I just read with him, and I feel like I’be read with entirely too many readers, but he did impress me. When I called, I asked if he could look into what he felt between me and my bf. (I told him his name and dob) and he was like do you like rollercoasters? Because wow!! And then he apologized if he offended me but I laughed, because that’s sort of the exact dynamic that we’re in right now. He clarified exactly what has been going on, he even used a handful of specific phrases that either he or I had said to one another at one point recently, he told me about his mindset, his behaviors, and they’re not general things that could be applied to anyone or their situation. There have been moments, drunk/sober/vulnerabilities where he would confess why he behaves a particular way/his fears/vulnerabilities.. TJ had spoken of all of them. He said the only thing that bothers him, as a guy, is that he’s projecting/punishing me for the failures of his past relationships, he self sabotages because this is the first time he’s ever been treated properly and even after all this time he has difficulty trusting it (he even was able to hone in on a specific event that’s happening right now and stated that he’s relying on this particular event to help him have ‘security’ to keep pushing a way and controlling the pace of us). Essentially, he went through the whole dynamics, gave his predictions of how ill behave, how to change/modified the behavior, also told me a timeline of when he feels that things will be resolved. He stated that regardless, things wont be over, but was very clear about what needed to be said/accomplished (hes not wrong, to be honest, I have reached that conclusion on my own) his timeline matches up with EmmaJane, Sincerity, Kisha, and a couple of other readers who I trust/connect with. I’ve wanted to get a reading with him for quite some time, but the only annoying thing is every time I click on arrange call, it prompts me to request an apt, which he never seems to accept/acknowledge. I feel like him being online today, when I felt lost was def. fate, and I hope that given how well we connected that he’s correct on how things will play out.