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I used to read with her on Psychic Access. She was always nice to me so I kept calling, but eventually realised that she was not good at all (at least in my case!:). She is friendly and acts as if she were your 'friend', but once I dared to tell her that her prediction didn't come to pass (never left her a bad review  but probably should've...) and she dodged all of my calls ever since. Once, she even sent me a message after I had tried calling her, which said: I think you wanted to call a different advisor! Lol.... I was never rude to her, so this attitude was too much for me (she's nowhere need as bad as InfiniteStar lol, but still - very unprofessional and way too much of a snowflake to my liking.
Just to give an example of predictions she made: she said that me and a guy I was seeing would have amazing sex and that I wouldn't be able to walk for days lol .... he ended up having issues with erection so out intimate life was FAR from satisfactory... he was also a pathological liar who 'cheated' on me (there was a woman in my workplace he began a relationship with while we were dating ) and Amy didn't pick up on that etc...


--- Quote from: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 19, 2021, 01:42:58 PM ---I used to read with her on Psychic Access. She was always nice to me so I kept calling, but eventually realised that she was not good at all (at least in my case!:). She is friendly and acts as if she were your 'friend', but once I dared to tell her that her prediction didn't come to pass (never left her a bad review  but probably should've...) and she dodged all of my calls ever since. Once, she even sent me a message after I had tried calling her, which said: I think you wanted to call a different advisor! Lol.... I was never rude to her, so this attitude was too much for me (she's nowhere need as bad as InfiniteStar lol, but still - very unprofessional and way too much of a snowflake to my liking.
Just to give an example of predictions she made: she said that me and a guy I was seeing would have amazing sex and that I wouldn't be able to walk for days lol .... he ended up having issues with erection so out intimate life was FAR from satisfactory... he was also a pathological liar who 'cheated' on me (there was a woman in my workplace he began a relationship with while we were dating ) and Amy didn't pick up on that etc...

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That's a bummer.  Sorry she didnt work for you.  I agree she is super friendly and I've probably called her way more times that I should have just because I like talking to her but she has been pretty accurate reading my situations too. 


--- Quote from: TulipsAndSunflowers on July 19, 2021, 01:42:58 PM ---I used to read with her on Psychic Access. She was always nice to me so I kept calling, but eventually realised that she was not good at all (at least in my case!:). She is friendly and acts as if she were your 'friend', but once I dared to tell her that her prediction didn't come to pass (never left her a bad review  but probably should've...) and she dodged all of my calls ever since. Once, she even sent me a message after I had tried calling her, which said: I think you wanted to call a different advisor! Lol.... I was never rude to her, so this attitude was too much for me (she's nowhere need as bad as InfiniteStar lol, but still - very unprofessional and way too much of a snowflake to my liking.
Just to give an example of predictions she made: she said that me and a guy I was seeing would have amazing sex and that I wouldn't be able to walk for days lol .... he ended up having issues with erection so out intimate life was FAR from satisfactory... he was also a pathological liar who 'cheated' on me (there was a woman in my workplace he began a relationship with while we were dating ) and Amy didn't pick up on that etc...

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Back in 2019, I had  a similar experience with her. I called her to ask about my ex  after we had broken up. I didnt tell her he was my ex cause I wanted to see if she picked up the break  up. Well, she didnt because the first thing she said was that he was going to propose. After I clarified that we had broken up, she changed the narrative of her reading.


--- Quote from: JackY on July 20, 2021, 01:27:34 PM ---Thank you, Daisy. I appreciate it!

--- Quote from: Daisy573 on July 19, 2021, 02:11:38 AM ---
--- Quote from: JackY on July 18, 2021, 10:47:40 PM ---How do you like Psychic Source vs a site like Keen?

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I'm not sure if you were asking me or not but I'll give my opinion....  personally, I do not care for PS much.  There are a small handful of truly gifted psychics on that site but in my opinion most have zero ability.  I have not called them all by any means but any time a try a new one, I'm left extremely let down.  I tried a new one recently based on reviews here tho and she did impress was Eliza.  She was a pretty good empath.

I like Keen better but that's not to say there arent a million fakes on there too tho.  Those are the only 2 services I use.

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You wanna know another reason why I dont care for PS much is because they claim to screen and test all applicants on their psychic ability prior to hiring and most do not make the cut to work for them but yet so many on the site are still awful.  What kind of screening do they give these people??  and if these are the best I cant imagine how bad the ones who dont get hired are!  It's a joke. 

How good is she!?!?


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