Author Topic: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me  (Read 43769 times)

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #75 on: March 06, 2011, 04:32:10 PM »
maybe it doesn't work?

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #76 on: March 06, 2011, 05:20:31 PM »
Kira you were ignored by Seha too? I actually did get to read with her. While i thought she was accurate i did not think she was too detailed...after spending 20 minutes talking to her about the situation and her answering my questions i started crying my eyes out and i couldnt talk anymore. she had told me that it would take a couple more months until he made serious changes and wanted to be committed, so then i said no i have been in pain too long can you please see if someone else will be in my life? and she said no, this is a part of destiny for you two to be i continued to cry with her and stopped asking questions while she explained that i would be able to forgive him once he came back and explained everything to me. she also said that he was going to tell me that he loved me....and that i would have at least one child with him? she said there is marriage all over this...

but, i dont understand why she couldnt pick up on this other guy like Ellen did...because i read with a couple of local readers here in my city as well and they have both mentioned him...they also have both told me there will be a connection with this other guy too.

pt- you asked me if something was predicted to happen recently...well from the CP psychics Meryl and Mark had both said that relationship sm has would officially end in Feb.

according to fb he is still in the relationship but i mean she lives in another country its obviously not serious...but i guess they were wrong about it not completely breaking off. my issue here, and this is the constant question i ask myself ..."why is it easy for him to stay away from me? why is he okay with the idea of possibly losing me" and thats why i dont contact him first.

pt i also am suppose to meet that other sm soon...will let you know if that happens. i dont remember if you were in the chat when i said this but Donna told me it would be in March and that i would meet him at an indoor/outdoor event, and she gave a few more details but i would have to go back and see what she told me....

but anyway....yesterday i went to the Mardi Gras parade here in our city and i saw one of my sm's friends was the first time i met this friend of his but i am wondering if he told him that he was with me yesterday. i will keep everyone posted.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 05:33:54 PM by CSK »


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #77 on: March 06, 2011, 05:21:11 PM »
I've heard it doesn't work. If it did, everyone would have it.  ;D

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #78 on: March 06, 2011, 05:35:10 PM »
angel what is the latest with your husband? now that you are sort of seeing someone do you even want to get back together with him?


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #79 on: March 06, 2011, 05:35:51 PM »
CSK - I was in chat with the Donna info. One thing I have noticed is that some of the psychics are good with seeing a 3rd party (on either side) while other's don't see it til a strong connection has been made. I guess all part of the gift. Mark did see December guy coming into the picture a few days before I met him. Maryanne and Alison saw SM going back and forth between me and the dating world until end of feb/beg of march and all indications are they are right but he hasn't moved toward me yet. Meryl had the same timeline as Maryann and Alison but I've only read with Meryl once so I don't have much to say on her yet. I don't know if that helps but I thought I would share. I really let go of all December guy predictions and everything happened as everyone said it would. If I could just figure out a way to let go of SM stuff...............

Your reading with Seha sounds really interesting. Do you feel alittle better? I wonder why she brought out such emotion? You must have needed to get it OUT!!


Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #80 on: March 06, 2011, 05:40:56 PM »
CSK, I really don't want to talk to ex right now.

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #81 on: March 06, 2011, 05:53:46 PM »
yeah i dont know about mark i know he is psychic but only time will tell how far off his timing is....

but pt when they tell you sm will be going back and forth between you and the dating world do you find yourself asking the same questions that i do? such as why he is okay without contact for a while or why he doesnt come after you? you would think such a connection would be strong enough to make the guy terrified of losing us..but then again i guess fear is what makes them run in the first place and so i find myself always returning to steve gunns articles.

my reading with seha was definitely therapeutic....she was very soft with me and could tell i was in a lot of pain on the phone. i was suprised at the end of the reading when she asked me if i wanted to have children. i told her i was on the fence about that thinking kids would be too hard for me, but she said i was going to have at least one child and its going to be a boy. now i know these psychics are wrong about some things but they always tell me i am going to have two children (seha just said at least one) and she said the boy is first and this is what the others have told me...that is a bit scary, but i do like when all their predictions overlap. she also saw me returning to school next semester.


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #82 on: March 06, 2011, 07:46:47 PM »
csk - the going back and forth hurt more then anything. I knew how he felt about me and I couldn't believe he would risk it all. Maryanne explained it well to me. We were running a race at different speeds but that he would catch up to me. Every day I am so frustrated and get pissed at how slowly the re-connection is going. So I know how you feel. For me, I had, and still have, major trust issues to get over (he does too). I am just starting to become aware of my part in the re-connection delay so at least I feel like i have something I can do to help it along. Part of my calling the psychics is that I don't want to be blind sided with something really bad. I'm trying to learn to trust my own intuition to help guide me - not the psychics. But they are my crutch for now as I try and get through this. Hopefully I'm not messing everything up by calling them but I'm trying to do the best I can and get through this time while remaining sane. I am starting to feel like I have a handle on this alittle so hopefully you will get there too.

Now, if he would just friggin call..............


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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #83 on: March 07, 2011, 04:04:27 AM »
1st of all pt: lol @ "stalker and stalkees"...guess Im a stalkee lmao..

and yes! I agree that some psychics can read more details ab a person..once the connection is made! and others can see a person coming or read things ab them without having the connection there.

Sigh. who knows anymore whats true or not....and these delayed timelines sure dont help.  :-\

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #84 on: March 07, 2011, 09:52:47 PM »
well...Im tired of feeling like shit...Im done waiting for my SM.   As a matter of fact I dont think he is my Sm anymore...I think he was a tradegy that came into my life for me to realize what an amazing person I am and all that I have to offer someone worthy.  I need my Goddess back.  I ma done crying for this guy.  I had a reading this morning.  It was not one I wanted to hear.  She said that he knows he has a hold on me and takes advantage of that.  He keeps the relationship unbalanced so that he can keep coming back whenever he wants thus giving him control. more!   Im done....Im getting my power and control back....screw him...he someone loves you wild horses couldnt keep them away.  It is that simple.  They know how toget your attention when they want it right! Well then he can put that much determination now or lose me.  I cant do this anymore.  Three years is enough waiting.  he wont grow up.  And he is surrounded by people who wont grow mentally pass a high school mentality so he's never going to grow up until he moves out of that environment.  This morning I work up feeling empty, lonely, unattractive, unloved.  But I realized all this is defined by the lack of attention im getting from him.  I cannot give him that much power over me.  And the mess up part is that he should be the one waiting to be with me instrad of the other way around.  he hurt me.  I never did anything to him to deserve to be treated like this.  I am a very warm loving generous person with a big heart and he stepped all over my heart ripped it apart, poured acid on it and still kept trying to rip it apart.  And I was willing to give him my heart again.  because I am a forgiving person.  But I also realize I dont deserve to be punished....I didnt do anything to him.  I was faithful the whole time.  He seems to give the girls who cheat more attention but then again he knows they wont last in his life.  he doesnt want anyone long term. 

So today i start a new chapter in my life. I will be falling in love with me again!  I need to focus on me and all the things that I love to do.  Summer is coming up and I want to have fun.  Im so tired of feeling sad and crying over this person who has absolutely nothing to offer me accept heartbreak.  I have waste so much money getting readings to hear yes he loves you ...youre the one he wants to be with forget about him.  its too confusing and I have to go with the present moment.  And right now he is not knocking my door down.  I will be back to work next week and I need to be strong and have a strong presense when he sees me. 

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #85 on: March 07, 2011, 11:08:17 PM »
Good for you Beachgirl!!!  This is a very healthy approach for life based on what is happening presently.  The reality probably is that these predictions that we've been waiting on aren't really happening because we are basing our lives on them, rather than manifesting what our life really is.  Our actions would be different if we weren't anticipating a prediction in the near future.  You should be focusing on you and what makes you happy!  Sounds like he is being abusive to you emotionally and that is not right!  Sounds like you're ready for the next step...

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #86 on: March 07, 2011, 11:30:47 PM »
I am ready.  Im sad and feeling depressed....this has been going on for too long.  I dont deserve to be treated like this.  None of us should be waiting for anyone.  I just know that love should make me feel good not bad.  I have to set goals for myself and look forward to that manifesting instead of some phoney prediction.  who knows if any of them will manifest but I want to forget.  I have given him enough of my time.  Now its time for ME.  I have been working on this all day.  Im starting to feel better.

Offline cj

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #87 on: March 07, 2011, 11:40:57 PM »
 :( bg..... you know what's best for that. You will become a better and happier person. And you do deserve better...and you'll get it. You are amazing..whoever doesn't see that has mental issues

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #88 on: March 08, 2011, 12:17:16 AM »
".....boy chases girl...."

exactly thats so f'ing stupid when guys want you to "want them." F that....i am in such a crabby mood hope everyone else is better off than i am at the moment

and good for you Beachgirl

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Re: Is anyone else feeling shitty like me
« Reply #89 on: March 08, 2011, 12:29:13 AM »
these soul snatchers are causing too much stress...Im out and dating and having a ball....and Im loving every minute of it. I think  everyone needs a distraction and some happy time  8)

