I had to laugh when I talked to Sapphire last. I basically got a gentle scolding.
I have a really strong intuition and far more than once, I've thought of something, usually frivolous, and its happened. I try to take time each day to pray and sit and listen to my own inner guidance and typically get a lot of messages that way. I called Sapphire about something I'd been meditating on for a while and was just so confused about. Her guides basically said 'Look, girl, we're talking to you all the time. You know that. Freaking trust us, already.'
It made me laugh because she was right. I get signs and messages all.the.time. about anything I need guidance on. I just have such a hard time trusting. Not that I'm connecting with the spirit world - I've long ago accepted that - but that what I'm being shown/told is actually reality. It's something that scares me - to know what is about to unfold before it does.
I realize its contradictory, since getting a psychic reading and seeing predictions actually happen is why we call these readers. But when its my OWN intuition telling me something, it's really hard for me to connect the dots - that what I feel, what I know, is actually A) right and B) happening. I've always been able to feel a situation, if you will, but only recently realized what I was doing and now have a hard time trusting that. And I know I have GOT to trust because if I don't, I just delay things.
Anyhow - little update for those who read about Sapphire's accuracy/guidance. I always like to emphasize that I use her for guidance, which is why I called her recently (the whole meditation thing!)