Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True

Suggestions for readings

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I am sorry to hear that Sooshi!!!

I've been following your story since you joined, what happened? :(

from cp people worth seeing if they connect with you (they were right on for 2 of my cases)

got some details right but predictions are pending they didn't give time lines at all or its still far out
gina rose ( but shes a jerk and string me along for so long on a dude )

yona and sherri lynn were very accurate i have read with yona 3 times and sherri lynn one time
yona mixes people .. her predictions were bang on but not with people she and i anticipated it to be with
sherri lynn was right about the description of the person but the initials she gave me was rubbish ( she broke my heart and was right)

leanne and uli described the same guy sherri did

on keen

here and now
lila q  and qocups18 are great for me  predictions have only come to pass from lila q (short term)
advisor lania was right about a few things will keep you guys updated if she is right in the future

aries intution ( super honest cant even complain even if she is a cold bitch .. she has been bang on with everything but contact for me )
sincerity was quite vague so no
joanna was wrong about when i will see him but right about him feeling pain future will tell the predictions happen or not 

scott angel was vague and changed his story once i gave him info
storm was some what right but for the price save your monies

judi i cant tell if she was right or not because i cant ask the people in question how they feel and i have no clue

source power was correct when i read with her in jan of 2016


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