Author Topic: PrettyLittleLiz  (Read 7866 times)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« on: April 11, 2011, 04:11:34 AM »
Hi friends! I am Liz and I am a complete psychic junkie. Okay... not really. I only get readings within my financial means, but they tend to be on the upswing these days. I am really quite excited I stumbled across this board, so I could share my insight and experience with the different psychics I speak to. My long term boyfriend and I broke up about 3 months ago - and I have been trying to navigate (with some intuitive help) thru the next steps.

The two sites I use are California Psychics and Psychic Source. I have two readers I see locally.

I never used the sites until the last month or so. I spoke to my spiritual advisor (local) probably once a month in person - as she is very expensive and will only do an hour reading because of her demand. She accesses the Akashic records. Most of the things she has predicted in the recent past, have come to pass. She saw my ex and I seeing each other out (which I thought was weird, because we had planned to see each other at my house - low and behold, circumstances caused our first meeting post breakup at a restaurant) and she knew he would try to kiss me (also weird - but he did kiss me). I have not seen her since I started using PS and CP - it has been easier to call and get someone on the line, then schedule my local lady and wait a week to get to see her. I will see her in the future though, especially within the month if nothing happens with my ex. She and I are very close, so I feel like sometimes she is a little biased about

ANYWAY, On Psychic Source my favorites are: Ricky, Amy, Paige, and Therese. I don't believe Ricky, Amy, or Paige use any tools. Therese is one of the best tarot readers I have ever spoken to, although it takes awhile for her to do the reading. I had to call back twice (and dial for 45 mins obsessively) to get her to finish the reading. I spoke with Ricky and Sofia today - and they both have the exact same predictions. To be honest with all of you - every single psychic I have spoken to from the two sites has almost the exact same thing to say - communication will pick up between the two of you, with the prediction of a reconciliation starting from anywhere from April 15th or 16th, and before two months pass. My ex is very sad over the breakup, still in love with me, but a huge commitment-phobe. At the end of our reading tonight - Ricky actually said he loved doing this reading for me, because it made him happy to be able to give someone such good news, and be able to say everything is definitely going to work out. I am not sure if readers tell everyone things are going to work out - which is why I began looking into other's experiences with the sites.

Also - there are some readers I have not connected to AT ALL on PS, whereas I have had better connections overall with the readers on CP.

On California Psychic I have had readings with Gina Rose, Naveah, William, Abrielle, London, Meryl, and Sabrina. I have a reading scheduled with Jacqueline tomorrow (after reading the reviews on this board). All of the psychics said the same exact thing, with the same timelines as the psychics on PS. Reconciliation between my ex and I in the next 6 weeks or so, with him being more ready and committed to the relationship, very positive outcome, etc. Seriously - at this point, if we don't end up reconciling by mid-summer, I give up on the sites 100% - as I have never had a reader tell me that we wouldn't reconcile. I was wondering if anyone has ever had a reader tell them it WASN'T going to work out? I use psychics in order to affirm if my energy is being used in the correct way, path, etc - and not wrapped into something when I should be focused on moving on. I am sure all of you probably use it as a tool for a similar thing. I just don't want anything sugar coated, that's for sure. I really enjoyed speaking to Abrielle, London, and Meryl - although Meryl was kind of all over the place - I really felt as though she was challenging intuitively. Naveah is a great empath. I haven't had a "bad" reading with any of the aforementioned advisors from CP.

I really enjoy reading your experiences thus far with the two networks, and would love to hear if anyone has ever had a psychic tell them to MOVE ON and that something is not going to work out. I am also interested in predictions coming true, and which psychics have been the best for you all so far.

Lots of love and light to all of you in the journeys... Liz

Offline cj

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Re: PrettyLittleLiz
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2011, 04:16:44 AM »
Hey Liz...well we have so much written on here..Im sure if you look through our topics you'll see some stuff...but yes  there has been some psychics that told some people on here that it will not work out but they have gotten other (a majority amount) of psych who has told them otherwise...

You really dont know until it happens though...sigh

We're here experiencing the same things "so join us often you hear" (in my southern voice..although Im from New York  ::) lol)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: PrettyLittleLiz
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2011, 04:20:28 AM »
Will do. Thank you for the hello! I am going to read thru the boards so I don't waste my time (okay... money mostly  ;D) on readers who are full of false optimism. Just looking for someone honest about their intuition.

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Re: PrettyLittleLiz
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 11:44:16 AM »
It seems like you have your doubts Liz. Is it because you don't think he'll come back or is it because it's too good to be true.

try Kit, Julia, Lucy, Dawn, Tatiana

They've given me bad news before.

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Re: PrettyLittleLiz
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2011, 11:37:16 PM »
good so wait it out..hope it works out for you Liz... ;)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: PrettyLittleLiz
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 01:37:56 AM »
You too! I really hope that everything these intuitive people predict come to pass in one way or another for everyone!


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Re: PrettyLittleLiz
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 03:39:20 AM »
Jacqueline is pretty accurate I would suggest her and maybe get a ten minute reading with her once a month which would now be $75 which really isnt that bad. :)