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Accurate for me. Said there would be push/pull till March but we would not end up together.


I saw she doesn’t do timing on her profile so how did she get contact for you guys? What did you ask

I love Amy.  She's my favorite psychic on PS.  I've spoken to her a million times.  She isnt great at timing.  I dont hold her to it but if I ask "When?" she will give it a go.  She's been right and wrong on the timing front but thinking back, everything she has said will happen HAS actually happened, it just may have taken a lot longer than she stated.  I will say that she reads situations and people very well and is a blast to talk to.  I've never asked her for large scale predictions like "will we end up together?" etc etc etc...  I usually am asking her about specific situations and she has been very good at reading and clarifying those for me.


--- Quote from: JackY on July 18, 2021, 10:47:40 PM ---How do you like Psychic Source vs a site like Keen?

--- End quote ---

I'm not sure if you were asking me or not but I'll give my opinion....  personally, I do not care for PS much.  There are a small handful of truly gifted psychics on that site but in my opinion most have zero ability.  I have not called them all by any means but any time a try a new one, I'm left extremely let down.  I tried a new one recently based on reviews here tho and she did impress was Eliza.  She was a pretty good empath.

I like Keen better but that's not to say there arent a million fakes on there too tho.  Those are the only 2 services I use. 


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