So fast she almost seems cold. Her timelines for me as well have been of but she understood me and my situation well. She's good for any quick questions you have. I agree with the last thing Kiki said about timing. I don't think it's all about when there ready, we also have to be ready. Not just think your ready but feel ready! I know as much as I wanted it to happen 6 months ago I probably wouldn't have handled my emotions well and scared her away, so we def have to be ready to!

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 04:22:44 AM »

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2011, 07:47:44 PM »
HEy Everyone: I talked to Natalie on Monday-she said he would call that night -he didn't...I talked to her Tuesday she said he would call..he didn't...she said it was weird like he wanted to and was blocked not because of his brain but something else...I just got an e-mail from him. He is a bartender  at a bar that was highly popular and has since died down, his phone was shut off and he was embarassed by how poor he is right now.  He is currently trying to get a state job..I know it sounds ridic not having money...but I kind of believe him. I am going to see him tonite.

Offline kiki155

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2011, 08:45:11 PM »
HEy Everyone: I talked to Natalie on Monday-she said he would call that night -he didn't...I talked to her Tuesday she said he would call..he didn't...she said it was weird like he wanted to and was blocked not because of his brain but something else...I just got an e-mail from him. He is a bartender  at a bar that was highly popular and has since died down, his phone was shut off and he was embarassed by how poor he is right now.  He is currently trying to get a state job..I know it sounds ridic not having money...but I kind of believe him. I am going to see him tonite.
I think you can believe him. Is his phone back on? It's interesting how she said he was blocked but not because of his brain.

Offline moneta

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2011, 05:51:02 AM »
hey everyone,

Sorry, I've been super busy at work and my net wasn't working at home for a few days! Wow I like the separate areas for each psychic! natalie,she sees the final outcome.........but her time lines are horrible. I always get the "expect him to call in 1-2 days", that never happens. Then she always says the free will and procrastination bit---which I do understand. Yeah, she is quick and to the point, she doesn't waste your time that is for sure.

Offline kiki155

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2011, 04:45:07 PM »
I think Natalie is the real deal. I was thinking how funny it is that most of her testimonials talk about how accurate she is on timelines, and with the exception of ilovelola32, we're all saying she's not good at that. The last time I talked to her, instead of focusing on timelines, I asked her about her abilities as an Empath. I was actually quite blown away by how she described how I felt about two guys. One was SM. The other was another guy, who I know is not SM material, and she said, "To be completely honest," (and I could kind of tell she didn't want to deliver bad news but had to) "you care for each other to a certain extent, but it's in no way close to SM. If you continued with this, nothing good will come of it." She may even have said something about "it will be ruined" or "it will be wrecked" or something like that. I can tell you, she was right on. So, like Moneta keeps saying, she's good at the overall end outcome but not at timelines. I think it's cool, though, that her timelines actually are right for some people. A little jealous actually!

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2011, 05:57:27 PM »
I am glad she felt out your relationship, kiki!
yeha Natalie has told me when relationships are the last one..she could barely get a reading on it it was so faint...she has said this new guy I am dating may even change the status of my ex as being exclusive, long term....she says I really seem to like him a lot even though its only been a few weeks...but I feel something good with it to, I was even embarassed to ask her about it since it is so new and how she knocked down the last guy..

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2011, 07:41:53 PM »
I only read with Natalie once 7 weeks ago.  She was very nice and fairly quick.  I'm a little confused because some of you are discussing her empathic abilities, but I didn't get the impression she was an empath.  She answered my questions, but she didn't give me any info that lead me to believe that she had an understanding of the situation.  I just thought she was asking her guides for the info?  At that time she told me my husband would return in 1-2 weeks, so her timing was way off for me.

Offline kiki155

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2011, 08:28:57 PM »
I only read with Natalie once 7 weeks ago.  She was very nice and fairly quick.  I'm a little confused because some of you are discussing her empathic abilities, but I didn't get the impression she was an empath.  She answered my questions, but she didn't give me any info that lead me to believe that she had an understanding of the situation.  I just thought she was asking her guides for the info?  At that time she told me my husband would return in 1-2 weeks, so her timing was way off for me.
I didn't know about Natalie's Empath abilities for a while. I thought she was just kind of the type where you asked questions and her guides answered. But, once I talked to her a little more, and she got friendlier, and I asked her more about how her gifts work. She said she can feel how you feel about the person, and she can feel how they feel about you.

Ilovelola, I like how she's honest about the relationships not working out. Did you see your new guy last night? I'm so happy for you that you have found someone who's renewing your faith in love and excitement!


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Re: Natalie
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2011, 09:42:36 PM »
I read with Natalie for the first time because I wanted to get my $35 credit and she got great review from some of you.  I did like her, she was very accurate in describing what is going on.  She did say to me that if I wait and be patient this has the potential to be "long term and committed" and he is "just waiting for the right time".  I noticed throughout the complaint board thread that some of you said she told you the exact same thing...long term and committed and waiting for the right time, do you think she says that to everyone.  I will say that out of the two names I gave her, she said long, term and committed about SM and not the other one...lucky guess???

Offline ilovelola32

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Re: Natalie
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2011, 11:48:33 PM »
No not lucky guess....she knows which one is which....she always does...evenw ith two she doesn't know and I don't care about she will say "neither"

