Author Topic: My confession  (Read 5119 times)

Offline marybell

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My confession
« on: November 27, 2012, 01:06:55 AM »
Hi everyone
I have been holding in what I about to say for a couple of weeks now because I have a lot of shame around it. 
I have been going through a really rough time and I am really having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel
I am completely aware that my state of affairs will not last forever, and by the end of next year a great deal of weight will be lifted off my shoulders. And no, that is not psychics talking , that is fact :)  ;)
Anyway, I admit that a couple of weeks ago, I called an adviser I called a long time ago. I did not like him then because he was all fairy tale.  ALL FAIRY TALE.  But that is exactly why I called him this time. I knew he would say my ex will return and money will start flowing in quickly.  Am I pathetic because I have to admit I was in such a good mood for days after speaking to him , and since I intentionally am not calling any other reader who I trust or risk calling any new advisers who could burst my bubble, I still feel pretty good. I mean, who knows?  He could be right, right? OMG! THAT FEELS SO GOOD TO SHARE!!!


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Re: My confession
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 01:49:35 AM »
Sorry you are feeling down, marybell.  Have comfort in knowing most of us are in the same place at least every once in a while.  I know I go from periods of feeling better, to days when I can't imagine that my life has changed so much in such a short period of time.  But that is natural, I think,  Getting a reading from someone you know isn't accurate is only a temporary fix to the problem, though, and you need to be aware of that.  What does your instint tell you will be the result of your current situation?  Not on days when you are feeling really down, but on better days? 

Offline marybell

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Re: My confession
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 02:14:42 AM »
Sorry you are feeling down, marybell.  Have comfort in knowing most of us are in the same place at least every once in a while.  I know I go from periods of feeling better, to days when I can't imagine that my life has changed so much in such a short period of time.  But that is natural, I think,  Getting a reading from someone you know isn't accurate is only a temporary fix to the problem, though, and you need to be aware of that.  What does your instint tell you will be the result of your current situation?  Not on days when you are feeling really down, but on better days?
Thank you Smee
I know that he is not returning, and I am glad of that , really.  And I know my finances are going to be horrible for at least another year.  It's not even my intuition telling me these things, it's the facts.  That is why I called this adviser - so I could hear a fairy tale and think to myself that anything is possible. . that is why I started this topic. I was feeling so embarrassed by it, and I was wondered if anyone else has done the same: called a fairy tale psychic because you need to hear something good.   I just wanted to be relieved for a bit.   When I  called him I said to myself that I should call him because he is such a pleasant guy with a kind and witty approach.  But , I realized deep down soon after I called him , that I called him because I was guaranteed to feel good.  Has anybody else called a psychic who they knew was not accurate??
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 02:27:12 PM by marybell »

Offline Jonnie

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Re: My confession
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 08:52:27 PM »
Hi, I havent called one that I knew would be wrong, I actually got pissed at he couple that said he wasnt coming back and would not call them again! Only because I wanted to hear Yes he is, dont worry....this is such an addiction I understand completely what you are all going through. I wish we all could move on, I mean REALLY move on, I havent yet, I have been hanging on for almost 2 years, I am pathetic too! You are not alone. Its getting better though, Thank the Lord :) Hope you get better too!


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Re: My confession
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 08:58:37 PM »
Marybell, sometimes its just nice to know that "everything will be okay." Even if that okay means no ex returning etc, the likelihood that one's circumstances will change is a given. Its just a question of when. One can accelerate this process by trying different things and changing parts of one's life to at least provide distractions.

 I can empathize. Usually things (whatever it may be, jobs, ex, relationships, finances) happen when we let go. I am trying super hard to do that right now!!! I am confused by what I learned recently, especially due to the fact that information was only there for a split second. I am trying to force myself to give up. Hopefully that means I will soon!!


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Re: My confession
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2012, 12:53:34 AM »
One of the hardest concepts for me to comprehend is how I meant everything to my ex one day, and the next day I meant nothing.  How could he not also feel the loss? In reality though, this isn't the case.  He simply discovered a distraction that keeps his mind occupied while mine is roaming over the memories of times we spent together.  I have no doubt that if I had a distraction too, the time that has elapsed would not have been so overwhelmingly emotional.  Unfortunately, when one is on the receiving end of the news of a break up, it is difficult to even think of being with another person, let alone feel confident to go out and find one.  And I'll add that another problem is that when one is trying to find something, it is more often than not elusive.

Offline marybell

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Re: My confession
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2012, 03:30:01 AM »
Thank you everyone! It's nice to know I am not alone with this.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to find the absolutely perfect psychic?  One who can tell us with perfect accuracy who is going to phone us tomorrow  ,the exact date and hour we are going to get offered a job , the first  last name of our sons next girlfriend and if and when our ex's are returning?  Think of how much heart ache we could save ourselves from - geez! I swear my life would be so much easier.. (Okay ,now I am sounding nuts )  ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 04:25:48 AM by marybell »


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Re: My confession
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2012, 08:08:24 PM »
I have to say my confusion continues. My intuition is usually pretty dead on, meaning I always know if I will get a job or date a guy etc. Sometimes though it doesn't happen right away. 

  For example, before I bought my condo in November of 2009, I saw the place when it was being built earlier that year (February). I remember falling in love with the place but wasn't ready at the time to purchase a home. However, nine months later the specific unit that I fell in love with became available and I snatched it.

 But right now, given the current situation I don't know what I am supposed to beleive. I don't have clarity yet. I know, however, that I was supposed to come across this information. But I don't know for what purpose. Any ideas on how to gain clarity? The information could either show me to move on or could be shown to me to be aware of all the facts in the future.

   Any ideas?

Offline marybell

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Re: My confession
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2012, 09:39:43 PM »
Hi Truelove
What is the situation you are confused about?  Is it something you talked about in another thread?