Author Topic: READER PERCENTAGES  (Read 29867 times)


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« Reply #45 on: March 15, 2013, 12:56:25 AM »
Waterhouse stop attacking people, she can post it a million times if she wants to....dont read it if you dont like it, just saying....Kisha was wrong, Kisha was wrong, get over it ::)

Oh, and by the way....'Jonnie' - I haven't attacked anyone. 

And follow your own advice - don't read it if you don't like it  :) :)


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« Reply #46 on: March 15, 2013, 01:12:08 AM »
Oh come on guys must we go into wars once a month.

I don't think waterhouse meant any harm by her comment and I don't think she is a kisha fan as she had never read with her. Kisha blocked her so she would be the last person to defend kisha.

I think she felt that with lucky saying about and directing it to me that it would discourage me and make me lose hope. She was being kind. I also know that she likes luckystar and wishes her well so I think its all a miscommunication.

On the other hand I don't think luckystar intension was to discourage me afterall she still gave kisa a 75 percent which is very good considering we have a lot of zero percent readers.

Everyday is a struggle for me but I pray and hope in God. I have learned my lesson not to totally depend on a reader.

I think we all didn't come on this forum because life is full of roses for us. We are all hurting and can only make it through together not apart.

Peace guys


Offline marybell

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« Reply #47 on: March 15, 2013, 01:44:09 AM »
Waterhouse stop attacking people, she can post it a million times if she wants to....dont read it if you dont like it, just saying....Kisha was wrong, Kisha was wrong, get over it ::)

I don't care that kisha was wrong, simpleton. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. My post wasn't about kisha. Can you be anymore juvenile?? I think so....PLEASE prove me Please??? :) :) :)

Wow. You just called another human being a simpleton. 

Offline Jonnie

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« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2013, 05:30:22 PM »
Waterhouse, your post was telling Lucky you were tired of her posting Kisha was wrong for her, all I said was Lucky can post whatever she wants, as many times as she wants. Be nice! Is a simpleton sort of like a bitch? I wasnt sure??

Offline sarahkw

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« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2013, 04:17:50 AM »
Decided to go ahead and put my percentages out there:

Sapphire - 85%. I almost want to put her at 90% but that just seems too high. She's my go-to for guidance and for helping me develop my own spirituality. The predictions she's offered up on her own have almost always panned out.

Kisha - 75%. She's been relatively accurate for me but I don't think she's the reader for me. On one hand, I really like her directness. On the other, to me, she's a bit abrupt and not as compassionate. I'm the first to admit I'm sensitive, but I've found that Kisha tends to give her predictions and that's that. I like a bit more insight.

Barbara4846 - 85%. I've read with her about 3 times and she's been pretty bang on with the present. Her predictions have more or less panned out as well. I've found a lot of what she says that makes 0 sense at the time does make sense later. Example - she told me 'South Carolina' in our last reading. What? No connection to it whatsoever. In the last two weeks I A) Took a job with an agency that has one field office outside of our main location - in Charleston, SC. and B) My current agency hired a new person from South Carolina.

WhiteLightAngel (Debra) 70%. I love her for present and short-term predictions. For short-term predictions, she's been very accurate for me, even recently. But I've found in relationships and career moves, she's been more inaccurate. ALTHOUGH. She did say an ex would return when I called about 4 years ago. He showed up in November to see if I were interested in rekindling things (I'm not).

Joeana - Tentative 85%. I've only read with her once and that was for 10 minutes and her predictions haven't had time to manifest. However, I was SUPER impressed with what she told me just from hearing my name and there were no fairytales spun. Take this with a grain of salt, but I was a fan and will call again sometime down the road.

Offline Awesomeness

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« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2013, 12:50:30 PM »

You mentioned WhiteLightAngel not being as good with relationship and career. Does that mean that Sapphire, Kisha, Barbara, and Joeana were better with relationship and career?


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« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2013, 03:34:13 PM »
Hey awesome lady kisha has not failed for me yet in relationship matters though am still waiting for her job and new relationship predictions to pan. Crossing my fingers and toes.kisha is my number one reader but she will tell you that she is not an empath, she will only tell you surface I have sapphire who is mainly an empath. Uli ties everything together as she is both an empath and outcome predictor but you have to make sure she is not tired by the time she gets to you or everything she tells you is pure will know when she is asking you too many questions, repeating herself, words not flowing, stop and go. The more you read with uli you'll get to know her and know when to drop the phone quickly to not waste your money.last time I read with her was in december.she's that kind of reader you don't have to read with more than once every 3-6mths.she is very kind and nice.she is not a fairytale reader at all(which we all know is rare on fairy land cp).

Sapphire being mainly an empath has been about 85 percent when she offers up predictions by herself. She has been more right on relationships for me though I was shocked with her prediction last year of naming the exact name of the person who called me for an interview this february thats freaking amazing.if I was a man I would marry her today that is how much I like her. Very ethical and kind.

Honorable mention goes to queen of cups and lakei tarot.

Joeana has gotten some things right for me but I will hold off from too much praise as yet till these next prediction come true.which is coming up from now till june. Then I will wave her banner real high.

Siane's next prediction are coming up this week so I will let you guys know how she does. So far she got one and failed one.even though she got one right something about her doesn't feel right. I hope am wrong and she turns out to be at least good.

Alright guys.

Peace, jen

Offline sarahkw

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« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2013, 04:56:42 PM »

You mentioned WhiteLightAngel not being as good with relationship and career. Does that mean that Sapphire, Kisha, Barbara, and Joeana were better with relationship and career?

Honestly, I wouldn't say any of them were spot on with careers and WhiteLightAngel is the only one I've talsked to about relationships as I haven't really needed any relationship advice/guidance/whatever. WLA does like to tell me 'I see a new guy in (insert the next season here).

On career, Kisha and Sapphire both saw me getting a job back in August that I REALLY wanted. I didn't get it. Sapphire told me in November on her own accord that she saw a calendar with December on it, flood gates opening, and an upexpected job offer. She also told me how to approach said job offer and was dead on on all accounts. I didn't accept the job ultimately.

Kisha, Sapphire and Barbara all predicted me getting a job offer in Feb/March. I'd been looking for quite a while at this point and was miserable in my entry level position. I was offered a new position a couple weeks ago and will be moving back home to start working in a few weeks. I truly believed that missed August prediction was because this was the better option for me.

In WLA's defense, she did tell me in December that she saw me taking a new position in April. I start my new job in April.


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« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2013, 05:28:00 PM »
@sarahhw I fell off my chair when you wrote 'insert season here' it was too funny and soooo true.

I think that the best reader I have ever read with when it comes to CAREER is uli. She has told me steps that I would take before I get my dream job. She even saw me going for an agency job which I never wanted to until I saw that my bank account wasn't in the red anymore but is now non exisitent. I am now praying for an agency job.

Uli for everything is almost perfect but for Career I have found her unbeatable. Remember to pray that she just had a massage and a cup of tea and is totally relaxed and not tired.sigh.

Hugs guys



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« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2013, 03:08:06 AM »
Gina (cp): zero percent.

Michael: 50 percent

I think for me on cp the best people to read with are ULI (rested), LEO (get ready for abuse). Honorable mention is venus ( slowoooooo).

Offline Luckystar

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« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2013, 03:28:19 AM »
Jen did you read with Eden on CP? I would rate her at an 80% ....I have been calling her since 2010


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« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2013, 04:03:44 AM »
Jen did you read with Eden on CP? I would rate her at an 80% ....I have been calling her since 2010
have to look through my notebooks of crap but she doesn't ring a bell.

Offline guesswho

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« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2013, 03:53:30 PM »
@Lucky  I totally forgot about Eden in my ratings.  I would give her about 85%.  She is very accurate.

Offline BellaLife

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« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2013, 08:29:15 PM »
lol...while I am putting in my 2cents.....Eden was nice but way off, she was asking tooo many questions.

But I am sure she is good for others.

I have a local who connects with me totally, and not for my cousin!

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« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2013, 02:51:34 AM »
Eden picked up the situation well,was one of the few that without me saying anything said I see an apology coming ur way, why would that be? Or something like that. But the predictions did not manifest.