Author Topic: BECAREFUL  (Read 7766 times)


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« on: February 09, 2013, 05:50:35 AM »
Becareful of cold reading techniques used by readers. Go on the internet and research their different methods. Those 'innocent' questions they ask are not innocent at all. It will be used to make very good guesses that will come true. Ever wonder why very little outcomes happen but other things do?. Its because the readers may be able to guess things but its hard for them to guess ultimate outcomes. They have the excuses of will power, delays etc to back them up when their guesses fail. Is your ex blah blah blah? They stop as if in deep thought and as if they are seeing something disturbing but its all a trick to make you volunteer information without even knowing it. Some ask you when was the last time your ex contacted you and with that they make guesses and if that guess doesn't come true then it has to be delays, the almighty 'trip' etc. There are actually websites that teach psychic cold reading. Psychics keep notes (not all of them, there are real psychics out there but they are rare) and with our frequent calls after a while they have a notebook with our complete life history. They may tell you something and it comes true months later e.g your ex will come back, and we end up saying that the reader was right even though her timing was a few months off. The reader wasn't right it would have happened anyway the reader was not able to 'guess' closer to the date it actually happened. Only very few readers can give accurate contact dates, don't ask too many leading questions and don't continuosly say the psychic script like 'trip' etc. I have had a reading ask me if I exercised and when I said that I lost a lot of weight the reader gave a 'prediction' of me buying new clothes and when I did buy clothes which hindsight I had to buy I got so excited about this reader being RIGHT. I think most of us have been guilty of praising readers when things that are not really predictions come true because deep down we are happy that the reader is making us happy by keeping us in a fantasy world of telling us good things about our exes that we 'reward' these readers with great feedbacks so that the readers would be happy with us, continue to like us and thereby continue to feed us fairytales. Like a drug addict pleasing his dealer so as to continue to get the drugs. This forum is like therapy and am releasing a lot of things. My posts are not meant to offend anyone but its for others out there who have thought along the same lines to let them know they are not alone. Its very healing and am almost free.


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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2013, 08:32:33 PM »
More vent. DISCLAIMER: this is my personal vents not meant to offend anyone. It may help others but if it offends you please don't read and don't be offended.  Why do we make excuses for readers? If I pay someone by the minute I expect to get answers. Correct answers not maybes. What's the use of maybes, I can get that from family and friends. When a reader gives us a time for contact for example and it doesn't happen why do we accept that time is fluid?, delays, the person is busy etc. Some readers have a high rate of accuracy when it comes to timing why is time not 'fluid' for them? Its because they are probably real. You will see your ex in one week but then it doesn't happen but happens a year later and we say that the reader was correct just that timing was off by eleven months. NO the reader was NOT correct. I am not a reader but can learn cold reading, and guess contact for you because there is always a high percentage of anyone seeing or speaking or having sex with their ex because feelings r still there and its a comfort thing for both parties to come do that. How many of us here that have received readings for years have had an ex come back, marry or be together happily ever after as readers have always told us that they would? I would say one in a million if at all. We have to accept that we call these people because we are depressed and clutching at straws which is why some readers will even sell love potions to get the ex back. Would you really want to have someone in your life that is there due to love potion. A man or woman that loves you will be with you PERIOD. Noone has had a success story. a reader may tell you that you will get a job in a month but you got the job in six months, not a particular job but any job does that make the reader right? NO. Because when your bills start coming fast and furious you will even take a job at mcdonalds to save yourself. If you ask a reader if you would get a particular job listen very well to them. There is nothing concrete that you would hear about that job. They will go around the question because they do not know and they don't have a script for that like 'will power'. They may use 'delay' but not for long as the job will eventually have to be given to either you or someone else which will expose the reader for the fraud that they are. Some may take the bull by the horn and say yes or no and if they are lucky they would be correct. There are real readers out there but out of one hundred there are only one or two. Look back on your notes and see what may be guesswork gotten by cold reading. Someone like pilar tells everyone about moving and boxes, if we didn't have a forum where we all compare notes you would think that the prediction was exclusive to you and if it happens in 2 yrs you would say that she was correct just off. NO, it is not exclusive to you. When you shoot bullets one will hit something. You will meet a dark hair man that owns his own business I have received that reading and am sure am not alone. The intials of the place I will get a job have been given to many people so it is not exclusive to me but may hit. 25-30 days for contact have been given in the past. 13, 15 for other things have been given. Almost everyone has their ex either moving or going on a 'trip'. Wow the airline industry must be pretty busy. Readers can't tell you when and exact date you will get a job but they can tell you for certain that your ex loves you so much and cares for you and will marry you will power and delays not with standing but a job that should be easier to get correct is not predicted well. There are readers that will get things correct to the number or date like kisha which makes sense. At least when you pay her for her services you have a high chance of gettting your monies worth this is of course if she connects with you, thank goodness she connects with me. I have paid my dues with other readers that I at least deserve someone like kisha that has been at least 95 percent correct with me. You have to find a reader that coonects with you and stick with them because it is a jungle out there. For me at this point of my psychic journey a psychic is someone who will get things right not one I have to make excuses for. If you tell me something and it happens a year down the road you are not correct and you are not the psychic for me. I paid for results not guesswork. A psychic is also not one that will ask too many question and tell me my past or present I already know those things I am calling about the FUTURE. Telling me about my past or present of how my surrounding looks like or what am wearing is irrelvant and opens me up to being scammed as I would be so wowed by their presentation which is meant to suck me in. A reader may see one thing correct but encircle. It with fantasy that when the one correct thing happens we are sucked in and keep calling back. A reader is also someone that doesn't allow me to keep calling about the same issue so that they do not take advantage of my depression and sadness. There is karma. A reader is also one that if they don't see anything honestly say so. A reader is one that will accept when they are wrong and apologize because these are people's emotion. A reader should be fast not use techniques to let me spend hundreds of dollars on one reading. There is karma. As we all find our own personal readers we should be realistic and have our wits around us at all times. Most of these readers sound so nice and friendly and behave like they care for you but in reality you are just a piggy bank for time. Talk to you guys later when I have to vent so more. I think I will start writing down the readers I have read with. I will start with cp then keen. Hope everyone is having a good less stress, less depression day.hugs and kisses to all.


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« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2013, 09:56:58 PM »
A little tip. It would really help to break up your posts into paragraphs. They are getting hard to read.

Offline marybell

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« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2013, 10:43:20 PM »
Jen , do you mind if I ask if you are still calling psychics?


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« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2013, 11:20:12 PM »
@loops LOL ok will try.     
So went into my cp account to look at those I've read with and saw that some were deleted and as I have torn most of my notes from cp I can't remember them all but will let you know the ones that I remember. According to my cp account I have had 180 readings with them.

MARYANNE: I read with her many times and I believe empaths are the most dangerous as you really can't validate what they say your ex is feeling you just have to take their word for it. Reading with her made me feel good as she was very positive and had that fairy tale ending we all crave. She did get one or two contacts right but that was about it the rest of my readings with her came to no sucess. She is very sweet though.

VENUS: I spent a lot of money with venus. She is verrrrrrrrry slooooow and talks in a very low voice that you can barely hear her. She is also an empath and her time frames suck or just turn out to be rubbish but again she is a money pit but has that calming voice that makes you feel all will be well. Again a money pit. If you are in the vulnerable stage don't go to her as you will be sucked in easily.

LEO: this guy is something else. He is ok with predictions but very rude and arrogant. He is brash and very very rude. He is ok with predictions but his predictions are not that great to warrant assaults but if you can handle that then try him out.

INDIO: she got some contact things right but overall not worth it for me. I think the last straw was when she went off on a rant about how she would move out of the country if obama won. If you are trully a psychic you should know if he would win. Her overall predictions also failed. She is still at CP I guess the money she is making at cp was better than obama winning.

ANGEL: read with her last year. At $7.50 a minute she was a joke.

DYLAN: did not like him. Asked me for birthdates and when I refused became rude and said that he couldn't help me without them.

AVERY: there was something about him I liked. I got a good vibe from him not for predictions though I think cause he was honest. He also asked for birthdates and when I said that I didn't have it he said that he would try without them but that he would probably be wrong. At least he was honest.

DAWN: read with her last year and she said that I would never hear from my ex and when I said that it was odd and that others said different she said that she can only say what she sees. I got contact the next day and many many times after so that was it for dawn.

SHAUNA: looking at my cp acct I see I spent 13minutes with her. I wonder why as nothing she said made sense.

JACQUELINE: I know she has a following here but she was wrong. Read with her twice. The first time she had contact right so that made me go again and this time she was wrong wrong. According to her my ex and I should have done our wedding in january. LOL when I told her it was impossible she tried to rephrase. That was it for Jacqueline. Don't have $10 a minute to give out for rubbish.

JULIA: was plain wrong. I think I got a refund for that.

Kelli: was wrong for me as well.

TIShA: got a refund, she kept asking me questions and I kept saying no no at a point she suggested that I get a refund. She was wrong also.

Michelle: very brazen. Asked me to call everyday to check if my ex had used will power to change things. Why should I call daily because of will power, I should call every second as people can change their mind every second. She also said something about neagtive energy all this came about when I called her to let her know that her previous predictions had failed.

MICAH: LOL no comment.

JEAN: on her page in my notebook of crap I had written a little note for myself. It says, don't like her, felt insincere, felt unsure/nervous. Btw her predictions failed. She had this nervous laughter.

CHARMAYNE: wrote in my notebook, asked too many questions, says take deep breaths (like anasela), predictions failed.

ZOFEYA: claimed her timing was 8 out of 10. I did get contact but then that could be the cold reading guesswork again as she gave 3-4 weeks for contact and I had contact the next day so something about it didn't ring true. Overall prediction failed though.

BEVERLY: NO, a joke.

KIT: got contact but was very general and vague.

BRENDALYNN: as I have said telling me how my ex and I broke up or telling me about the present is useless when am spending money. She got those right she also had an idea of how things would go later but nothing definent in her predictions. She wasn't as bad as the rest though. Maybe if she connects better with someone else she may be able to tie things together better.

SCARLET: very general, vague. He loves you, strong connection, confused,he misses you kind of scam reading.talked about my calling everyday also.

MICHAEL: like the tone of his voice, very gentle. Read with him twice. First time he gave me contact prediciton and when that didn't happen I called back and he said that he can bet a lot of money that I would get it in the next 3 days and he was right I got the contact. In that second reading he gave another prediction that still hasn't come to pass but I didn't go back to tell him.

SHELBY: did not even write down what she told me. I just wrote in big red ink. DO NOT CALL BACK, SCRIPTED.

DAVE: I wrote NO MORE. At $13 a minute I got nothing from him all predictions failed and he tried to engage me in small talk. No sir not at $13 a minute. He was a complete waste of money.

NADYA: very general. Not worth it.

PILAR: we all know the deal. We are all travelling and we all have boxes around us. Many spirits with different names are always trying to get through to us. Her predictions failed also.

ULI: the best on cp but you have to get her when she is on fire and not too tired or else its a huge waste of money. You will know when its bs if she starts asking too many questions. When she is on fire she is very good. Her timing sucks and she doesn't like giving it out unless you ask her or once in a while she may volunteer so she tends to give everyone 6mth timeframes. To get appointments with her you have to go through the supervisors.

BELLINA: she is a joke. I think she took my call in the toilet as I heard toilet flushing and doors slamming. I cried after hers because I wondered how I let myself go down this psychic road. Like a drug addict going through dark alleys to get her next drug fix.

ABRIELLE: was wrong and tried to back track when I caught her on something. Predicitons failed.

ANASELA: she got the time wasting technique down pat. You are to breath at every question and at the end money gone and prediction no where to be seen.

Am tired now will have to find more of my notebooks of crap and write more on cp and when am done with cp will one day start with keen. That'll be another story. Take care guys. It'll get better. Hugs


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« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2013, 11:28:38 PM »
Jen , do you mind if I ask if you are still calling psychics?
currently I call kisha, sapphire21 and uli. I haven't spoken to uli this year. sometimes I do get the urge to go all over but the feeling comes and goes. I take it one step at a time. One day at a time because it is an addiction.


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« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2013, 03:25:31 AM »
DISCLAIMER: I chose the 'VENT' section of the forum to write my thoughts as a healing therapy for me. My thoughts may help others but it is not intended to hurt anyone. It is also not intended for me to be attacked if you disagree. I will ignore any attack or hurtful words and continue to write my thoughts unless it is against the rules of the forum then I will stop.

I have a fear of if I start another relationship and it doesn't go well if I will result to calling readers again. I know I will not repeat the ones I have used before because at the back of my mind I know they failed. But there are many others out there. There is always the next great most talked about one. Its like falling off the wagon. It is an addiction. It is an emotional addiction. I feel so helpless at times and there is always they fear of what if my ex knows. I don't have those fears as much as am 96 percent detached from him and don't care but still you don't want to seem weak. I decided my next relationship I will let them know from day one about me, that I do call psychics at times etc. If someone likes you that shouldn't matter and if they can't take it its better than living in fear of being found out. I want to be so free in all parts of my life. Fear is a terrible thing. If a married man is being blackmailed for having an affair the married man or woman should take the risk and tell their spouse themselves before the blackmailer and the blackmailer would lose their power. Fear is the worst thing ever. I am planning to talk to my mother first about what I have been going through. She knows I call readers once in a while for nothing serious but she doesn't know how far I have gone and how much I have spent. I have not bought a lot of things for myself in a long time as almost every single money I got went into readers. All this for a man that could care less and out enjoying his life. Now I get readings once in a while for jobs so I can pay off my bills and to see if someone else is coming into my life. I have been stripped of my self confidence that I depend on a reader to tell me when a new guy will come when before it would come so easily. I haven't called a reader in almost 2 weeks yeah for me, though am on sapphire 21's line, she hasnt been on in a while and I read with her once a mth. Uli I haven't read with this year. I think that helps when you choose your team and try hard not to read with anybody else. It is so tempting when I hear of great new readers that I would like to go and read with them but luckily I have held strong. Kisha and sap21 will not allow too much reading of any one topic so that helps me, uli is exepnsive, I have to go through supervisors and after that if she is not on fire that would be a waste. I do get contact from my ex but I don't answer as I don't want fall back into fantasy and because of other factors. Its hard but I have to save myself. If I don't take control and take care of myself noone else will. I hope my personal vents help others also. Hugs.


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« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2013, 07:43:15 PM »
Just read with sapphire today through appointment. Got my 'FIX' LOL. She is very good. She picked up so much. As I said somewhere on this forum where she picked up the name of someone that called me for my job interview that I went to last week well today she picked up  M and A as letters in the name of the person that did the actual interview and yes sir she was right,the person's name was maria.she was saying mary but it was maria.the lady is real,I didn't even spend much with her as she gave me almost 10  free minutes.when I get this job I will give her a big so touched.she knows am in financial hell right now. Hoping her overall outcome comes true soon as she foresaw. Crossing my fingers and praying hard.I like it when a reader actually says correct things without too much questions or cold reading.everyone have a pleasant day. Thank you for allowing me to bombard you with my vents and thoughts.

Offline allbitenobark

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« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2013, 06:25:34 AM »
Just read with sapphire today through appointment. Got my 'FIX' LOL. She is very good. She picked up so much. As I said somewhere on this forum where she picked up the name of someone that called me for my job interview that I went to last week well today she picked up  M and A as letters in the name of the person that did the actual interview and yes sir she was right,the person's name was maria.she was saying mary but it was maria.the lady is real,I didn't even spend much with her as she gave me almost 10  free minutes.when I get this job I will give her a big so touched.she knows am in financial hell right now. Hoping her overall outcome comes true soon as she foresaw. Crossing my fingers and praying hard.I like it when a reader actually says correct things without too much questions or cold reading.everyone have a pleasant day. Thank you for allowing me to bombard you with my vents and thoughts.

This is a great update/review about Sapphire. She has been very good for me and consistent for me as well. It would be nice perhaps if this post could be moved to her thread so that anyone that is new to the forum and doing a search can also see this post about her. She is a kind woman and despite some not connecting with her, I do believe she is ethical. Thanks for sharing. :)