Author Topic: Siane22  (Read 26187 times)

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2012, 08:39:15 PM »
That is interesting. She picked up another female around my guy and said she was influencing him and she liked him but that he only liked the attention he was getting from her, he wasn't interested in a relationship with her. I can't confirm this either.

Who else have you read with Bowler?

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2012, 08:50:23 PM »
I'm not saying she's wrong, but she also asked me lots of questions and was super negative. She pegged one guy, but even so I don't think he's as bad as she made him out to be. She loved the second guy I asked about, but when I informed her of a very important detail about him, she changed her tune. It was an odd reading. The thing is I can't really say she's wrong. I was just left really confused.


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Re: Siane22
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2012, 09:16:53 PM »

Yeah, she was probably trying to make complete sense of those 5 second movies that she was seeing. Thats the only con when reading with her. Imagine her seeing 1. Clip of guy being a jerk 2. clip of guy reaching out by phone 3. clip of guy debating about seeing you 4. clip of guy talking about you to a friend. 

This is where all of her annoying questions come in. The more you stay on the line though, the more things fall into place and she understands what she is seeing.

I also forgot to share this about her...Sometimes I would look at past readings with other readers. They would mention a very specific situation/detail regarding an inquiry...say for example the Gemini sign male with money that I hand't met yet. One thing I did with her is ask her stuff about this future person as if they are already here. So, I would say "tell me about the gemini male"....she would then tell me about what he does for work, his looks, how I will react to him...she also mentioned that he was rich without me mentioning that to her. The klincher was when she mentioned the ex from long ago being resentful about me dating him...and eventually calling me at night and not saying anything. When I read with another reader about the ex from long ago..she mentioned him calling me at night..yet not saying anything to me or trying to actually speak to me. All on her own without prompting (this reader was MediumMarie). From this, I can deduce I will meet this guy when I move back to Florida and that there will be a whole nother basket in regards to my love life.

This is just another way to play with readers and glean information from them that you wouldn't ordinarily get. It is interesting.

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2012, 09:42:57 PM »
So loops, has she has been accurate for you (mostly) ?


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Re: Siane22
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2012, 11:04:17 PM »
So loops, has she has been accurate for you (mostly) ?

Just like most decent readers-Not always, but when she was accurate, she was 100 percent accurate. I think most of her wrong information is from interpretation sometimes. Gail is a better version of her, IMO.

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2012, 05:22:25 PM »
She read my situation far too negative.In general she had a negative tone to most men i asked about.Her perception will of cource color the reading.I always knew beforehand that she would not give me a positive outlook.Sometimes she was right when she doomed a guy,but in hindsight,she was far to pessimistic.

Her readings could be very detailed and highly intresting,and she didnt hestitate to give intimate details.Until suddenly one day,she said that was invasive,and that she had stopped doing it.From that day,i hardly got to know what the man was feeling for me.She wouldnt state if he was dating another at all..

Seems like she has changed her readingstyle again?

All in all her readings was time- and money-consuming,and i was very often left more confused,not to mentioned depressed.

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2013, 07:34:38 PM »
Siane told me that on New Years Eve i wouldnt see my guy or hear from him, or at least she thought he would stay silent. He ended up sending me a text around 9pm last night. She said we would be spending time together in January which i think she might be correct on, but the no contact on NYE was wrong.

Angel light

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2013, 02:50:03 PM »
That is interesting. She picked up another female around my guy and said she was influencing him and she liked him but that he only liked the attention he was getting from her, he wasn't interested in a relationship with her. I can't confirm this either.

Who else have you read with Bowler?

Lucky - that is exactly what she told me about my guy!  The first reading she said she saw him in bed with someone else.  The second reading she said what she told you, then the third reading she said there were no other women around him.  She did see that there would be no romance for us for about the next month because he is thinking with is brain more instead of his heart and I do believe this is true after talking with him last night.  He  told me he actually is trying to be more logical and also is moving for work for a month....but I never would have known that had I not talked to him (which she advised me not to do).  At the end, I do think she can see things but her interpretation is off sometimes (like it can be for every reader), and her delivery is confusing so she does not work for me.

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2013, 03:47:36 PM »
Did you ask her why she gave you three different readings? Regarding other women that is?

Angel light

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2013, 05:20:43 PM »
Well I asked her why her reading outcomes were different than just the day before, and she said that they were actually the same outcome at the end (June for us to be together) but i said no you said it would be Nov that we would start to reconcile in June.  She said she "didn;t want to be abused" and went on to explain that she was doing the same reading....I dropped it and hung up the phone before I questioned her about the other women.

Offline guesswho

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #25 on: January 08, 2013, 10:25:19 PM »
I had a reading with Siane today.  I don't know what to think of her.  She asked me many, many questions and a lot of them weren't good questions.  They were really off.

She seemed sort of right about some things, but I never got the feeling that she knew exactly what she was talking about.  It was like she was muddling through and trying to see when she would hit on something correct.  Maybe that's just her style.

If she's remotely right about anything I will definitely report back.

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #26 on: January 08, 2013, 11:52:16 PM »
I had a reading with Siane today.  I don't know what to think of her.  She asked me many, many questions and a lot of them weren't good questions.  They were really off.

She seemed sort of right about some things, but I never got the feeling that she knew exactly what she was talking about.  It was like she was muddling through and trying to see when she would hit on something correct.  Maybe that's just her style.

If she's remotely right about anything I will definitely report back.

she did the same thing to me years ago and i never used her again. she was totally off for me and kept wanting me to give her info on the situation, or correct her over and over again.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2013, 12:14:21 AM »
Someone I asked her about is married, and she didn't know that until I told her. Before I told her that he was, she was telling me how wonderful he is in comparison to the man I slept with... once I told her the wonderful guy is married, she completely changed her tune.  I told her that I simply wanted to maintain a friendship with this person, but didn't know if there was too much attraction to do so, and she started telling me that even a friendship would have DIRE consequences.  Mind you, this is the man that minutes before she was voting for when I presented that I wanted to ask about two men.

She also got some stuff wrong, and the part I disliked most is that she inserted her own opinion into the reading.  I'm a grown woman.  I didn't need her telling me that I slept with someone too fast.  I've known this man for YEARS, and we've basically been doing the "will they, won't they" dance for the past year.  I didn't call her for a lecture, I called her for psychic insight. 

Angel light

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Re: Siane22
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2013, 08:14:37 PM »
Ok I had a major prediction happen from Siane.  She told me that a younger guy would be interested in me - a much younger guy - and that he would actually be serious in wanting to date me.  It happened... I can;t believe it but dang she was right.  And this guy is very serious about dating me.  And he is MUCH younger - he is 27 and I am 48 in 2 days - good lord!!!

the reason I say this was a major prediction is that I didn't ask her if someone would come into my life, she just told me that this was going to happen.  The timing is off - I think she predicted this for the spring. 

Just thought you all would want to know! 


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Re: Siane22
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2013, 10:27:07 AM »
Read with her either ending of january or so and she gave me 5 predictions. One of the dates just passed and she was incorrect. It was a job prediction.

One prediction about receiving a call from an old friend of mine did happen.

The next 3 predictions are coming up so will update if they do or don't happen.

So right now she is one out of five correct with three pending.

She gives specific dates that is a dangerous thing to do.

The only reader that I have read with that has proved a timing expert is kisha.

