Author Topic: WRONG again  (Read 9722 times)

Offline Synergy

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WRONG again
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:13:30 PM »
Well, this isn't a big deal because my latest "situation" wasn't serious nor am I emotionally invested in the person I was calling about, but it's clear I will not be involved with this person in any way, and there will be no romance with him.

The following readers said I would date this person/be in a relationship with him/would see improvements/increased romance and were WRONG:

Jenny Alton
LifeMakeoverParty (correct to an extent, as there was a development after my reading with her, but that didn't continue)
Mystikka (she said there would be distance, and then he'd come forward, so if that does in fact occur I will update)
LadyAshley (similar to Mystikka, so, again, I will update if anything changes)
Maurine36 (did say he isn't the ONE, but said we would date)
Rocky Mtn Psychic (first reading she said this wouldn't go anywhere, but she changed the reading the second time and said we would date)

Readers who predicted this was going nowhere and were correct:

Kisha "Aries Intuition"
Gaylene "Abundant Visions"
Rocky Mtn Psychic in her first reading, changed the outcome the second time I read with her

The following said it could go either way, but hinged on a situation which I can confirm:


Well, I hope this helps in some way.  I have pretty much lost all hope in psychics.  Gaylene, for example, has been very wrong for me before, but was right in this case.  Siane missed a pretty big detail in my readings but was ultimately correct.  I don't think there is one reader I can count on.  FOR ME, thus far, the best track records belong to Kisha and LadyP, even though neither has been 100% accurate.  I'm pretty down on myself for spending so much money on something so pointless.  I'm actually more upset about that than about this not going anywhere. 


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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 11:43:01 PM »
Thanks for the update.  How long ago did you read with these psychics and what timeframes did they offer for development in this situation?

Well, this isn't a big deal because my latest "situation" wasn't serious nor am I emotionally invested in the person I was calling about, but it's clear I will not be involved with this person in any way, and there will be no romance with him.

The following readers said I would date this person/be in a relationship with him/would see improvements/increased romance and were WRONG:

Jenny Alton
LifeMakeoverParty (correct to an extent, as there was a development after my reading with her, but that didn't continue)
Mystikka (she said there would be distance, and then he'd come forward, so if that does in fact occur I will update)
LadyAshley (similar to Mystikka, so, again, I will update if anything changes)
Maurine36 (did say he isn't the ONE, but said we would date)
Rocky Mtn Psychic (first reading she said this wouldn't go anywhere, but she changed the reading the second time and said we would date)

Readers who predicted this was going nowhere and were correct:

Kisha "Aries Intuition"
Gaylene "Abundant Visions"
Rocky Mtn Psychic in her first reading, changed the outcome the second time I read with her

The following said it could go either way, but hinged on a situation which I can confirm:


Well, I hope this helps in some way.  I have pretty much lost all hope in psychics.  Gaylene, for example, has been very wrong for me before, but was right in this case.  Siane missed a pretty big detail in my readings but was ultimately correct.  I don't think there is one reader I can count on.  FOR ME, thus far, the best track records belong to Kisha and LadyP, even though neither has been 100% accurate.  I'm pretty down on myself for spending so much money on something so pointless.  I'm actually more upset about that than about this not going anywhere.

Offline Synergy

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2013, 12:10:16 AM »
The following readers said I would date this person/be in a relationship with him/would see improvements/increased romance and were WRONG:

Jenny Alton  Read with on 11/14 and predicted a man fitting this guy's description, said we would date.  Read again on 12/13 to ask specifically about this man and she stated it would move fast from that point on, and he would invite himself to my home and this would proceed into a relationship rapidly
LifeMakeoverParty (correct to an extent, as there was a development after my reading with her, but that didn't continue) Read with her on 12/13.  I have to add that I really like LMP as an empath. Sadly, she did say this would work out without any obstacles or issues, and that is far from the case.  She was correct in that we were intimate not long after the reading
Mystikka (she said there would be distance, and then he'd come forward, so if that does in fact occur I will update)12/11 I specifically asked about this individual's ex being an issue and she said that they are no longer romantically involved and she would not be an issue until he would be willing to tell her that he is involved with me a couple of months into our dating.  Needless to say that's not the case, as it appears they do still have some involvement, and he and I are not dating.
LadyAshley (similar to Mystikka, so, again, I will update if anything changes)12/27 she said he would be aloof but he is not involved with the ex.  Stated he would come forward and we would date
Maurine36 (did say he isn't the ONE, but said we would date)12/26 stated that he would come forward "soon" and we will date.  Also said he is not a bad guy although he has not completely addressed issues with his ex, but there is no involvement between them.  Said he would be the guy I am dating when I meet the one I will have a relationship with and that would occur within the next couple of months.
Rocky Mtn Psychic (first reading she said this wouldn't go anywhere, but she changed the reading the second time and said we would date) On 12/28 she said that he really likes me and will come forward "soon".  We will date and there aren't any obstacles, as she stated that he is not involved with the ex.  Please see below for the reading on 12/26, which is pretty much exactly how things worked out.  I'm not sure why she changed the reading.
TJ373 This guy was ridiculous.  He said this man is crazy about me and won't be able to resist.  Has only been distant bc he can't believe that he finally got me after having pursued me for so long, but he would come forward in no time bc he can't deny his feelings

Readers who predicted this was going nowhere and were correct:

Kisha "Aries Intuition" Have read with her about this on and off since the summer actually when he was at the peak of his pursuit.  She says we won't even go on another date, and based on how things are I would say this is most likely correct.
Gaylene "Abundant Visions" Has been warning me about this guy since the summer.  Specifically told me in August NOT to sleep with him.  Last reading with her was last week and she told me things I can confirm today.
Siane I really still don't like this reader even though she was right. Haha.  Readings were on 12/28 and 1/3.  She stated he and I will not date.  He may come back around in February, but he's involved with someone else and was merely all about the "conquest" not about really wanting to be with me.  There were details she missed, but I have to admit that this was all correct
Rocky Mtn Psychic in her first reading, changed the outcome the second time I read with her So, the most confusing of all readers.  On 12/26 she was absolutely spot on. She said this was going no where fast.  We would be awkward for a number of weeks and it would become evident he just isn't interested in anything more than sex.  He got what he wanted for so long and he's preoccupied with someone else.  Too bad she completely changed the reading on 12/28

The following said it could go either way, but hinged on a situation which I can confirm:

Ness21 I absolutely LOVE Ness and will continue calling her.  She said he hadn't quite made the decision of what the heck he was doing with me, which is why he hasn't said anything one way or the other.  Has been correct about things I can confirm about the ex.  Correctly predicted the date of intimacy.  Still thinks it isnt the end all be all until he makes a concrete decision about the ex, but whatever.  I don't need to exert so much energy on someone I really just wanted to have fun with.
LadyPersephone And finally LadyP.  I read with her on 12/20 and today.  On 12/20 she knew EXACTLY what had happened the day before and knew a very important detail about how the night ended.  Predicted awkwardness for an extended period of time as he felt like he didn't know what to do.  She told me today to forget about this guy because even though he'll be back again, he's far too consumed with the ex and is always going to give me the scraps, so to speak.  He said we would talk about what happened, but LadyP told me to tell him not to bother haha.  She has been the most realistic and spot on when it comes to the entire situation and even knows that I don't even really like this guy and just wanted to have some fun. A lot of what she said resonated with me, and of everyone I've read with, I'd say she is most "right".

Anyways, if anything I think this has proven to give me some interesting insight on readers.  The only ones who knew I'm not even that into him were Kisha, LadyP, and Siane.  That says a lot in itself.

Offline Synergy

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2013, 04:46:34 AM »
I've gotten a lot of questions as to why I believe this isn't moving forward and I'd like to confirm to everyone that the man in question just told me that he wants to be friends like before. So yes, the readers with favorable predictions were wrong.

My posts aren't meant to upset or discourage and I'm sorry if anyone feels that way.

Offline lioness79

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2013, 05:06:29 AM »
Thank you for posting this, it is much appreciated! Good for you for accepting reality and not continuing to delude yourself with psychic BS. Sorry more were wrong than right for you!


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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 06:18:27 AM »
Thanks synergy for posting!!! You are a smart cookie IMO.


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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2013, 11:13:38 AM »
Your posts are helpful and I'm sorry if you felt that others regarded them as discouraging.  Only you can determine how long you are willing to give a particular psychic's prediction time to manifest.  I'm well known to be the eternal optimist, and perhaps inclined to give more time to something in order for it to materialize, but that is a personal choice.  That, ultimately is your decision based upon the circumstances and your own intuition.

That being said, I am a little confused that the individual in question just told you that he wants to be friends as you were, when it appears he has been in hot pursuit of you since the summer.  I wonder if he isn't trully in denial of the nature of his interest in you.  Typically, friends are not in pursuit of each other in that way, in my opinion.  Nevertheless, it is your choice and your choice alone, whether you consider a reading accurate for your purposes or not.

Offline Synergy

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2013, 04:57:26 PM »
Thanks everyone.

I will be honest... I hung on to the idea of C returning for far too long.  I still check his and his girlfriend's Facebook pages each week, sometimes more than once a week.  First, I was doing this with the hope that I would one day see that they were broken up.  After a few months, I would do this so that I could see that they are still together, as this would be the only way I could let go.  Since I still check their pages regularly, I guess I can't say I've let go.  Their relationship is what made me stop asking psychics about him, though.  He made a decision... a clear one.  A decision that has nothing to do with me.  What is there for me to hang on to?  I am in no way saying that everyone here should let go. I have so much hope for each and everyone of you.  In fact, all my hope for C has probably been transferred as hope for all of your relationships.  I look forward to coming on the forum.  Every day I think it may be the day that someone has good news. 

In this current situation, I have to take what this man says at face value.  I have to.  I don't want a year to go by with me still asking readers about him.  I don't want to be checking his Facebook page in 2014.  I don't want to ask our mutual friends if he has mentioned me.  I've done this already.  I can't allow this to become a pattern.  It made sense in a way with C because I was convinced he was different from any other man.  Heck, Sandy Esther predicted him coming into my life before he did!  I thought he would be the one.  I had all these hopes and dreams, which he actually played into in the beginning by being a prince.  But it didn't last.  He made the choice to walk away.  I hung on for too long.  Hoping, wishing, waiting.  If I make a similar decision about this new guy, and continue hoping, I'll be doing myself a disservice.  We were friends who hopped into bed together one night.  It happens all the time.  He's no prince charming, and this isn't a romantic comedy.   

With that said, let me go look at C's Facebook page and read his lovey dovey posts, so I can get two things in my head.  When a man loves a woman, he will show her.  Yes, some men get scared.  Some men fall in love, but aren't ready for it yet.  Other men are simply scumbags.  I can't spend my life deciphering which is which.  Second, I need to convince myself these men aren't coming back... and if by some miracle, one of them does, it'll be a nice surprise.  There's no use for me to "know" about it beforehand because I am anticipating something and being miserable in the meantime. 

You'd think after all that said and after almost 3 years of calling readers, I would be done.  The truth is, I know I'll keep calling.  I still have my favorites.  For today, I am simply discouraged.  Tomorrow the romantic optimist in me may rise again. 

Offline oben

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2013, 06:55:24 PM »
I have to say your last posting gave me goose bumps, it was like you wrote about are not alone, I am on the same boat with you, hated myself sometimes for doing so, but this is life, lets hope that 2013 will give us all the closure we really deserve, time for us to be happy :)


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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2013, 07:29:46 PM »
Cheer up Syn. Well, there is at least one good thing that came out of this...Kisha has been right again for you. Now you know just to call her whenever you get the itch to read again. Since she has been the most consistant for you, why not get a read about the future guy that will be "the one" or at least a good "Mr. Right Now" ?  I've done that with LadyPersephone.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 07:31:22 PM by loops77 »

Offline Jonnie

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2013, 11:56:39 PM »
Oh Syn,

I feel the same way as you, my ex and I were friends first who hopped in the bed together one night, then I let him move in with me, I was madly in love with him, I though he was the one, he found a job on the other side of USA, I went to visit him for a week, got back home and 4 weeks later he broke it off saying he still wanted to be friends. OH it hurts still, and I too are still calling readers and it has been over a yr now. What is wrong with me?? I wish I knew how to stop this cycle im in. I feel your pain, I really thought he fell in love with me too, when he broke it off he said I love you but I cant make you happy, I still want to be friends though, I still feel sick when I think about that day....lets hang in here good will happen soon!

Offline hope4love

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2013, 04:22:59 AM »
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:49:22 AM by hope4love »

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2013, 09:45:37 AM »
I wish there was a "like" button sometimes, lol!

Synergy your words are so eloquent. And dammit all to hell if I'm not a hopeless romantic optimist, too. ;) Being that you are one smart gal and undeniably strong, I'm sure you are aware that many of us know EXACTLY what you are going thru and many of us can relate. I still look at FB and twitter and instagram...ugh. I hate myself for it and am trying very hard to break the habit I have developed doing so. Anyway, despite all that, thank you so much for once again sharing your experiences with all of us and being kind enough to be detailed and thorough. Your reviews are a valuable tool for us all.


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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2013, 07:06:07 PM »

  I know how you feel. Readers have been 100% wrong for me, except with career and well that was even 6 months off!

  I suppose the best advice is to trust your gut and when the reader predicts something that is opposed to reality to disregard it. It if happens, then great, but if not then one is not holding on to false hope. Admittedly, this is hard to do when ideas are put in one's head.

  For some strange reason, I was expecting miracles in 2013! Now I feel 2013 is eerily similar to 2012. Here's to some better times ahead :)

Offline bjr181

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Re: WRONG again
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2013, 05:32:00 PM »
Looks like Ness21 won't take new clients- any clue how I can get in with her or does she have a personal website?

