Kira you were ignored by Seha too? I actually did get to read with her. While i thought she was accurate i did not think she was too detailed...after spending 20 minutes talking to her about the situation and her answering my questions i started crying my eyes out and i couldnt talk anymore. she had told me that it would take a couple more months until he made serious changes and wanted to be committed, so then i said no i have been in pain too long can you please see if someone else will be in my life? and she said no, this is a part of destiny for you two to be i continued to cry with her and stopped asking questions while she explained that i would be able to forgive him once he came back and explained everything to me. she also said that he was going to tell me that he loved me....and that i would have at least one child with him? she said there is marriage all over this...
but, i dont understand why she couldnt pick up on this other guy like Ellen did...because i read with a couple of local readers here in my city as well and they have both mentioned him...they also have both told me there will be a connection with this other guy too.
pt- you asked me if something was predicted to happen recently...well from the CP psychics Meryl and Mark had both said that relationship sm has would officially end in Feb.
according to fb he is still in the relationship but i mean she lives in another country its obviously not serious...but i guess they were wrong about it not completely breaking off. my issue here, and this is the constant question i ask myself ..."why is it easy for him to stay away from me? why is he okay with the idea of possibly losing me" and thats why i dont contact him first.
pt i also am suppose to meet that other sm soon...will let you know if that happens. i dont remember if you were in the chat when i said this but Donna told me it would be in March and that i would meet him at an indoor/outdoor event, and she gave a few more details but i would have to go back and see what she told me....
but anyway....yesterday i went to the Mardi Gras parade here in our city and i saw one of my sm's friends was the first time i met this friend of his but i am wondering if he told him that he was with me yesterday. i will keep everyone posted.