Author Topic: The "Psychic" phase of my life  (Read 23461 times)

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The "Psychic" phase of my life
« on: January 25, 2013, 04:24:29 PM »
Ok now that I am at the end of  "psychic" phase of my life and putting it to rest,  I thought maybe I should post about my experience. this is going to be  veryyyyy long, so sorry for that.

As some of you know, I had a very bad 2012 and almost totally lost it, have not been hurt or humiliated this much in my entire life by anyone, could not put any sort of meaning to what I was going through and could not see why that was happening. I think the magic word here was "WHY"... not knowing "why" was what was really killing me. More I tried to figure out why, more I got lost, from April till August, tried anything I could to figure out that "why" with no luck, and finally late July I made my first psychic call and of course got drawn into this habit of calling psychics hoping to hear something to be able to consolidate what I was going through. And now $12000 (embarrassing is not it...) later and having read with over almost 200 psychics, have to say, no prediction so far came to pass. No one so far was correct on their time lines. There were psychics who could tune into the situation and see what was going on but when it came to the predictions and timing, nothing happened.

Let me explain what I mean by "tuning in". If someone was able to tell me how our relationship was, how did it all happen and how it ended up to be, I would consider that person tuned in. Of course this was before I read about all these reading" techniques" that readers use. And frankly now looking back, it is not really rocket science. Someone is calling and is giving a name and asking about him/her, the odds are that there are some issues going on otherwise most probably they would just enjoy the relationship and do not bother to call a psychic :)

Anyway here is my experience with psychics I read with:

California Psychics:

Gina Rose: sounded pretty confident, very expensive $13 per minute, made predictions for this coming October / November and nothing panned out.

Abrielle: very nice and sweet, enjoyed talking to her and thought I had a connection (maybe simply just because I heard what I liked to hear :) . Made predictions for the October and did not pan out.

Anasela: She is a tarot reader and I heard thing I wanted so I liked her, but predictions were for mid September which did not manifest.

Genessa: very nice lady, but made predictions by the end of August and nothing happened.

Demi: over all I did not like her much, more than a psychic reading felt like she was trying to give me advice.I know that so many people call them to actually get advice and support (based on the testimonials I read) but to me if I am calling a psychic I want to know if they really can see what the future hold. She made predictions for October/November and nothing happened.

Daphne: she was nice, gave me timeline for October which did not happen and was wrong on two questions I already knew the answers( interestingly almost any psychic I talked to was wrong on these two particular question which I would only ask to test the accuracy )

Ivy: liked her, warm and nice, was like talking to a friend (but a very expensive one ;o) she was also wrong on the same two questions. Her predictions were for mid September and nothing happened.

Elijah: was nice and made predictions and as far as the time lines he said because time is liquid he can not give exact numbers but he sees numbers which means that many days or weeks or months (like if sees 3 then 3 days or 3 weeks or 3 months) was wrong o. The same exact questions and nothing happened so far. (I do not know how liquid is his time lol)

Donna: she was very nice, predictions till mid September but nothing panned out.

Tenley, Amiee and Charlie almost the same and made predictions for mid September to October. nothing happened

Violet: I had two readings with, at the first one she told me I should forget about everything because it is over, at the second one she totally changed the story and gave me the BS about the childhood issues and family member and so on, this time made a contact prediction till Feb 2013. Whatever :)

Jean, jack, Michael, Berlin   they where all wrong on the same prediction.

Kallista:she is really sweet, has a strong positive vibe. I had two readings with her, during the first one she said by mid September and on the second one she gave predictions for a number 5 and said hopefully will happen in 5 weeks. She told me I had to wait and I was not good at waiting. She also could see the field of my occupation. but nothing panned out. The only thing I can really give to her was when I asked her about my board results, she said it is very at the border and she was not sure if I would pass but said wither way it would be very at the border, which was correct, I failed one point short of the passing score (got 84 when I needed 85)

Indio, Abigail, Eve, Ace, Eve, Sean, Allison, Bellina, Fallon, Beritta, Agnes, Uriela, Helega, Sabrina, Leah, Anastasia, Simone, Lumina and Morgana, I did not like them at all, they were all totally off, did not have the smallest clue of what they were talking about. Abigail was so horrible to the point that I got a refund on that, the same way with Ace, for him actually I called, but for Abigail I wrote a testimonial and they actually did refund me themselves. Helega was almost asking me questions all the time, it was like she was trying to give me an analysis of the situation based on my answers (again I have to say I know some people use these psychics for advice but my definition of psychic is someone who can see and sense some unknown things not a supporter and comforter and care provider) bottom line I had to hang up on her. Lumina was another disaster that I did hang up on, she was totally off, she told me that I was seeing the person of interest and we were dating and happily together (I had no connection with this person that she saw me happily dating for almost 4 months at the time of reading and as some of you know it was not a love interest.). Sean was another disaster, first of all he was repeating the sentences and it was obvious that he was trying to prolong the session this way, then based on my comments he started to change the story, first saw a connection by the end of the September and the getting to know each other more and even he talked up to family meetings during the holidays and when I made a comment to one of his predictions he change the story to January next year, and when I was like hey wait a second 5 minutes ago u said there would be a connection coming from the other person mid September he said there will be some energy activity no connection though. Woohoo "energy activity" (whatever it means lol)

Leo, Hern, Avery, Faith, Reed and kole, told me things that I did not like to hear, exactly the opposite of what other said, and so far given that nothing had happened, they are the most accurate one. Though with Avery I have to say that instead of giving me answers to my questions it sounded like if he had a script himself and he was just following that. To the point that I had to ask him what did the thing he was talking about have to do with my question!

Sonja: told me things I was happy to hear (like a fairytale) but when I explained a little what happened she said nothing will happen and there will be no contact (so was she right :o :)

Sybil Ann, Yvonne, Sara, Ariel and Anaya Dawn all gave me a fairytale but said there will be no contact. (so where they correct?) ::)

Linda, Fiona, Kim, made predictions (fairy tale type of predictions) that none panned out

Micah and Nigel sounded like an older guy giving a younger one some advice on life, made also some predictions for October which did not pan out.

Esmeralda: I had a reading with her at which  she was able to pick up my carrier and told me exactly what I do, but was totally wrong on all predictions. But our second reading, she was totally off.

Megan: so she is the funniest story, she made two predictions which did not come to pass, so after like two weeks or so I called her and said we talked on this date and u made a time prediction which did not happen so I want to know if u sense something different now, her response was, let me connect to my guides and then said my guides say definitely there was a delay (seriously!!!) and there will be a connection before the first of September! also I am sure she was cooking something in her kitchen.

Phillip: I talked to him more than anyone else on CP, liked him because he sounded realistic and also was telling me things I really liked to hear, but all wrong. nothing happened. and on top of that he changed his story at our last conversation, at first we were all over the place together, he was talking baout some astrology stuff that I do not remember and he said that there are 23 bonds or something like that between us and he would consider 24 a marrage in the heavens bla bla. We were suppose to be together forever, he even gave me stages of our relationship bla bla, but at the last reading although he was coming back in two weeks we will be only friends...(his timelines were always 2 to 4 weeks and he would always say please do not freak out if it takes a week or so longer for this to happen!!!)

 Blue: saw a contact end of the year latest but mostly in november, did not happen.

 William: saw a contact by end of November, did not happen.

Samadi: she was interesting, but anyway to make it short she was all wrong and none of the predictions panned out.

 Summer: she changed her story during the reading, and nothing panned out regardless.

 Winter: no prediction came to pass.

 Gelsomina: said he is gay so I hung up immediately :) lol

 Nathan: saw me in the "fashion" industry :)

 Suzette: said if I want a contact I should initiate it and I will not regret it :)

 Vicky Joy: said yes there will be contact but not till next August...whatever :)

 Eden: saw a contact by February but was feeling more like it will not pass the new year...

Maeve, Tisha, Vali, Doris, Maryanne, Nevaeh, Mona, Charlotte, Kinsey, Dezi, Devyn, Paige, Scarlet, Madeline, Kyra, Colette, Elijah, Dave, Nina, Miss Krystal, Jeremiah, Wren, Jack, Francesca, Saphira, Agnes, Alma, Bridget, Chastity, Tenley, Piper, Teva, Emma, Giselle, Lisette, Aimee, they all saw a contact with the time frames which were all in 2012. nothing panned out as predicted by any of them.

AND OF COURSE MY GREATEST PILAR :) kept the best for the last:

Pilar: What can I say about her, chakras, kundalini energy, boxes, air planes, past lives, jazz bar, blocked calls (nice to hear your voice granny :O), Egypt, Italy, Ireland, Sam (this one is female ;o)), Steven, Tim, Greg and Valeria, Edward, what can I seriously say,I will only say this "Thanks to her I went to Irelnad" :)

there might also be some that I do not remember, used to call maybe 10 in a row and for most part at the time was not taking notes so I do not know :)

And I have to mention almost all the CP readers who gave me a postive outcome (he will reach out to you) gave me a fairy tale, the only one who did not was Eden, she said he will reach out to you and you will get your apology but at that time I do not see you interested even in listenning to him apologizing...


Cookie: So far she is my most favorite reader, she is so sweet and very nice, I do not think she is a fraud, and I do agree with the fact that she has a real gift as long as she does not put her own two cents in it :) She was able to pick up exactly what happened, she gave me dates of the days that things took place, she was able to give names of people around me, she was able to tell me what I said our what I have been said, she saw I failed a test without me even talking about it, she saw so many things from the events that have happened which were super scary. She also told me I need to clean my place lol.  she knew were he lived, his schools name, she described my work place, she mentioned a trophy of mine which he liked, I mean the list of the accurate stuff she said can be very long. BUT and this is a huge BUT, nothing panned out the way she described. She still has time till April (she said up to one year) but at this point I am whatever :) She described how I would see him, how would that work, what would he do, where would we be, and all that, and unlike other readers, she did not give me a fairy tale, she said basically run away when he tries to reach out to u. She mentioned some stuff like I will hear from some people I have not heard from for a long time or brought someone up from my past ( who I am engaged to at the moment) but I really do not know if I should take them as predictions manifesting our just simple facts of life which took place and I am putting meanings into them...

Magical Sandra: I felt talking to my grandma:) she said he will not come back but if he does I must run away, she also gave me the talk handsome guy with his own business...

Aries Intuitions Kisha: Read with her twice, at both readings she saw a contact which never happened (she gave time frames). At the first one she said there will be nothing coming out of it, at the second reading she saw us working on the issues we had.

Jenny ALton: had like 3-4 readings with her, saw a contact, time frame did not pan out. but then said she was not good at timing.

Astrosarah: had couple of readings with her, in all of them saw a contact, the time frame did not pan out and gave me the same spiel about not being good with the timing but being great with the final outcomes.

Sapphire: read with her couple of times and each time had a feeling she was really struggling to read and dragging her feet, I am not sure if that is the way she reads but it was only with me, but regardless, she did not give me any predictions, she gave me the whole he is in love with you thing but did not predict anything, instead said if he comes forward you should do this and that...

MsLisaM: Had an email reading with her and I have to say as far as personality analysis she gave me on him she was dead on. I am not sure if it was astrology or numerology or any of those things that people talk about and I do not understand any :) but overall she was correct, she did not really give me any predictions, just said if you wait enough he will be back because your silence will kill him!

Sister Maya: gave me a fairy tale and some dates for contact, all wrong.

Fairy moon child: gave me a fairy tale and contact predictions, nothing panned out.

Psychic One: all wrong.

Psychic Mar: all wrong.

Persian Psychic: I do not know, she was kind of general and I had to drag words out of her mouth, her predictions are all till April. What was intersting about her was that her price went up from 6.99 to 9.99 in one night!!!

North Star Julie: did not give me an exact time for the contact, just said I have not heard the end of it.

MR11: have me a 2 for the contact, she would be right if that 2 is 2 years :) lol

LakHei Tarot: had couple of readings with her till early December and she was all no contact, then in December she saw a contact and had two more readings with her in December that she saw contact but she did not gave me any time frame or so, said she is not good with timing but said it should be soon! All I can tell about her though is she just pulls cards and reads them, she does not put any of her own interpretations into the reading which I kind of liked, she is also very short, it is like I pulled page of cups and that is a communication card.

Dream Maker: Horrible.

VodouDoctorJamie: Horrible

Nick Vauss: Horrible

Shaman Majic: BS fairy tale reader. Nothing panned out.

Marceejay: ridiculous!

aesonknight: " he is under my tree" lol

spirit2spirit: said contact by August... whatever :)

DZigns: contact by a 9 mosth probably by 29th of December 2012 but should not be more than 9 weeks...whatever :)

Siane22: no contact till 2014 at least, and "I am sorry it is unethical I can not look into his feelings for youit is violation of confidentiality"...whatever :)

Priestess Star: he will contact me in March, to tell me how happy he is in his new life!!!  :o whatever :)

joy630: I have been harassed by my dad!!!

FaithfulTiger: he is gay! maybe he is who knows lol if he is good for him :)

Ask Grace: if you want contact you must reach out! SURE I WILL LOL  ::)

Wise Taurean: will contact me in March.

Destiny: will call before the end of 2012. Wrong.

Psychic Source:

Read with Joseph, Ben, Penelope, Pixie, Arthur, Nancy, and couple more that do not remember now , all BS, gave me fairy tales and contact predictions and none panned out, aslo I think most of these people (including CP readers who I asked about my board result, all told me I will pass, NAH!)

Psychic centerr

 Kathleen ( I think I saw her on Keen As well) she siad I wil fail the board and no contact.

There was this lady called Spirit light she said most amazing love ever.

Marlena saw other friends bringing us together (Cookie said he will go through other friends and try to get info about me, and she named two of them and even described how they looked like to a "T") and by November I will have a contact, never happened.

Izabella (with "z") and Lillian were two others who saw a contact which never happened.

Whisper, and Louisa both gave me bunch of bs also saw contact which never happened.

There was this German lady Ariel she said when you see him at the grocery store say HIIIIIIIIIII :) This other lady told me to take him to lunch or diner :) and this guy name Julian who said he is going to "die" if he does not contat me!

Lynn, Selena, Chloe, Carly, Susan, Jack,
Melissa, Lillian, Joya, Amethyst, Leah, Caroline,
Shauna, Alison, Hope, I read with them but did not take any notes,
 most of them most probably saw a contact or reuniting.


Sherri Lynn: no contact unless if I reach out

Christine Lynn: fun to talk to, but gave me bunch of bs. Could not even pick up what was going on and I had to eventually tell her the story. Talks to much about herself and her family and what she does and how she helps police and she was chosen rhe psychic of the year and bla bla. But enjoyed talking to her as a person. Also made predictions for 2013-2014-2015 which I am like whateveeeer ;)

Bottomline, putting this phase of my life to rest, I learned that no one can predict anything major about what the future holds. Do I regret having called the Psychics? yes, BUT having the opportunity to get to know some really great people on this forum, was it worth the experience? ABSOLUTELY...

« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 07:49:00 AM by obenimdunyam »

Offline Synergy

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2013, 05:14:59 PM »

Thanks for your post. 

You mention about looking for validations that a reader is connecting.  I think it's evident that many readers are able to provide these validations, but are still WRONG when it comes to predictions.  I've had that happen to me with Jenny Alton, Sapphire, Cookie, and others.  I will never call those readers again because, quite frankly, I know my past, I know my location, I know where I live... I don't need to spend money calling a psychic to get that information.  None of that is important or relevant.

If you continue calling psychics, I recommend asking about a non-love relationship first.  If I call someone I have never read with before, I often start by asking about either my mom, the father of my children who I have no love for and never wish to reconcile with, or a married man I work with that I have no intentions on crossing the line with.  You can gauge a lot about a readers "gift" or lack thereof if you start by asking about someone you don't want to be with or a different type of situation.  It may sound like a waste of money, but look at all the money you wasted reading with all these frauds anyways. 

Also, I think CP is full of fakes, and I wouldn't recommend them to my worst enemy.  They are far too expensive for the "advice" and "guidance" they provide. 

While it sucks hearing predictions that have timeframes that are years out, you cannot discount the readers who gave you those years.  It COULD pan out that way.  The thing is... do you really want to put your life on hold and be waiting for this person for YEARS?  These men we are calling about (or women for a few of you on here) are not putting their lives on hold!!  They're not spending tens of thousands of dollars trying to get readings about you! 

If this is how you want to live your life, fine.  For some reason, I too have chosen to seek answers any way I can, but you have to be able to 1. Be objective about your own readings, 2. Accept the possibility that everyone can be wrong and there are no guarantees when it comes to psychics, 3. Learn lessons from your readings about yourself and about what you're willing to put up with, and 4. Realize that being on hold isn't living.  I've come to terms with all this but I keep getting readings.  Sometimes it's simply because I'm bored and lonely.  Other times it's because I can't fathom why the men in my life behave the way they do.  At this point, though, I have to shrug off any bitterness or anger directed at readers.  This is a BUSINESS.  No matter how many times we call a reader, how nice they seem, how much we want to believe them, THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS.  They owe us nothing.  Nothing.  It may be unethical to lie.  It feels like they cheated us in a sense... but it doesn't matter.  For all we know a reader like Cookie may firmly believe all the b.s. she's telling us.  I'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out why she was so wrong.  I'm going to beat myself up a bit for spending hundreds of dollars on her, but that's it.  You have to move on.  Similar to how one day we'll have to move on from these exes who had no problem moving on from us.

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2013, 05:43:46 PM »
Well said synergy, we really do not need someone to tell us about our pasts and where we live and no matter what this is a business...


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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 06:47:31 PM »
FIRST of all synergy that was hilarious....I don't need anyone to tell me where I live. Too funny and you are right in all you said, it was very honest, clear headed and food for thought. You are right this is a business and these people are not our friends but when someone comes out from a relationship of hurt and mistrust the basic human need is to find safety and comfort and these readers know that and make you their friend only a very few will shout on you to stop calling, focus and move on with your life kisha did that to me and woke me up and I will be forever grateful to her. I used to feel I can never be like an alcoholic or drug user and get stuck on something or be like bernie madoff victims that I was smarter than that but not anymore, anybody can be a victim or addicted to something.                 OBEN, thank you for taking the time to write out all that you did and you have opened the eyes of a lot of people and have saved a lot of people thousands because they will also be alerted when they are being fed bs. I will try and write out some of mine today. We have spent thousands but if our experience and loss of money will save others at least some thousands then it was all worth it. Its like those parents that lost their kids to the shooting trying to save others. I know its not the same harshness but we can all do our part to save the next person. Thank you and please consider being a guide to others, I don't know in what medium but I believe a lot of people would like to hear or talk to someone who has gone through this. Many people don't have anyone to talk to because they feel ashamed but think about it. Thanks again.

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 05:41:08 AM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:48:31 AM by hope4love »

Offline lioness79

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2013, 07:33:02 AM »
Hey Obe  :-*

Great post! I am so happy and proud of you for having the strength to move on from this horrible experience with grace and a sense of humor! I had a thought the other night, it was all destined to be. You meeting douche is what led you to meet True and I, which led you to...  ;)

The BEST readings were "he is under your tree" and "he is gay"


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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2013, 01:00:49 PM »
Thank you Obe!
I recognize myself completely  ;) I can just sign my name under the post.Very funny also.

The persian psychic:Her rate went from 5 dollars to 16 dollars within a very short time,and she keeps moving her price:)I havent called her,something warns me.She is all over the internet,you can google her.I think her feedback is just beginners luck..We shall see later on.The fact that she now feels so comfortable with her feedback,that she can raise her rate so drastically is a warning bell for me.

Btw,.theres a lot you all can do to gain insight through divination methods yourself.And these will never fail you,they are dead on accurate.Iching,different oracles,(i have tonns of them),runes and so on.

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2013, 07:23:54 PM »
@ lioness, getting to know you guys was the best thing which came out this whole mess, I am great full to the douche lord ;) maybe when we r going to celebrate your acceptance to the school, we should go to a gay bar, we might see him there ;0)- lol

@ this Persian lady the only thing which sounded interesting to me was "pentagon technique" of hers, I wondered what would that be, and of course she did not explain ;) also she gave me a number 22 and said this is the best love/interest/connection/whatever number and she saw that for me and it is veryyyyyy promising, then in her feedbacks I read other people talking about that number 22, so made me think of her majesty pilar so this one can be her majesty number 2;)


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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2013, 09:56:41 PM »
Obe! I am so happy for you!!! The only good thing about douche lord is that he led you to me and lion!! Xoxo!!

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2013, 03:21:49 AM »
@ true, yes, the only "real" good thing he brought to my life :-*

Angel light

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 11:29:30 PM »
And me Comrad!

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2013, 01:11:17 AM »
Of course Comrad ;)


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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2013, 04:34:20 AM »
Love angel!!!


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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2017, 01:38:02 AM »
Ok now that I am at the end of  "psychic" phase of my life and putting it to rest,  I thought maybe I should post about my experience. this is going to be  veryyyyy long, so sorry for that.

As some of you know, I had a very bad 2012 and almost totally lost it, have not been hurt or humiliated this much in my entire life by anyone, could not put any sort of meaning to what I was going through and could not see why that was happening. I think the magic word here was "WHY"... not knowing "why" was what was really killing me. More I tried to figure out why, more I got lost, from April till August, tried anything I could to figure out that "why" with no luck, and finally late July I made my first psychic call and of course got drawn into this habit of calling psychics hoping to hear something to be able to consolidate what I was going through. And now $12000 (embarrassing is not it...) later and having read with over almost 200 psychics, have to say, no prediction so far came to pass. No one so far was correct on their time lines. There were psychics who could tune into the situation and see what was going on but when it came to the predictions and timing, nothing happened.

Let me explain what I mean by "tuning in". If someone was able to tell me how our relationship was, how did it all happen and how it ended up to be, I would consider that person tuned in. Of course this was before I read about all these reading" techniques" that readers use. And frankly now looking back, it is not really rocket science. Someone is calling and is giving a name and asking about him/her, the odds are that there are some issues going on otherwise most probably they would just enjoy the relationship and do not bother to call a psychic :)

Anyway here is my experience with psychics I read with:

California Psychics:

Gina Rose: sounded pretty confident, very expensive $13 per minute, made predictions for this coming October / November and nothing panned out.

Abrielle: very nice and sweet, enjoyed talking to her and thought I had a connection (maybe simply just because I heard what I liked to hear :) . Made predictions for the October and did not pan out.

Anasela: She is a tarot reader and I heard thing I wanted so I liked her, but predictions were for mid September which did not manifest.

Genessa: very nice lady, but made predictions by the end of August and nothing happened.

Demi: over all I did not like her much, more than a psychic reading felt like she was trying to give me advice.I know that so many people call them to actually get advice and support (based on the testimonials I read) but to me if I am calling a psychic I want to know if they really can see what the future hold. She made predictions for October/November and nothing happened.

Daphne: she was nice, gave me timeline for October which did not happen and was wrong on two questions I already knew the answers( interestingly almost any psychic I talked to was wrong on these two particular question which I would only ask to test the accuracy )

Ivy: liked her, warm and nice, was like talking to a friend (but a very expensive one ;o) she was also wrong on the same two questions. Her predictions were for mid September and nothing happened.

Elijah: was nice and made predictions and as far as the time lines he said because time is liquid he can not give exact numbers but he sees numbers which means that many days or weeks or months (like if sees 3 then 3 days or 3 weeks or 3 months) was wrong o. The same exact questions and nothing happened so far. (I do not know how liquid is his time lol)

Donna: she was very nice, predictions till mid September but nothing panned out.

Tenley, Amiee and Charlie almost the same and made predictions for mid September to October. nothing happened

Violet: I had two readings with, at the first one she told me I should forget about everything because it is over, at the second one she totally changed the story and gave me the BS about the childhood issues and family member and so on, this time made a contact prediction till Feb 2013. Whatever :)

Jean, jack, Michael, Berlin   they where all wrong on the same prediction.

Kallista:she is really sweet, has a strong positive vibe. I had two readings with her, during the first one she said by mid September and on the second one she gave predictions for a number 5 and said hopefully will happen in 5 weeks. She told me I had to wait and I was not good at waiting. She also could see the field of my occupation. but nothing panned out. The only thing I can really give to her was when I asked her about my board results, she said it is very at the border and she was not sure if I would pass but said wither way it would be very at the border, which was correct, I failed one point short of the passing score (got 84 when I needed 85)

Indio, Abigail, Eve, Ace, Eve, Sean, Allison, Bellina, Fallon, Beritta, Agnes, Uriela, Helega, Sabrina, Leah, Anastasia, Simone, Lumina and Morgana, I did not like them at all, they were all totally off, did not have the smallest clue of what they were talking about. Abigail was so horrible to the point that I got a refund on that, the same way with Ace, for him actually I called, but for Abigail I wrote a testimonial and they actually did refund me themselves. Helega was almost asking me questions all the time, it was like she was trying to give me an analysis of the situation based on my answers (again I have to say I know some people use these psychics for advice but my definition of psychic is someone who can see and sense some unknown things not a supporter and comforter and care provider) bottom line I had to hang up on her. Lumina was another disaster that I did hang up on, she was totally off, she told me that I was seeing the person of interest and we were dating and happily together (I had no connection with this person that she saw me happily dating for almost 4 months at the time of reading and as some of you know it was not a love interest.). Sean was another disaster, first of all he was repeating the sentences and it was obvious that he was trying to prolong the session this way, then based on my comments he started to change the story, first saw a connection by the end of the September and the getting to know each other more and even he talked up to family meetings during the holidays and when I made a comment to one of his predictions he change the story to January next year, and when I was like hey wait a second 5 minutes ago u said there would be a connection coming from the other person mid September he said there will be some energy activity no connection though. Woohoo "energy activity" (whatever it means lol)

Leo, Hern, Avery, Faith, Reed and kole, told me things that I did not like to hear, exactly the opposite of what other said, and so far given that nothing had happened, they are the most accurate one. Though with Avery I have to say that instead of giving me answers to my questions it sounded like if he had a script himself and he was just following that. To the point that I had to ask him what did the thing he was talking about have to do with my question!

Sonja: told me things I was happy to hear (like a fairytale) but when I explained a little what happened she said nothing will happen and there will be no contact (so was she right :o :)

Sybil Ann, Yvonne, Sara, Ariel and Anaya Dawn all gave me a fairytale but said there will be no contact. (so where they correct?) ::)

Linda, Fiona, Kim, made predictions (fairy tale type of predictions) that none panned out

Micah and Nigel sounded like an older guy giving a younger one some advice on life, made also some predictions for October which did not pan out.

Esmeralda: I had a reading with her at which  she was able to pick up my carrier and told me exactly what I do, but was totally wrong on all predictions. But our second reading, she was totally off.

Megan: so she is the funniest story, she made two predictions which did not come to pass, so after like two weeks or so I called her and said we talked on this date and u made a time prediction which did not happen so I want to know if u sense something different now, her response was, let me connect to my guides and then said my guides say definitely there was a delay (seriously!!!) and there will be a connection before the first of September! also I am sure she was cooking something in her kitchen.

Phillip: I talked to him more than anyone else on CP, liked him because he sounded realistic and also was telling me things I really liked to hear, but all wrong. nothing happened. and on top of that he changed his story at our last conversation, at first we were all over the place together, he was talking baout some astrology stuff that I do not remember and he said that there are 23 bonds or something like that between us and he would consider 24 a marrage in the heavens bla bla. We were suppose to be together forever, he even gave me stages of our relationship bla bla, but at the last reading although he was coming back in two weeks we will be only friends...(his timelines were always 2 to 4 weeks and he would always say please do not freak out if it takes a week or so longer for this to happen!!!)

 Blue: saw a contact end of the year latest but mostly in november, did not happen.

 William: saw a contact by end of November, did not happen.

Samadi: she was interesting, but anyway to make it short she was all wrong and none of the predictions panned out.

 Summer: she changed her story during the reading, and nothing panned out regardless.

 Winter: no prediction came to pass.

 Gelsomina: said he is gay so I hung up immediately :) lol

 Nathan: saw me in the "fashion" industry :)

 Suzette: said if I want a contact I should initiate it and I will not regret it :)

 Vicky Joy: said yes there will be contact but not till next August...whatever :)

 Eden: saw a contact by February but was feeling more like it will not pass the new year...

Maeve, Tisha, Vali, Doris, Maryanne, Nevaeh, Mona, Charlotte, Kinsey, Dezi, Devyn, Paige, Scarlet, Madeline, Kyra, Colette, Elijah, Dave, Nina, Miss Krystal, Jeremiah, Wren, Jack, Francesca, Saphira, Agnes, Alma, Bridget, Chastity, Tenley, Piper, Teva, Emma, Giselle, Lisette, Aimee, they all saw a contact with the time frames which were all in 2012. nothing panned out as predicted by any of them.

AND OF COURSE MY GREATEST PILAR :) kept the best for the last:

Pilar: What can I say about her, chakras, kundalini energy, boxes, air planes, past lives, jazz bar, blocked calls (nice to hear your voice granny :O), Egypt, Italy, Ireland, Sam (this one is female ;o)), Steven, Tim, Greg and Valeria, Edward, what can I seriously say,I will only say this "Thanks to her I went to Irelnad" :)

there might also be some that I do not remember, used to call maybe 10 in a row and for most part at the time was not taking notes so I do not know :)

And I have to mention almost all the CP readers who gave me a postive outcome (he will reach out to you) gave me a fairy tale, the only one who did not was Eden, she said he will reach out to you and you will get your apology but at that time I do not see you interested even in listenning to him apologizing...


Cookie: So far she is my most favorite reader, she is so sweet and very nice, I do not think she is a fraud, and I do agree with the fact that she has a real gift as long as she does not put her own two cents in it :) She was able to pick up exactly what happened, she gave me dates of the days that things took place, she was able to give names of people around me, she was able to tell me what I said our what I have been said, she saw I failed a test without me even talking about it, she saw so many things from the events that have happened which were super scary. She also told me I need to clean my place lol.  she knew were he lived, his schools name, she described my work place, she mentioned a trophy of mine which he liked, I mean the list of the accurate stuff she said can be very long. BUT and this is a huge BUT, nothing panned out the way she described. She still has time till April (she said up to one year) but at this point I am whatever :) She described how I would see him, how would that work, what would he do, where would we be, and all that, and unlike other readers, she did not give me a fairy tale, she said basically run away when he tries to reach out to u. She mentioned some stuff like I will hear from some people I have not heard from for a long time or brought someone up from my past ( who I am engaged to at the moment) but I really do not know if I should take them as predictions manifesting our just simple facts of life which took place and I am putting meanings into them...

Magical Sandra: I felt talking to my grandma:) she said he will not come back but if he does I must run away, she also gave me the talk handsome guy with his own business...

Aries Intuitions Kisha: Read with her twice, at both readings she saw a contact which never happened (she gave time frames). At the first one she said there will be nothing coming out of it, at the second reading she saw us working on the issues we had.

Jenny ALton: had like 3-4 readings with her, saw a contact, time frame did not pan out. but then said she was not good at timing.

Astrosarah: had couple of readings with her, in all of them saw a contact, the time frame did not pan out and gave me the same spiel about not being good with the timing but being great with the final outcomes.

Sapphire: read with her couple of times and each time had a feeling she was really struggling to read and dragging her feet, I am not sure if that is the way she reads but it was only with me, but regardless, she did not give me any predictions, she gave me the whole he is in love with you thing but did not predict anything, instead said if he comes forward you should do this and that...

MsLisaM: Had an email reading with her and I have to say as far as personality analysis she gave me on him she was dead on. I am not sure if it was astrology or numerology or any of those things that people talk about and I do not understand any :) but overall she was correct, she did not really give me any predictions, just said if you wait enough he will be back because your silence will kill him!

Sister Maya: gave me a fairy tale and some dates for contact, all wrong.

Fairy moon child: gave me a fairy tale and contact predictions, nothing panned out.

Psychic One: all wrong.

Psychic Mar: all wrong.

Persian Psychic: I do not know, she was kind of general and I had to drag words out of her mouth, her predictions are all till April. What was intersting about her was that her price went up from 6.99 to 9.99 in one night!!!

North Star Julie: did not give me an exact time for the contact, just said I have not heard the end of it.

MR11: have me a 2 for the contact, she would be right if that 2 is 2 years :) lol

LakHei Tarot: had couple of readings with her till early December and she was all no contact, then in December she saw a contact and had two more readings with her in December that she saw contact but she did not gave me any time frame or so, said she is not good with timing but said it should be soon! All I can tell about her though is she just pulls cards and reads them, she does not put any of her own interpretations into the reading which I kind of liked, she is also very short, it is like I pulled page of cups and that is a communication card.

Dream Maker: Horrible.

VodouDoctorJamie: Horrible

Nick Vauss: Horrible

Shaman Majic: BS fairy tale reader. Nothing panned out.

Marceejay: ridiculous!

aesonknight: " he is under my tree" lol

spirit2spirit: said contact by August... whatever :)

DZigns: contact by a 9 mosth probably by 29th of December 2012 but should not be more than 9 weeks...whatever :)

Siane22: no contact till 2014 at least, and "I am sorry it is unethical I can not look into his feelings for youit is violation of confidentiality"...whatever :)

Priestess Star: he will contact me in March, to tell me how happy he is in his new life!!!  :o whatever :)

joy630: I have been harassed by my dad!!!

FaithfulTiger: he is gay! maybe he is who knows lol if he is good for him :)

Ask Grace: if you want contact you must reach out! SURE I WILL LOL  ::)

Wise Taurean: will contact me in March.

Destiny: will call before the end of 2012. Wrong.

Psychic Source:

Read with Joseph, Ben, Penelope, Pixie, Arthur, Nancy, and couple more that do not remember now , all BS, gave me fairy tales and contact predictions and none panned out, aslo I think most of these people (including CP readers who I asked about my board result, all told me I will pass, NAH!)

Psychic centerr

 Kathleen ( I think I saw her on Keen As well) she siad I wil fail the board and no contact.

There was this lady called Spirit light she said most amazing love ever.

Marlena saw other friends bringing us together (Cookie said he will go through other friends and try to get info about me, and she named two of them and even described how they looked like to a "T") and by November I will have a contact, never happened.

Izabella (with "z") and Lillian were two others who saw a contact which never happened.

Whisper, and Louisa both gave me bunch of bs also saw contact which never happened.

There was this German lady Ariel she said when you see him at the grocery store say HIIIIIIIIIII :) This other lady told me to take him to lunch or diner :) and this guy name Julian who said he is going to "die" if he does not contat me!

Lynn, Selena, Chloe, Carly, Susan, Jack,
Melissa, Lillian, Joya, Amethyst, Leah, Caroline,
Shauna, Alison, Hope, I read with them but did not take any notes,
 most of them most probably saw a contact or reuniting.


Sherri Lynn: no contact unless if I reach out

Christine Lynn: fun to talk to, but gave me bunch of bs. Could not even pick up what was going on and I had to eventually tell her the story. Talks to much about herself and her family and what she does and how she helps police and she was chosen rhe psychic of the year and bla bla. But enjoyed talking to her as a person. Also made predictions for 2013-2014-2015 which I am like whateveeeer ;)

Bottomline, putting this phase of my life to rest, I learned that no one can predict anything major about what the future holds. Do I regret having called the Psychics? yes, BUT having the opportunity to get to know some really great people on this forum, was it worth the experience? ABSOLUTELY...


For all that are going through a rough time right now and headed for a binge, I found this old thread from 2013. Remember, there are very few, if any, ethical and accurate readers out there. We've all been there, some of us for way too long. I started with Keen about 10 yrs ago, though I'm not as bad as I was, I still have to watch myself!! Drive safe!! Now, waiting for my call back from Gaylene!!  ::) Lol
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 01:39:59 AM by Amb »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: The "Psychic" phase of my life
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2017, 03:02:28 AM »
You are just too amazing to have read with soooooo many people. I didn't read over the posts for CP, PS or PC because I have never had accounts there. I guess in my case it is good not to have the money to spend. I liked your Keen list though and have read with only three from that list. MR11 of course, since I just posted about her.

Your description of Christine Lynn was CL to a Tee. That woman can talk and it certainly isn't about the caller (all about what Chrissy wants to talk about), but then she cuts you off when the time is up as if she helped you and as if going over her $1 per min time would harm her business. I read with her perhaps twice I think, ages ago and I haven't been back.

I've had predictions from readers that happened. Some big, some small, some right, some wrong and so it goes. I sort of always question when people say absolutely nothing came to pass for them. I mean like nothing?

Again, your list was grand though.