Author Topic: As the year comes to an end...  (Read 5693 times)


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As the year comes to an end...
« on: December 11, 2012, 06:22:27 AM »
What have you learned from your psychic experience? Has anyone been accurate for you consistently that you will continue to consult with in 2013? Still holding out? Or are you pretty much done with the whole psychic thing and this board?

Well, I don't regret my experience. Out of all of the reads, my overall best reader is ladypersephone. She has seen things from different angles and has been more right than wrong. I have other favorites as well, but for different reasons. I personally started getting readings years ago to just look into the future and see what life had in store for me. Then a relationship issue came to form and made me call more. It was a mess. That first reader that I read with was the most accurate overall, even moreso than Ladypersephone. But alas, she vanished from the internet. I wish I had stopped getting readings after her. It was my choice to continue to pick up the phone when things were not happening fast enough. Looking back over my notes, it is amazing how one psychic would see one accurate piece of the puzzle..and how another reader years later would add to that piece. LOL. I will be spending less time on the board as 2013 comes around. Although my life isn't exactly where I want it to be, I've made a choice to put my energy into making it what I want it to matter how long it takes or what a reader says. I hope everyone here gets their hearts desires. The main things I have learned are...

1. One reader that works for one won't work for another.
2. Psychics have no sense of timing whatsover. Stop asking when.
3. Its important to deal with your life as it unfolds before you, even when you do get reads.
4. A mind-blowing psychic that can see your underwear design does not mean that he/she will be right in the end.
5. Psychics have different strengths. Know what he or she can provide before getting that read.
6. There are some decent psychics out there, but you will be spending a lot of money if you wish to find them.
7. There are scammers and unethical people everywhere. Especially in the psychic world (Annie anyone?)

Offline psychicgirlie

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2012, 06:35:32 AM »
Loops great post! I will have to agree with you that LadyP has been very accurate for me as well as Cookie, Kisha, and Gaylene.  I have spent waaaay more than I would like to admit. I will be pulling back on further readings and may possibly do monthly check ins just to see if I'm on the right path. I do also plan to do more praying and meditating because let's be honest only God knows the real outcome. I hope that everyone has positive outcomes and all of this money and time spent doesn't go to a complete waste  ;)

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2012, 03:07:57 PM »
What a fabulous post, loops! Helps put everything in perspective.

What I've learned...hmmm...


It's really not worth it to drag yourself down with this every day. I mean, to put it in perspective, if its about a broken that person calling psychics over you?? Are they putting their life on hold over you? No. Time is so limited, don't waste it on a jackass.

Also, just because a reader works for others, don't assume they work for you. Kisha is my favorite, most accurate reader. I initially called about an ex and she tol me it'd take years to correct. I couldn't prove it, could I? I mean she knew stuff, but what if it was just good guessing or cold reading. So I started calling calling about other stuff, closer to the present. And she was right. And they were major things. That verified for me we had a good connection and she worked for me. I'd you're calling about an ex you haven't been with in a year and haven't spoken up in 8 months or something, what can you verify? The reader could very well be reading the past and cannot accurately predict the future. Most aren't clairvoyant, just empathic or clairsentient. If you have a trip coming up ask if they see travel. If you want a new job, apply and see who gets the dates/salary info correct. Don't just ask about one thing (I.e. an ex) because you could be wasting your time on a reader you don't connect with jut because you like what thy say.

And finally, don't pigeonhole yourself into readings. Don't think of every person you meet as "the one" because a psychic said you'd meet a brown haired guy in August therefore every brown haired guy is the one. And don't pigeonhole yourself because an ex is supposedly coming back. Most do for a quick minute and leave again. Don't sit around and say "well I trust psychic XYZ and she says it'll happen so I'll wait for him." Or "They all say he's coming back so what can I do? No point wasting my time dating." Uh they can all be wrong.

Please be kind to yourself and let go :)

Offline Jonnie

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2012, 10:06:46 PM »
Great posts! I enjoyed reading them...I wish you all the best in the next year, and yes I have almost let go Thank the Lord! I wish you all luck in your "detox" from readings. I am glad I found this site, I now know I am not out there alone in this addiction to calling. I wish you all to find your true love and happiness in 2013! Only God knows the true outcome I know....

What is it with Annie that was mentioned ??? I had several bad readings with her, she said OH I see your ex driving and he will be knocking on your door tonight so get ready, what BS!!


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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2012, 05:23:18 AM »
Loops, what a fantastic thread!! Love it. Something, love your post.

  I too, have learned a few things. My psychics were right until February of this year, and then they were completely wrong. I know that psychics have abilities, because I have seen unlikely predictions manifest.

   However, I will not change my behavior again based on psychic guidance. Essentially, I have been told not to take actions, such as stand up for myself, when his behavior is deplorable because of the following:

     mercury is retrograde
     venus is retrograde
     jupiter or any other planet is in retrograde
     there is "bad energy right now"
     he is insecure
     he's on the "brink" of sharing his feelings
     he's depressed/stressed/unhappy with his life
 That's what I have learned this year :))

Offline hope4love

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2012, 06:14:00 AM »
As 2012 draws to a close, I'm looking forward to an excellent 2013, including cutting way back on reads. I'll probably check in with my favourites every so often and even then, I'll take their messages with a pinch of salt.
The one thing that is reinforced about psychic reads is that NO one is 100% or even comes close to it, at least not for me.
Ultimately, we are own best psychics and we need to trust our own instincts. 

I bought the latest issue of O magazine and there's an interview with Caroline Myss with her approach on life:

"Give up the need to know what happens tomorrow.  Just be fully present and appreciate all that is in your life right now"

I'll be making that my mantra.  Live in the now and use my energy to create the life I desire and deserve.

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 10:37:52 PM »
These days nobody is posting... so here is mine. When I started reading with psychics 4 years ago, I was totally naive. I believed all they said, and in the ups and down of the relationship with my ex, many were right. We broke up and then made up  for 2.5 years constantly. Now it is 2 years since we are officially over.

Last year I finally figured out that psychics see details of the future and that their interpretation can be totally off. Many times I was told that my ex was coming back for a relationship with me.
What actually happened was phone calls here and there, with no desire for more from the ex, just a "checking in to see how you are". Psychics saw different breakups with the current gf, but they always got back together. The evolution there has been from "they are not meant to be together, they fight all the time etc." , to  "they will be together for a long time", (from some psychics).
So  they sense the  energies flow and then they interpret.  They broke up or  they had a fight, or maybe just a disagreement. From that they build a story about my ex wanting to be back with me.
Whatever I was told was just details or passing feelings in my ex's mind, not a turning point.
I recorded close to 70 calls which I still listen to to verify who was closest to important predictions actually happening.  Of all those I spoke to, Cookie has been one of the most accurate for me. (But still she interprets and gives information that might be from the past or not applicable at all).
I had great calls with Sapphire, MslisaM, Samantha Wild, which were important for their guidance
or their understanding of relationships more than for the predictions.  Barbara has great intuitions, and was correct many times on simpler questions - Many other one have been feeding me, "the ex will come back" story because this is what I wanted to hear.  Those stories helped me, when I could not deal with the despair, now I am stronger. I don't want those stories anymore. Now I want the wisdom, the guidance, the spiritual prespective. I hope this new year to call less, meditate more and live my life as it flows.

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2013, 12:47:17 AM »
Hi waiting....i am sure people will be wondering after reading your post, if anyone that you called told you in the readings that ultimately you would not end up with this guy? I know some psychics only read out 6 months or a year so i was just curious....thanks for posting.

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2013, 08:02:55 PM »
The new year has already begun on an excellent note for me.  It started improving last year and hasn't stopped, so I'm content :)  I would say that I wish that I would have followed some advice given to me from a reading about work.  I would have avoided about 5 weeks of chaos and emotional distress.  I actually believe that the problems of my past are over with now.  Either that or I'm just comfortably numb LOL

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Re: As the year comes to an end...
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2013, 11:08:56 PM »
2sisters I loved ur " comfortably numb" ;)

