Author Topic: READER PERCENTAGES  (Read 29861 times)

Offline whiteangel

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« Reply #60 on: March 20, 2013, 06:41:33 PM »
I've been meaning to do this for a while, given the name of this post, seems like the right time - these are all CP readers that I've read with over the past 2 years.  I can't really assign a percentage rate (I've actually tried to do this and it's difficult) but the readers I'll detail below are in the at least 70% and up category. Let's put it this way, I value their take on situations in my life, I read with them semi regularly (maybe every couple of  months for the last year or two) and I'd easily recommend them to my friends/family (and I do and have).  Are they right about everything? Not at all, but they've gotten enough right, enough of the time, that their insight, predictions and guidance have proven to be valuable to me. 

Raissa - She can go off and you have to keep her on task, but she's responsive to that. She without question 'gets' the situation. She shines as an empath but her predictions are good too - if you let her go, she will say things that you didn't even ask about and then later you'll realize that she made a prediction, that you never even asked for, that did in fact (or will) happen.  I find that very interesting about her.  Her timelines can be off though, but she'll pull these random predictions or scenarios out of thin air that you'll find out later were totally on point.  She is without a doubt worth reading with.  Of all of the readers that I've worked with, I feel like she just gets me, to my core, she just knows who I am and I feel like she gets that about others as well.   I also like that she only reads for a couple of hours a day (if that). I don't worry that she's exhausted because I'm the 40th person she's read that day.  Raissa also doesn't BS you - she's pretty honest with info. that you may not really want to hear.  It's funny, she'll say "you asked about XXX" and I  never asked about it, but was thinking about it - and maybe I didn't even want that info, but she'll tell me anyway.  I love that if Raissa doesn't know something she'll say I'm so sorry, I don't know. I'd much prefer that to a made up answer.  Another reason that I find her to be fairly accurate is that she doesn't usually say something like this WILL happen, it's more like this is how so and so is feeling, I know it's in their mind to do XYZ, what will it take for them to do it, I'm not sure yet, but it's right there...

Dezi - also really solid predictions, predicted people I've met (relationships), by their astro sign, energy, personality.  Use to be really on with timing of things -- not as much now... She's hardly been wrong or inaccurate about anything for me.  She is unique in that she'll ask 'what do you want' and then take it from there.  So, I think she helps you to create what you want.  Timelines aren't always accurate, but I've found that for me and the people I'm calling about, they basically never are so I just try not to focus on that. I do trust her and I know she has a solid gift.  I've never felt like I'm getting a fairy tale or being BS'd by her. 

Kelli - has definitely made some majorly accurate predictions for me and in my opinion, has also given me solid and sound guidance that I value.   She definitely 'see's' things that do happen.  It's funny the way she can describe them and then how they play out.  Within the next 2 weeks something pretty major is 'suppose' to happen according to her and if it does, I'll let everyone know.  It would be a biggie.  Also, Kelli is a bit preachy and sometimes I feel like she's lecturing me, but for the most part, I need that lecture. If your feeling inpatient or just want a simple straightforward reading, I probably wouldn't recommend her for that.

Abrielle- I really like her and I do think she's given me good guidance, has predicted some important events and people I'd meet so I  know she's legitimate as a psychic, but the time frame is really slow going - we'll see.  Jury is out, but I do like her and I know she has a gift.  On the downside, because her time lines haven't worked out for me, I've been' hanging' on to something that I'd probably have done better to have let go of.  I feel like her predictions have kept me in a holding pattern more than the other readers.  I really don't blame  her for this, I'm calling her and asking about this stuff.  As I said, even if her predictions don't pan out, her guidance has been valuable to me.  The couple of successful predictions that she did make for me were major.  As to whether to put her in the fairy tale camp at this point, I'm not sure.

Jacqueline - She use to be SO on for me it was scary.  I would have to say that I get more of the fairy tale stuff from her than the others.  Although I do think she's gifted, she was very wrong about something major (to me anyway). She told me that a person in question wouldn't move, no way, not even thinking they'd move, told me this for months (said person is telling me that they are moving) and guess what? they moved.  She said well they'll be back, they won't be gone long (still gone, going on a year now).  Honestly, most of my readers have said that this person is coming back, so she's not the only one that has made this prediction, but at least the others could see that the person really was going to move, packing boxes, etc.
She's also been wrong about little things so my confidence in her accuracy has gone way down over the last year.  I do like her efficiency and because she use to be so accurate, I wouldn't totally write her off.  I will say that I almost never hear something that I don't want to hear from her, so that kinds of puts things in the fairy tale box.

Daphne - a very realistic reader, her accuracy has been really good.  Sometimes I feel like psychics are seeing and reading potential but Daphne has read for me what will happen if that person doesn't actually live up to their potential (which seemed  pretty likely all long) So, while she's been wrong about some minor things, overall, I think she's a very sound reader and if you want a solid, no fluff reading, I'd recommend her.  She wants to empower you and while some may think she gives a negative reading, you won't get a fairy tale from her, or if you do, I'd trust that more coming from her.

Pilar - I know we've discussed her canned readings on this board, and while I've also gotten a somewhat 'canned' reading with her (read with her 2x now), I have to give it to her, she's also predicted some important stuff that's happened/happening.  And she's pulled out names that are very relevant to me (and lots of other  names that I have no idea about).  I'm kind of surprised to say that I have been finding her to be accurate - missed time lines and that sort of thing, but nailed some important people that came into my life before I met them.  Like, knew someone's name and occupation before I'd met them - she kind of steered me towards this person actually, but I wasn't realizing it at the time, which makes the whole situation very interesting in retrospect.  She also knew the names of some people involved in another situation.  Let's put it this way, I would read with her again.

Other readers that have stuck out for me as on point at least some of the time are Winter, Devyn, Miss Krystal and Kinsey.  I'd like to read with Devyn again soon actually. I'm kind of over Winter. She did predict some interesting things that happened, but she's around 50%.  Nice person but I'd probably also throw her in the fairy tale camp at this point.

Readers that I really did not enjoy:
Jayzee (rude and wrong, not sure she was reading me or my situation at ALL)
Liam - I guess he was OK and did give some good insight, but his predictions were basically wrong
Dave - really no idea why he's so pricey.  Nice enough guy, got the theme, but predictions were wrong.

There have been others but I didn't necessarily think enough of them at the time to continue to read with them: Donna, Abigail, Michelle, Giselle (mostly about an animal situation).  Got some things right but didn't make a big impact on  me to keep reading with them.

Hope this is helpful to someone! I can give plenty more info/specifics if anyone is interested in any of these readers in detail.

And one important thing to anyone that gets readings regularly.  I record my readings with a voice recorder, or if you are using a landline you can use your cell's voice recorder if it  has one.  This way, I can really be present, not trying to frantically write down notes while I'm asking questions and listening. I can then replay it as much as I want (which actually helps me to not get new readings more often!).  I'd really recommend doing this if you aren't already.  With some readers, like Raissa in particular, I'd really recommend this.  Some are wordy and take a minute to get it all out  and it's easy to miss something that turns out to be important later...

Offline oben

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« Reply #61 on: March 21, 2013, 02:35:49 AM »
Hmmmm reading your post whiteangle makes me think there is definitely something wrong with me :) lol
I read with almost all the readers you mentioned and they have all been so wrong and not even one prediction panned out!!! Hmmm most probably I have some anomaly, maybe "psychic resistance syndrome";0)-

Offline whiteangel

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« Reply #62 on: March 21, 2013, 05:25:32 PM »
Oben, I think that there is something wrong with all of us  ;)

I'm kidding of course (well -- not really!).

Anyway, if Kelli's prediction pans out in the next week or so I'll let you know.

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« Reply #63 on: March 21, 2013, 06:15:20 PM »
Oben, I think that there is something wrong with all of us  ;)

I'm kidding of course (well -- not really!).

Anyway, if Kelli's prediction pans out in the next week or so I'll let you know.

Please do :) She is one of the very few who ever predicted anything correctly on CP for me.

Offline skyline

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« Reply #64 on: March 30, 2013, 09:40:26 PM »
I found Synergy's post to be an eye opener. Maybe with those 0% readers you can take the opposite of what they say and you would have a 100% reader?  ;)

Offline marybell

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« Reply #65 on: March 30, 2013, 10:45:14 PM »
I found Synergy's post to be an eye opener. Maybe with those 0% readers you can take the opposite of what they say and you would have a 100% reader?  ;)