Author Topic: JOEANA  (Read 59197 times)

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« Reply #90 on: March 30, 2013, 03:24:25 AM »
I'm not buying that "nothing is set in stone" hoopla that psychics like spouting  when they are wrong. Things can change course...but usually there is a course that is unmoved and a good psychic should be able to see with certainty where things are going.

  I agree with this. Of course the things that are not destined to happen in our lives are prone to changing, but some things i do believe are mapped out for us before we are even born. We choose a certain path before we step into life as human beings in order to maximize our spirtual growth. We might be able to use our free will in our daily decisions, but ultimately we still end up in the same place we were meant to be.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 03:25:57 AM by Luckystar »

Offline 1sweetday

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« Reply #91 on: March 30, 2013, 04:39:04 AM »
   Consider for one moment that everything in this realm is constantly changing physically... every step you, as an individual, takes leaves an irreversible mark on this earth. The definition of fluidity as an adjective is 'readily reshaped; pliable,' even the most solid thing we can conceive of, the very ground we tread every day, is fluid in physical nature.  What I am suggesting is that they can't see the entire, permanent picture. If you believe in destiny and that you have a predetermined destination, that's fine.... the journey to that destination is what you and others can influence, for example; you want that job.... you may not get it right at that moment- maybe you didn't meet the qualifications, maybe the hr director's niece was also interviewing, maybe there was a hiring freeze from corporate and the position was terminated before the first round of applicants was interviewed, for whatever reason you didn't get it... that in no way means you won't eventually, if it was meant to be it will happened sooner than later.  But all of those little things can can alter the path to that job, and most of them have nothing to do with you or anything you've done.  What you are asking from these readers is to not just to tell you the destination and the general lay of the land, you are demanding to know every little in road and the location of every pebble that lay in the thoroughfare.   
     As to the inane questions, here is my smart ass answer: The best way to protect yourself is to not call psychics at all.  A less jack-assish answer is this: If you trust in your own instincts and not become slave to predictions and and time frames you will find that your personal journey is a little less painful.  As I have stated before; I've been visiting this forum for years.  These threads are littered with tales of time frames that came and went and readings that never came to pass.  It is very tempting to call everyday, but what good does that do you? I too have had predictions given to me that were such blatant fairy tales, that looking back I feel like such a fool.  I have found readers that have been able to give me predictions that come to pass, within stated time frames even(!), but that doesn't mean that I put too much stock in the details or times they give me because I do not think that there is any one human being who can map out the future in its entirety in precise detail for even one person let alone several dozens.  I think expecting to find one is like expecting to find a unicorn who speaks fluent English and is carrying a basket of leprechauns.  The best you can do is find one or two who can give you the big picture and where you stand in it now so that you can make your way to that eventual outcome without to much harm to yourself or those around you.  At some point, you do have to take the reigns and walk the path yourself.

Offline 1sweetday

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« Reply #92 on: March 30, 2013, 05:11:35 AM »
One more point before I fade back into obscurity.... There are a lot of frauds out there, for every one truly gifted reader there about a thousand fakers.  Do I believe that there are people out there with the ability to see the future?... yes or I wouldn't be here. But I do think most of the purported "psychics" on the big websites are either out-right liars or people who are well-meaning and greatly over-estimating their own abilities (more of the former than the latter).  Because there are very few conclusive methods for scientifically verifying psychic or legally regulating these types of services, those of us looking for answers are more susceptible to being taken advantage of by a larger number of individuals and organizations.  I have come to be extremely wary of anyone who gives me a detailed story with a guarantee that I will be with my soul mate in only 3 months time... my personal philosophy is to never trust someone who flat out tells me something with such certainty that they believe they should never be questioned.  I have found that people who do have a gift will be up front about its nature and how it works for them, and tell you that nothing is ever truly certain until it happens.  I only have one trusted reader who I only talk to occasionally, and she works for me.  I found out about her here on this forum, and at the risk of going off topic and being shouted down I'll refrain from naming her here. I would say that for me, she has been about 90% and has given me details about me and my situation down to private, personally used phrases and terminology that she could not have guessed or researched because I don't discuss them publicly and her predictions are specific and again come to pass in a timely manner . In short she is works for as good  for me as I could ever hope to expect of any reader.  But she is completely up front about not liking to give predictions because they can change.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 06:02:18 AM by 1sweetday »


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« Reply #93 on: March 30, 2013, 05:15:36 AM »

Ok. I think the problem is using the physical to explain the spiritual.

Psychic readings are using the spiritual realm.

Scientist/physcists don't usually believe in the spiritual that's why most of them are atheists. They believe in matter,atom,neutrons etc and what they can explain away.

You cannot mix the two. It will bring confusion and doubt.

I remember years back when man started going to outer space someone said that heaven didn't exists because they went out of the earth and did not see it.

Well to those that believe in heaven it exists but on a spiritual realm. You have to die first.

If you watch the show 'I died and back (I don't remember the name but you can go to youtube or animal planet or discovery planet and watch it. Things happen in the spiritual plane.

Even those that don't believe in the biblical heaven but the universe are tapping into a spiritual thing. E.g when you ask for a bird as a sign and it manifests what physcist can explain that. Its spiritual.

When people see 'guides' what are these beings?.

Spiritual matters have no explanations so you cannot affix the terms 'fluidity to them because physical cannot control spiritual. You will ultimately arrive at that outcome no matter the path you choose unless for christians who believe that with prayer and fasting that God may change it which you will also be made aware.

But to say that it changes daily, every second and minute does not sound spiritually right.

Out of personal experience I do believe in psychics and read with them but am not too used to massive failures and I don't do good with having excuses for failures, having everlasting patience years after a prediction has come and gone.not used to readers wowing people with general readings that can pertain to everyone's situation and they are praised, not used to knowing past and present, where I live, color of my car but future predictions are a no go.

The way I will protect myself is not to swallow will power bs, not to give a reader's prediction too much extra time, not to get wowed by anything I have said anywhere including to other readers because they may be sharing notes. I want and pay for FUTURE predictions and if a reader cannot deliver at the correct time I move on.

Offline 1sweetday

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« Reply #94 on: March 30, 2013, 05:25:42 AM »
I don't understand why the physically and the spiritual have to be separate. Or why it is imperative to do so. Most scientists I've met are agnostic, meaning they are not comfortable making a definite judgement because they don't have all of the answers.  But they will tell you that we do exist along side other planes of existence, I do not think that science and spirituality are mutually exclusive. 


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« Reply #95 on: March 30, 2013, 05:29:22 AM »
The physical controls the phsical.

The spirtual controls the physical and the spirtual.

Offline 1sweetday

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« Reply #96 on: March 30, 2013, 05:42:04 AM »
All due respect, but that doesn't make sense.  It has to go both ways... if something happens to someone in the physical world, it can have repercussions in the spiritual world, Christianity is based on that premise.  Because my actions and sins here affect my existence in the next plane,  Christ was sent here to suffer in my stead and save me for my next plane of existence.  His actions in the physical world directly impact the spiritual realm.  Likewise, the spiritual world can impact and interact with the physical, like you said.
 But I think you are not quite grasping what I mean by fluidity... not all changes are grandiose and drastic, most are only subtle shifts and variables that can change your motives and interactions in the smallest of ways which coincide with those same sorts of small changes happening within someone else.  Chaos theory and what not, a butterfly flaps its wings in Kansas and causes a typhoon in Cambodia, etc. Not all changes have to be a rushing waterfall bowling you over... sometimes it can just be a bird landing on a branch outside your window to confirm a personal sign.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 06:28:44 AM by 1sweetday »


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« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2013, 06:02:37 AM »

Using the biblical examples.

In actual fact of the bible your existence in the next plane which is either heaven or hell does not depend on what you do here. What you do here in the old testament has rewards or consequences here on earth and in the new testament it gives you a hope but not a guarantee.

The bible tells us that we will enter the kingdom of heaven by only God's grace. He decides who goes in and noone knows what criteria he is using.

God in the book of proverbs said that he looks at the heart of men and not their actions because men lie. The bible also says that God cannot be deceived.

To connect to God is spiritual not physical. E.g you will find some that go to church religiously, gives to charity, prays and recites prayers daily but God is very upset with them because he looks at their heart and sees that its all phsyical not spirtual (meaning real connection).

In the bible the parable of the pharise and saducee that went to the temple comes to mind. Where one is saying that God should listen to him instead of the other because he does all the rituals not like the other one but God chose the other one.

At the cross the lifelong criminal next to jesus went to heaven because jesus chose him. All his life he was a criminal.

The new testament says we will get into heaven not by what we do here but by the grace of God.

When you do 'good' here what you did was put an apllication to go to heaven ultimately God chooses who goes.


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« Reply #98 on: March 30, 2013, 06:15:25 AM »
Sorry I write very fast and always have a lot of mistake and don't proofread.

So when you do sins here you get the punishment that the spirtual has laid out but your sins do not change anything spiritually.

The bible laid two paths. Each path has a pre destined ending.

Your sins or goodness does not change anything in heaven.

God remains the same yesterday, today and forever.

Anything you get is not because you are so good its because of is grace.

In the book of job God said that he send rain on both the good and the bad.


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« Reply #99 on: March 30, 2013, 06:27:55 AM »
Am going to bed now. Will reply any other thing tomorrow. Good night all

Offline 1sweetday

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« Reply #100 on: March 30, 2013, 06:40:49 AM »
    This is why I will never post again.  You are more interested in being right and lol'ing at opinions that are different from yours whiles demanding 100% accuracy from people who can not possibly give it to you.  This was only supposed to be a view on why saying free will is not a total load of bull, but clearly that's not what everyone wants to hear. 
    FYI I don't share because I don't want to subject anyone to calls that they might not be satisfied with. I don't think I am contradicting myself just stating what works for me and instead reiterating that while 90% accurate for me she might not be for some others. Who anyone chooses to consult is a decision you have to make for yourself, and to be frank I don't want to feed into anyone's psychic addictions because some people can become too dependent on psychic predictions. Goodnight and goodbye. As stated, never posting again.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 06:53:51 AM by 1sweetday »

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« Reply #101 on: March 30, 2013, 06:56:21 AM »
I'm sorry to come off defensive, I've seen things deteriorate quickly here before and it's a preemptive stance.


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« Reply #102 on: March 30, 2013, 07:00:06 AM »
All due respect, but that doesn't make sense.  It has to go both ways... if something happens to someone in the physical world, it can have repercussions in the spiritual world, Christianity is based on that premise.  Because my actions and sins here affect my existence in the next plane,  Christ was sent here to suffer in my stead and save me for my next plane of existence.  His actions in the physical world directly impact the spiritual realm.  Likewise, the spiritual world can impact and interact with the physical, like you said.
 But I think you are not quite grasping what I mean by fluidity... not all changes are grandiose and drastic, most are only subtle shifts and variables that can change your motives and interactions in the smallest of ways which coincide with those same sorts of small changes happening within someone else.  Chaos theory and what not, a butterfly flaps its wings in Kansas and causes a typhoon in Cambodia, etc. Not all changes have to be a rushing waterfall bowling you over... sometimes it can just be a bird landing on a branch outside your window to confirm a personal sign.
couldn't resist as I saw that you edited your post.

That bird landing outside your window as a personal sign is spiritual not physical.

Some say they ask God for a sign and some say they ask the universe for a sign. This is spiritual and since the spirtual has power in the physical it can give you that phsyical sign of the bird if it wants.

You cannot ask the physical to give you a sign. It will not work.

You cannot pick up your phone and call heaven and demand to talk to God lol. But you can spiritually pray and God will hear you with no tmobile, verizon ( can you hear me  now? I think not).

The physical controls the physical. E.g you may decide not to go to work tomorrow.

The spiritual controls the physical e.g some people die who are in great shape and doctors don't know why they died. There have been people who have missed plane flights or given their tickets to other people and the plane crashed.

Spiritual matters are very deep and not to be played with.

The ocean is one of the most powerful spiritual forces on earth that can be seen physically. That's another story.


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« Reply #103 on: March 30, 2013, 07:22:47 AM »
I'm sorry to come off defensive, I've seen things deteriorate quickly here before and it's a preemptive stance.
what happened?, why are you angry?. Where is this anger coming from?

Some people want to spend their money on 90 percent psychics, some 80 percent and some like me can manage 70 percent psychics. But am sure noone gets their pay check and decides to give it to a zero percent charlatan.

You said you found the person that is 90 percent right for you, don't you think you should pay it forward to the same forum that led you to that 90 percent psychic by saying who it is in case new people need it.

If the reader has been mentioned here am sure the reader has already been ripped apart so it should be nothing new.
 All the great ones here have had their turn being ripped apart but still has their loyal following. By not saying it some may say you may be the reader and would like people to pm you secretly asking for the name of this 90 percent reader.

Well am sure you have your reasons why you don't want to pay it forward but its just............odd.

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« Reply #104 on: March 30, 2013, 11:42:12 AM »
That is a shame not to share a reader who is clearly gifted. Not many people have found someone who is 90% accurate. I feel like we all have the flu, and you have a home remedy that works for you, but you won't share it.