Author Topic: TJ373  (Read 30946 times)

Offline ktait

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« on: December 20, 2012, 06:24:51 PM »
Has anyone read with him?  I did recently and this reader is outstanding.  I have goosebumps it was so accurate.  I havent seen anything posted on here so I was wondering if anyone else has tried him out.  I usually stick with the tried and true but found him on keen and thought I would try him.  His feedback was great and omg.....hw was INCREDIBLE!!  If anyone else has read with him I would love to hear what you think. 


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Re: TJ373
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 06:57:17 PM »
Wow, he does have very good feedback. What are his strengths?

Offline Zenia

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 07:28:46 PM »
I mentioned him in another post,about male-readers.

He is good in reading the person indepth,but not so good on predictions.His strenght is insight.I have called him for 3 years or so.I trust him,he is really intens.Drawback is he talks fast,but still the minutes fly.He is engaging and fun to talk to.This dude is allright ;)

Offline ktait

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2012, 07:33:21 PM »
Intense is an understatement.  He is a reader that can blow u away with validations and details.

Offline Zenia

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2012, 07:47:03 PM »
Intense is an understatement.  He is a reader that can blow u away with validations and details.
Yes,thats right :)Its hard to keep up with him.If you plan to call him,make sure you have much money on your account.

Angel light

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2012, 07:51:33 PM »
I mentioned him in another post,about male-readers.

He is good in reading the person indepth,but not so good on predictions.His strenght is insight.I have called him for 3 years or so.I trust him,he is really intens.Drawback is he talks fast,but still the minutes fly.He is engaging and fun to talk to.This dude is allright ;)

What do you mean about not so great on predictions?  CAn you give more detail of how he was not accurate?


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Re: TJ373
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2012, 08:01:27 PM »
I mentioned him in another post,about male-readers.

He is good in reading the person indepth,but not so good on predictions.His strenght is insight.I have called him for 3 years or so.I trust him,he is really intens.Drawback is he talks fast,but still the minutes fly.He is engaging and fun to talk to.This dude is allright ;)

What do you mean about not so great on predictions?  CAn you give more detail of how he was not accurate?

She probably means that he is good and explaining the personality of the person, why he does the things he does, and what he is feeling. He won't be great with telling you if he will come back or not. Sounds like MsLisaM.

Offline ktait

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2012, 03:29:51 AM »
He is alot like MsLisaM.   But in my opinion better.  More detailed.  He did give me a time frame.  I will post how that turned out.

Offline Zenia

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2012, 08:50:33 AM »
I mentioned him in another post,about male-readers.

He is good in reading the person indepth,but not so good on predictions.His strenght is insight.I have called him for 3 years or so.I trust him,he is really intens.Drawback is he talks fast,but still the minutes fly.He is engaging and fun to talk to.This dude is allright ;)

What do you mean about not so great on predictions?  CAn you give more detail of how he was not accurate?

Very few of those who i have called,can predict happenings ahead of time,but many can give good insight.They can tell how someone feels about you,and as mentioned here,why they act like they do.TJ is better than most at this.

He has not given me many predictions,and those he gave,did not yet come to pass.And its been years now.

Offline Rima

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 12:11:19 PM »
I have read with him about two men and he was very good describing each of them.  Said one was no longer interested in me and had a girlfriend (true).  One was financially struggling and the other one is financially solid but frugal (true).  Rest of the desriptions rang very true but I can't verify.  He did not give a prediction as such except for one will reconnect and then it was upto me to take it or leave it.  That's in the future, so I don't know.

Angel light

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2012, 07:47:25 PM »


Very few of those who i have called,can predict happenings ahead of time,but many can give good insight.They can tell how someone feels about you,and as mentioned here,why they act like they do.TJ is better than most at this.

He has not given me many predictions,and those he gave,did not yet come to pass.And its been years now.

So your answer above makes me question whether or not I should listen to any of his advise!  He told me to not contact my guy at all and if he wants to see me accept but only like at a restaurant bc he didn't want me to get lured into bed (;))  He said in my case the guy has a strong visual connection to me and this will create a pull for him.  He said I should stay steadfast in keeping him at arm's distance until he comes back and really wants to date me again.  (i broke up with my guy bc he hasn;t filed for divorce yet and I wasn't feeling like he was really into having a relationship - also he told me that as well)  So i ended things but it seems we are always in touch with each other.

TJ maintains that if I stay with this hard line and don;t let him back, that he will be back on his own in a matter of just a few months.  And if I let him back right away it will take much much longer for us to be in any sort of committed relationship.  So based on the reviews who said he was not correct in his predictions, how can I trust that the advise is accurate and that my guy will come back around?  It is confusing to me - maybe someone can shed some light on what to do in a circumstance like this...


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Re: TJ373
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2012, 09:37:53 PM »
I know what you mean AngelLight...but when this type of psychic gives you advice on how to manage a person, based on what they know about their thought patterns, predilections, and beliefs about life...they are usually right. They won't give you details like "He will show up in January and propose to you on the weekend". But, there is value in learning how to manage people so that YOU don't get hurt and you show the other person that they have to be accountable for their actions. And it seems like you have confirmation about what he said based on your ex's behavior/statements. From what you are saying, basically he is attracted to you but isn't sure if he wants to divorce and is not sure about dating.  No contact is usually the rule in this case.

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2012, 04:37:09 AM »
Yeah I agree with loops77, that by not making yourself available, the guy really sees that you have a life outside of him and he feels he wants to be a part of it.  It actually draws them to you when it seems you have a lot going on so playing hard to get becomes a challenge. Furthermore there is a difference in the reader giving you direction in how to manage the situation as opposed to a prediction by saying that person will call on Tuesday or something. 

This reader really doesn't specify his strengths on Keen nor are his ratings bad. The things he does mention is shown in some god awful yellow that is difficult to read.
[bonbon59 left him 1 star and said: Lots of noise on the line. Going to try again.] I really don't understand why callers leave feedback like this, when it has nothing to do with the reading or whether or not the psychic was any good or accurate.  The 1 star rating is very misleading because it's a rating for the bad phone connection.

Offline Synergy

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Re: TJ373
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2012, 05:28:29 PM »
Alright, so I couldn't help it because I'm bored... I called TJ373 due to some of the reviews here and on his page.  I'm not sure what to think to be honest.  Admittedly, I wasn't looking for a mind blowing reading since I knew not to expect predictions, but the reading just seemed like common sense to me.  He spoke very fast, but at the same time, I don't feel like he said much.  I will say that what he did say with regards to this man's feelings matched Kisha, Ness, LadyP, and Jenny Alton (yes, I have read with all these readers in the past couple of weeks after months of not getting readings). 

I think I am at a point where I am just calling out of boredom, and I'm not inclined to believe anything I hear.  This might be a good time to go on a reading hiatus again. Haha. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  :) 


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Re: TJ373
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2012, 07:41:43 PM »
@ Synergy, so he wasn't really like MsLisaM? He was pretty general?