Author Topic: Soul love11  (Read 20113 times)

Offline Zenia

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #30 on: December 06, 2012, 05:33:22 PM »
I'd like to add that no reader saw a live-in girlfriend for my ex either. I'd say that's a pretty HUGE thing to miss.
It is a huge thing to miss..

I remember reading a "funny" feedback to a reader once:"The reader says there are no other females around,..but today someone just moved in..."

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2012, 05:35:38 PM »
I hate to be a Debbie downer here but I honestly feel readers cannot predict relationships to any degree of accuracy at all. Too many variables.

However as I say this, a relationship is ending that my favorite reader has seen ending for months now.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2012, 05:41:25 PM »
I hate to be a Debbie downer here but I honestly feel readers cannot predict relationships to any degree of accuracy at all. Too many variables.

However as I say this, a relationship is ending that my favorite reader has seen ending for months now.
May i ask who your favourite reader is?

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2012, 05:43:42 PM »

Offline Zenia

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2012, 05:46:35 PM »
Thank you for letting me know! :D

Offline Zenia

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2012, 06:08:07 PM »
We should open a new tread about this called"No one saw it coming.." ;)(I am serious!!)

That with the ex and new gf is classic,it goes like this:"He is not happy where he is right now,she is very manipulativ and controlling,they dont communicate well,and they will break up within 3 months.."

I remember calling one called Visions by Atlantis,featured often,10 dollars a minute.She sounded so trustworthy and gave me soooo many intimate details about me and the man,and her visions were simply beautiful and spirited.Yet,i in a way felt he had met someone else,and called 3 times about that.She told me my imagination was running wild,and that this was only my fear..
You know how it ended...

My other regulars didnt see this either.I got the news he was seeing someone else,and had done so a long time,accidentally by a distant friend.I have never been that shocked in my lifetime.
The only one that had the ugly truth down,at least to some degree,was Ovalley. goes with the story that i went crazy calling psychics after this,,,i was so paralyzed i needed to talk to someone.I called,and called and called...Got more details around the situation,and everyone told me he and his new gf would break up.That they eventually did.So they got that one right ;)
I have various predictions about him returning to me or not.Most of them says he will.


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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2012, 08:52:58 PM »

  Does this breakup concern your ex with the girl that he said was easier than you and had no expectations? I find it fascinating that they always predict breakups with exs.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2012, 11:04:19 PM »
No this was my little brothers relationship with someone who has cheated in him, lied to him, and has openly said shwas using him and isn't above getting pregnant to trap him.

I, being the older sister, have been extremely concerned. Kisha told me in late August/early Sept that she saw it over in a period of 3. As of last weekend he knows EVERYTHING now and it's done, I can tell.

I'm using this as an experiment per se to gauge her on relationships. That being said, anything involving my ex she said would take years so I stopped asking. It's not conducive to who I am in the here and now. I do wonder but I'm done pining. What's meant to be will, with or without a psychic. I DO call her once a month if I have questions on everything else in my life. She is at 100% outcomes and about 90% surrounding the details. That is enough for me to see she's real and she works for me.

Offline marybell

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2012, 11:06:35 PM »
Zenia they said ( my trusted advisors recc from this forum) exactly what you wrote : " she is manipulative and controlling and they will break up in 3 mos" exactly.

I guess in your case they did. BUT they said the exact sentence you've typed.  JUST BE AWARE. NOt all trusted advisors esp from recc from this site can blindly be trusted. I went crazy trying to find confirmations, and honestly I've beens so broken.
Wow wishful. That is just horrible. Did every adviser tell you that they were breaking up in 3 months -omg??
If you don't mind, it would be really helpful to know who you spoke to  that told you that, and who if any, were  accurate or at the very least did not take you down a garden path!


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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #39 on: December 07, 2012, 06:47:30 AM »
OMG, this is so disappointing re general vague predictions.

  @Something, glad to hear your brother finally learned the truth!! I for one know what its like to be a concerned older sister. Also, glad Kisha was right for timing for you.

Offline guesswho

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #40 on: December 07, 2012, 03:42:16 PM »
Well, if you think about it, most relationships have to end.  That's why it's easy for psychics to take their chances with saying everyone is going to break up because most likely they will.  They can always pull the "timing is hard to gauge" card as well.


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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2012, 05:28:16 PM »
I'm not sure I agree with this, but I will agree that the chance of any relationship ending is 50/50.  Either it will or it will not.  With those odds, it doesn't really necessarily prove any particular psychic has any more psychic powers than any of us.
Well, if you think about it, most relationships have to end.  That's why it's easy for psychics to take their chances with saying everyone is going to break up because most likely they will.  They can always pull the "timing is hard to gauge" card as well.


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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2012, 06:42:08 PM »
I agree that most relationships end. Usually people just end up with one person out of many failed relationships.


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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2013, 03:41:57 AM »
I tried her just now...found her to be a little annoying with her incomplete thoughts. She also thought that I wanted a particular thing right this moment...I was actually inquiring when she saw things rolling. I think she is one of those that need to meditate on you to get a complete picture.

Offline Synergy

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Re: Soul love11
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2013, 04:26:56 AM »
DCT, did you hear from your ex as SL11 predicted you would??

Hi Everyone, I haven't posted for a while mostly because I finally had my SM back earlier this year and then he left me a couple of months ago for good, which left me in a state of total numb.  Some of you might still remember my story I shared in PM or chat room.  My SM and I were on and off more than 10 years and on 9/1 he left me for good and told me he won't even speak to me.  I did something dramatic but before that he did something terrible to me too.  I was on psychic binge for almost a month after he left me and wasted a lot, I mean a lot of money which I'm really ashamed of.  It has taken me literally full three months to reach this point to be able to write something about it.  During that time, I still come here and have read your posts which helped me tremendously.  After the three-month of hell, I finally feel like I start to put together myself and to actually live my own life.  I cut all the psychic readings and read with Kisha only once a month.  A month ago, I found NorthstarJulie picked up my situation really well without me saying anything and also my gut was telling me that she was right about the situation.  She told me that my SM and I are over and it is my best interest to move on.  At the same time, she said that I will meet someone new not right away but in between 6 months and a year.  I actually felt pretty good after reading with her and finally I can close the door with my SM and can start my new life.  Then, yesterday, after I saw postings here about Soul Love 11, I had this strong urge to call her and was able to talk to her last night.  Boy, she was incredibly accurate in describing my situation.  She picked up everything happened to me, my SM and the other person.  I couldn't believe the word from her.  I was prepared to hear that my SM and I are over and I need to move on.  But, I was told that he will contact me before the end of this year and if I want and I am willing to go through, I can be with him and we can have a committed relationship.  So, here I am, I have two supposedly very accurate readers telling me literally opposite outcomes.  I know in either way, I will be okay because I'm not a wreck anymore and I'm prepared to move on.  But, wanted to share these with you because these two readings made me so curious about eventually who is going to be accurate.  I will definitely follow up one way another.  Also, I would like to thank you all for your dedications and love on this forum and your postings have helped a lot of people including me.  DCT

p.s. KTH, welcome back! and Miracle, I love to read your postings although you don't post much anymore.  I missed you guys all.

