Author Topic: As the year comes to a close  (Read 3280 times)

Angel light

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As the year comes to a close
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:42:14 PM »
Hi All,

I thought I would start this thread as it seems some of us are waiting on predictions that will take us into next year.  I thought about writing this for each reader separately, and I may do that depending on time.  However, here is my list of whom I have read with regarding my SM and I will update this thread as the predictions (or  not!) come to pass:

Fernando at CP:  Oct 2012 This reader is fast but $$!  He really nailed my guy to a "T" and picked up on the ex-wife right away.  He didn;t make too many predictions, however, did say that we would be spending time together at Christmas (we saw each other on Christmas Eve).  Also said that for the next 2 months he will do a pull back and come back (very very true) but he always comes back (yeah all true).  He says our relationship is solidified by the end of the year, that we will talk about living together by 3rd quarter next year.

Cookie:  Read with her Oct and Dec:  Oct she said he loves the woman from Orange County (me) and nailed him as well.  She said it will be 14 months before I get what i want out of him.  Will go dark on me 2-3 days at a time in Jan.  Lies will come out in Jan - he is hiding something.  Will spend time with him during workday (I went to his office several times during Oct).
              Dec reading:  Said he will procrastinate on getting the divorce, but in 2013 will be more open and communicate with me more.  I will meet him at the place we met often.  We will be up and down until the 9th month (spring summer).  He thinks of me all the time but doesn't make the effort to call (he did confirm this).  Will tell me about CA.  Said I need to be patient and I will get more out of him when I pull back and don;t care.  Also saw my ex SM around me and my business partner (my ex husband) so I know she was connecting.

White Light Angel Debra:  She gave somewhat conflicting readings.  At first she said that I should stand by my word in not seeing him until he signs papers and to stand by my word, then when I called back for a second reading to day that he had contacted me, she said oh that is great!  So she clearly does not remember readings - which isn't bad because you get a fresh one every time, but still the readings were a bit inconsistent.  But, both times she said we would be together by Feb in a relationship - which at this point seems far fetched to me.

Brendalyn at CP:  Said we would be solid at the beginning of the year.  Said I should out the relationship on hold until he can commit.

Venus at CP:  I read with her several times.  This past jan she saw him coming up for me and described him very well.  Said we have a mutual friend in common but she will not introduce us (I know his sister in law).   She saw soem troubles happening with his ex and that when she found out the S*&t would hit the fan and it did, and this would either tear us apart or bring us closer together.  It did bring us closer together for a little while - but then I ended things and I haven't read with her since then.  She said not matter what i do, end things or stay, he will never go far and that is very true.  She specifically told me that I can end things if I wanted to but we would never really stop seeing each other so this is very true.  More true than what any other reader told me.  She did say that this is a long term relationship and sees us working things out.  I never ask about marriage so i cannot comment on that.  I also read with her for years on my old SM - and when I did ask about what would happen long term she said "Well to be honest I see you walking away eventually".  And that my friends is exactly what i did!

Pilar at CP"  Ok so  she did tell me she saw moving boxes and all that.  She did accurately predict we would see each other on both Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, and also said both times I read with her that we would not see each other on Christmas (all true).  She accurately told me that he would contact me by a certain date twice.  She saw him expanding his business with me, and the last time I saw him he told me about a business opportunity he wants me involved in.  She said he will come to me by the end of Dec and tell me he is serious about filling (not sure about this) and that he will come to me "Full force" (if i had a dime for how many readers told me this i would be very rich).   Said in March I will move to where he is (he is relocating for a month in about March and asked me to come visit)  Saw us together on New Years Eve.  january for us to be out together.  Saw us on a trip in March/April to the Caribbean where he would tell me his plans for us - not an engagement but that he wants me in his life long term sort of thing)

Anyway - i have more to post but this is all I have time for right now!

Also - I have to say how much I appreciate all of you wonderful ladies.  i come to the often just to get words of encouragement and you all are so open and honest it is refreshing and inspiring to me.  Just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate you!


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Re: As the year comes to a close
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 05:51:02 AM »
SOOO HAPPPY 2012 is ending!!! Wishing everyone all the best in 2013, love, career, and everything else!!