I haven't posted before, but wanted to share my reading with Joeana. Without prompting, she did accurately describe the situation I am dealing with, sometimes using the same sentences I use to describe it. Her understanding of what happened, is happening, and will happen was all unprompted. Normally, I will jump in and offer bits of info here and there for clarification, but for some reason I stayed quiet until after she was done. Her prediction came out of nowhere, a sort of, I don't know why I am getting this but.... I won't comment on it as its a ways off, but it resonated.
Once she finished I went in for guidance on what she picked up or saw, and still she pulled up more details, in a couple of cases describing what my interests are, or something that had been recently offered. My career is unusual, it is so unexpected that most psychics confuse it for something else, picking up one of its many aspects rather than all of it. For her to pull at the core of it, and then connect it to where I want to take it, was impressive.
I will definitely read with her again sometime in the late spring, rarely do I read with a psychic that doesn't leave me on the hook, making me want to go back three days later and say "what happened". She may not be what everyone wants, but I am surprised at how confident I feel, having my intuitions confirmed.
I have spent a long time focusing on what I am seeing on the surface, forgetting what my gut was telling me, reacting to the immediate, instead of trusting what i knew. The reading reminded me, that I do know on a deep level what happened and what will happen if I just accept the now, and participate in my future. Focusing on fear, only brings it to life, focusing on something positive, and really trusting yourself, will always take you down the right path. Seek advice, but don't let others tell you what you should do or what will happen for sure. You create your life, and if deep down you know that something is right, it will all fall into place the moment you let it.
I am like most of you, I have dumped way too much money into these services. Something told me Joeana would be the one to quiet this need of knowing, and I feel I am right about that. What I think most of us do, is ignore our intuitions, our understandings of a situation, and let our logical mind have control, whether its to create a fairytale, or in my case, a dark landscape of misfortune. Regardless of the path we choose, I think most of us deep down, know what happened or what we have to do, and we fight it, fight it like crazy, hoping against hope for magic or God to intervene. I am realizing there is magic and God, but its within ourselves, and we have to acknowledge where we are at this moment, and make a plan from here. See the ending, the goal, and figure out how to connect A(the here) to B(the goal). If we really look at what that takes, what strength we will need to accomplish that and we are really honest with ourselves as to what and why we want it, you will know immediately if it is really something worth having. If it is, if the goal sings to us, really sings, then in the most honest places of our soul we realize it doesn't matter when, or how long it will take, it only matters that we will get there. When the goal is attained, we will be happier than we ever could have imagined, and the struggle no matter how long or dark, will feel like nothing.
So that's my experience with Joeana, and also my mini epiphany I had while writing about it! Haha! Nice to meet everyone!