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May is right around the corner! thats not bad at all!

No worries PT it seems to be a common trend these days a lot of men go MIA. I'm pissed off that I still have funds available in CP cause I would love to try PS. Oh well I guess I will just use it on Jacqueline when I need it.

Hi Libra!! How are you?? PS is so annoying to get through to that I would save it until you have something major going on. Or maybe you do? You are being very disciplined.  :)

I am going to call Jacqueline next week. I haven't talked to her in awhile. Maybe it will be my Easter present to myself. LOL. I've weaned myself off calling a lot. Finally.

From what I've heard Mercury Retrograde is messing with everyone.


Hi PT! I am trying to be disciplined  :-\, no I have nothing major going on right now, but you know there are always questions to ask and things we want to know.

Yeah I was about to ask you guys about how is Mercury retro. affecting everybody, for me I was planning a trip with friends to and it didn't work out, plus my computer keeps acting up, it will be over soon. 

Hi, this thread is old but  wanted to reply just the same.  I am a PS girl, have probably read with about 45 readers on there. Yikes!  Only an few on CP and none on keen.

So, I talked to Amy on 11/25/12.  It was a very quick conversation due to the fact that she doesn't like to keep you on the phone, short and sweet. Talked to her about a guy, of course.

She said we have a nice garden and its going to grow.  It will take hold in the next week (Dec. 5 kept coming up for her) and he would come out of things.  Said Christmas looked nice for us and he would go to Australia end of Jan for about a month. (He was looking at job opportunities there).  Said I would go to Ireland in Apr for a visit.  Things would take off in Dec and things would be like he never left.

That was it.  Good thing it was short cuz NONE of it happened.  Sorry Amy


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